
  • 网络novartis;Novartis AG;NOVA;nvs
  1. 诺华说印度专利法的该条款违反了世界贸易组织的《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)。

    Novartis said the Indian clause violated the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS ) rules under the World Trade Organization .

  2. 包括基因泰克和诺华制药在内的一些制药公司正在研究可以进入细胞内部并阻断VEGF的小分子抗癌药物。

    But a number of drug companies including Genentech and Novartis AG are looking at small molecule cancer drugs that can get inside cells and block VEGF .

  3. 诺华表示,这样的解释违反了世界贸易组织(wto)协议,而且会阻碍投资,因为很多药品创新都发生在渐进式研发之中。

    The company said such an interpretation violated World Trade Organisation agreements and would be a disincentive for investment , because much pharmaceutical innovation occurs through incremental research .

  4. 这对于堪称诺华金矿公司幕后推动力量的金矿开采业投资大亨、亿万富翁汤姆·卡普兰(TomKaplan)来说,情况不容乐观。

    Not promising for Tom Kaplan , the billionaire gold mining magnate who is the driving force of Novagold .

  5. 诺华肿瘤事业部CEO布鲁诺?斯蒂格尼说,Kymriah的价格是每次治疗47.5万美元。

    The price of Kymriah - which is delivered to a patient just once - is $ 475000 , said Bruno Strigini , CEO of Oncology at Novartis .

  6. 诺华(Novartis)选择通过多样化经营,来降低开发专利药的不确定性。

    Novartis has opted for diversification to reduce the uncertainties in developing of patented drugs .

  7. 阿拉维纳为药企诺华(Novartis)在上海设计的办公楼正在建设之中。

    His office building for the health care company Novartis in Shanghai is under construction .

  8. 曾是哈佛(harvard)学者、如今担任诺华研究所负责人的费思民(markfishman)表示,此举没有成本优势。

    Mark Fishman , the former Harvard academic who is head of research at Novartis , said there was little cost advantage to the move .

  9. 即便是青蒿素,也是直到上世纪90年代被瑞士的诺华(Novartis)商业化以后,才得到了广泛应用。

    Even that was not adopted widely until its commercialisation by Novartis of Switzerland in the 1990s .

  10. 而诺华公司的观点是,在CAPS治疗中的突破可以为由相同机制引发的其他疾病的治疗提供思路。

    But the idea is that cracking the code to treat CAPS will lead the way to treatment of other diseases caused by the same mechanism .

  11. 诺华公司的这两种复方药物列在与“疟疾药品事业会”(MedicinesforMalariaVenture,简称MMV)合作开发的50多种最有希望的疟疾药品中。

    The Novartis compounds are among the most promising of over 50 antimalarial products being developed in partnership with the Medicines for Malaria Venture ( MMV ) .

  12. 针对儿童的止咳和感冒药包括诺华制药公司(NovartisAG)的Triaminic以及辉瑞制药有限公司(PfizerInc.)的Dimetapp和Robitussi。

    The children 's cough and cold products are sold under brand names including Novartis AG 's Triaminic and Pfizer Inc. 's Dimetapp and Robitussin .

  13. 诺华公司上周(11月17日)宣布它的甲型H1N1疫苗的一半剂量就足以提供针对该病毒的免疫力。

    Novartis announced last week ( 17 November ) that half a dose of its A ( H1N1 ) vaccine is enough to provide immunity to the virus .

  14. 瑞士制药集团诺华(Novartis)首席执行官江慕忠(JoeJimenez)称,医疗行业与科技行业必须分享专业知识。

    Joe Jimenez , chief executive of Novartis , the Swiss drugs group , says the health and technology industries must share expertise .

  15. 诺华制药、Juno和Kite正在研制中的所谓CAR-T疗法的最大缺点之一,就是被认为价格太高。

    High costs are viewed as one of the biggest drawbacks of the so-called CAR-T therapies under development by Novartis , Juno and Kite .

