
  • 网络Copyright restrictions;DRM Free
  1. 他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。

    He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry .

  2. 嵌入式可配置操作系统eCos(embeddedConfigurableoperatingsystem)是一种开放源代码软件,完全免费、无版权限制的,适合于深度嵌入式应用的实时操作系统。

    ECos ( embedded Configurable operating system ) is an open source , royalty-free and none copyright limited real time operating system , fits for embedded application and development .

  3. 此许可是GNUGPL的一个修正版,它弥补了版权限制不适用于软件使用而仅适用软件分发的漏洞。

    This license is a modified version of the GNU GPL that closes a loophole where the copyleft restrictions do not apply to the software 's usage but only its distribution .

  4. 在对这些建议进行研究之后,文章指出,目前为止,尚未有能够完美解决DRM与版权限制和例外的冲突的方案,将各种方案结合起来使用或许是一种更为明智的方式。

    By studying these proposals , the paper pointed out that , there is no perfect solution to moderate the tension between DRMs and copyright limitations and exceptions , combine different solutions together may be a more sensible way .

  5. 版权限制与反限制对图书馆的反应

    The Impact on Library by Copyright Limitation and the Counter-limitation

  6. 数字图书馆版权限制制度的重构

    Restructuring of Copyright Protection Rules for Digital Library

  7. 因此,有必要对数字图书馆中的版权限制制度予以重构。

    Therefore , it is necessary to restructure the copyright protection rules for digital library .

  8. 试用软件和不受版权限制的软件通常与商用软件一样好,虽然后者的价钱要贵很多。

    Shareware and public domain software is often just as good as commercial software costing much more .

  9. 三步检验法是一国制定其国内版权限制与例外时适用的基本标准或方法。

    Three-step test is a basic standard or method when a country to develop their national copyright limitations and exceptions .

  10. 公开领域并无版权限制,可任人随意提取和使用的资料。

    Public domain material which is free from copright encumbrance and freely available to anyone who wishes to use it .

  11. 由于版权限制的关系,大部份视听资料?可在馆内使用。

    Owing to copyright and licensing issues , we have to confine most of the audio and video materials for use in the library only .

  12. 文本可以是小说或非小说作品、历史记载、公共文档或任何重要的并且不受版权限制的内容。

    The texts can be works of fiction or non-fiction , historical records , civic documents , or anything else noteworthy and free from copyright restrictions .

  13. 因为版权限制,作为国内唯一的航海图书发行部门,必须对整个过程进行控制和监控。

    As for the copyright limitation , being the unique delivery department of navy chart book in our country , it is necessary to control and monitor the entire process .

  14. 在数字化时代,出于对数字图书馆公益性的考虑,传统环境下的版权限制方式:合理使用、法定许可、强制许可仍然适用于数字图书馆背景下的版权限制。

    In the age of digitalization , conventional copyright protection rules , such as rational utilization , legal permission , and compulsory permission are still suitable for digital library copyright protection .

  15. 版权限制的内容有:合理使用、法定许可和强制许可。这三个原则有着密切的相互关系,并且有着共同的价值追求。

    The copyright limitation expresses chiefly in such three aspects as reasonable usage , legal permission and coercing permission . They are the principles of public information , good faith , and coercing .

  16. 二是应当加快网络版权限制制度的建设,使新闻作品在网络间的传播变得易于操作和规范化。

    The second one & we should speed up the construction of the system of net ' copyright limit thus the spread of new works in net will be easy to operate and will be standardized .

  17. 部分是由于版权的限制,e-speak并未能造成很大的市场影响。

    Due in part to its proprietary requirements , e-speak failed to make much of a market impact .

  18. 我忘记了带我的乐谱。受版权规例限制的乐谱

    I forgot to bring my music book . copyright music

  19. 第二部分:网络版权的限制。

    The second is about the network copyright limitation .

  20. 所有经允许的复制件,都要清楚地标上与原先供给被许可人之程序相同的、关于许可人所有权和版权的限制说明。

    All permitted copies shall be clearly marked with the same Licensor proprietary and copyright restrictions which appear on the Program originally supplied to Licensee .

  21. 他们还认为,承认版权的这些限制和例外必不可少,这一点至关重要。

    They also believed that it was important that those limitations and exceptions to copyright be recognized as indispensable standards .

  22. 此外,还应在市场竞争法中规定,严禁滥用版权技术措施限制市场竞争。

    In addition , we should make rules on market competition law to prohibit limiting competition by abuse of Technological measures of copyright .

  23. 摘要对于网络版权的权利限制,学界的论述较多地集中于合理使用情形,而对法定许可的关注较少。

    Academic discussions on the limitations of Internet copyright mainly focus on issues of fair use , with less attention to legal license .

  24. 英国的合理使用例外制度则是提供一个包含特定版权例外和限制的单一规则体系。

    Approach of fair dealing exceptions is to provide a unique mechanism which includes a large number of much more specific exceptions and limitations of copyright .

  25. 通过对合理使用和法定许可使用的分析,认为要保护公众信息资源共享的充分实现,应该对版权作一些限制。

    By analyzing the fair use and statutory license use , the author suggests some restricts to copyright should be madein the law in order to protect the sufficient realization of public information resource sharing .

  26. 相比传统软件由于资金问题或版权方面的限制,开放源代码软件的可修改、可自由复制、可免费应用等特点,给软件行业的开发和使用带来了前所未有的普及。

    Compared with the limitation of traditional software because of funding or copyright problems , the advantages of open source software which can be modified , be free to copy , be applied without charge , have brought about unprecedented popularization for the development and use of software .

  27. 今年的3月19日,联邦最高法院做出判决,宣布美国版权法不限制国外购进的产品在美国再次出售,扩大了“首次销售原则”的适用范围(“首次销售原则”

    On March 19th the Supreme Court ruled that American copyright law does not restrict goods produced abroad from being resold in America . The ruling , widens the reach of the " first sale doctrine , " which gives copyright-holders control of their goods until their first sale ;

  28. 与上述多数矢量格式不同,SVG是完全免费的,没有任何版权或专利权限制,而且其规范完全有文档记录。

    Unlike most of the vector formats mentioned above , SVG is free of any patent or copyright restrictions , and its specification is fully documented .

  29. 版权是有时间限制的,会到期。

    Copyright is time limited and expires .

  30. 过长的版权保护通常会限制,而非促进作品的传播和影响力。

    And overlong copyrights often limit , rather than encourage , a work 's dissemination , impact and influence .