  16. 诺华公司CEO江慕忠向《财富》杂志(Fortune)建议的方法是,重新思考所谓的“拳头产品”,或者每年至少能给公司带来10亿美元收入的药物。

    One way , Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez suggested to Fortune , is to re-imagine what is known as a blockbuster , or a drug that earns the company at least $ 1 billion per-year .

  17. 上周二,诺华公司(Novartis)称,正与搜索巨头谷歌(Google)的研究团队合作,准备推出智能隐形眼镜技术。

    Novartis said Tuesday it is teaming up with Google [ x ] GOOG - 1.53 % , the search company 's research arm , to launch smart lens technology .

  18. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(JohnsonJohnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so – including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson Johnson .

  19. 制药公司诺华(Novartis)在2014年进行的一项研究显示,它似乎可以增强老年病人的免疫系统。

    In a 2014 study by the drug company Novartis , the drug appeared to bolster the immune system in older patients .

  20. 晨星公司(Morningstar)二月份的分析师报告显示,诺华公司具备长期良性发展的条件。

    According to a February analyst report from Morningstar , Novartis is well positioned for good long-term growth .

  21. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(Johnson&Johnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so - including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson .

  22. 该疗法类似于瑞士的诺华制药(Novartis)以及美国的Juno和Kite等公司开发的使用修饰T细胞治疗癌症的办法。

    The treatment is similar to cancer therapies in development using modified T-cells from companies including Novartis of Switzerland and Juno and Kite of the US .

  23. 每年九月份,诺华公司(Novartis)都会举办保持健康庆祝活动周活动,将为期一年的全球性员工健身计划推向高潮。

    Every September , Novartis holds a Be Healthy Celebration Week , capping off a year-round , worldwide program for its employees called Be Healthy .

  24. 如果您和诺华生物医药研究所(NovartisInstitutesforBiomedicalResearch)所长马克o费希曼聊聊就会发现,目前流行的大数据和数据革命对诺华的大量研究来说已经起到了举足轻重的作用。

    If you talk to Mark Fishman , who is the president of our Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research , big data and the data revolution that 's happening are instrumental to a lot of our research activities within Novartis .

  25. 诺华制药(Novartis)昨日宣布,计划投资10亿美元扩建在上海的实验室,使中国成为其全球研发能力的第三大支柱。

    Novartis yesterday revealed plans to invest $ 1bn to expand its Shanghai laboratories and make China the third pillar of its global research and development capabilities .

  26. 每年九月份,诺华公司(Novartis)都会举办“保持健康庆祝活动周”活动,将为期一年的全球性员工“健身”计划推向高潮。

    Every September , Novartis holds a " Be Healthy Celebration Week , " capping off a year-round , worldwide program for its employees called Be Healthy .

  27. 诺华公司只是将其做成盐的形式甲磺酸伊马替尼(imatinibmesylate)以发挥药效:使人体吸收药物容易30%。

    Only by making it in salt form , imatinib mesylate , did Novartis have a proper drug : the body absorbed the medicine 30 % more easily .

  28. 诺华热带疾病研究所主席PaulHerrling说这起官司将检验什么药品在印度可以申请专利。

    Paul Herrling , the chair of Novartis 's Institute for Tropical Diseases , says the case is a test of what is patentable in India .

  29. 诺华首席执行官魏思乐(danielvasella)警告称,最近的一个法院判决可能促使他未来将大量投资转移至其它国家。

    Daniel Vasella , chief executive of Novartis , warned that a recent court judgement would likely push him to divert substantial future funding to other countries .

  30. 同样,制药巨擘诺华(Novartis)现在正投入大量精力用于为全球穷人提供健康计划,即便遭遇亏损也在所不惜。

    Similarly , Novartis , the pharmaceutical giant , is now devoting considerable energy to bringing health initiatives to poor people around the world , even at a loss .