
  • 网络Copyright license;Copyright permission
  1. 涉外版权许可合同法律问题研究

    Research of Legal Questions Related to Copyright License Contract with Foreign Elements

  2. 笔者从实证主义角度出发,通过现有制度介绍、数据统计分析、法条对比评析、版权许可协议文本研究等方法对以上内容进行浅显研究。

    Through the study of existing system , statistical analysis , comparative assessment of provisions and the copyright license agreements , I have proceeded from the positivist point of view to do a simple research regarding the above topics .

  3. P2P技术下网络版权许可模式初探

    Preliminary Study on Licensing Models of Internet Copyright under P2P Technology

  4. 通过将版权许可与提要(feed)或条目相关联,提要(feed)发布者可以控制他们的内容如何被发布、重用、修改、显示,等等。

    By associating copyright licenses with a feed or entry , feed publishers can control how their content is distributed , reused , modified , displayed , and so on .

  5. 斯沃茨参与过诸多项目,包括新闻聚合工具reddit和开放版权许可的“创作共用”(creativecommons),深受喜爱和敬仰。

    Mr Swartz worked on projects from the news aggregator reddit to the Creative Commons open copyright licence , and was widely liked and admired .

  6. 在联合领域,将版权许可与内容相关联已成为一个常见作法,最流行的用例是CreativeCommons许可的关联。

    It has become a common practice in the world of syndication to associate copyright licenses with content ; the most popular use case being the association of Creative Commons licenses .

  7. 我可以很高兴地称,如今的这项工程,因其版权许可合乎BSD许可,它已经是完全开源的了。

    I am pleased to say that the project is now fully open source , with the copyright licensed under the BSD licence .

  8. 与RSS1.0和RSS2.0模块一样,可以在一个提要(feed)或条目上指定多个许可链接关系,表示内容是在多个版权许可下发布的。

    As with the RSS1.0 and RSS2.0 modules , you can specify multiple license link relations on a feed or entry indicating that the content has been published under multiple copyright licenses .

  9. 软件版权许可的非法垄断结构剖析

    Analysis on the Structure of Anti-monopoly in Software Copyright License

  10. 数字信息资源版权许可使用研究

    The Study on Permitting Use of Digital Information Resources

  11. 指南的出版和技术转让与版权许可证专题研讨会的组织工作是这方面重要的一环。

    An important step in that direction had been the publication of guides and organization of workshops on technology transfer and copyright licensing .

  12. 基于第三方监管的数字版权许可证管理系统的设计与实现第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么?

    A License Management in Digital Rights Management with the Supervision of the Third Party ; Monitors for the Middle East - What to Expect ?

  13. 它还意味着这些资源有着开放的版权许可,员工和学生可以自由修改、重复使用和分享。

    it means that the resources carry an open copyright licence , giving staff and students the freedom to modify , reuse and share them .

  14. 再次声明,法律规定、礼仪、良好的关系要求我们这个有秩序的维基新闻网站不进行侵犯版权许可、法律等的写作。

    Again , legal requirements as well as politeness and good relations demand that we police Wikinews and write without infringing licenses , copyrights , laws of secrecy and so on .

  15. 有别于一个完整的复制,“修改”着作指在需要获得版权许可的情况之下,复制或改写该作品的全部或一部分。

    To " modify " a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission , other than the making of an exact copy .

  16. 同时,他还是发起“知识共享”项目的团队一员。“知识共享”通过免费易用的版权许可,简化信息共享;其幕后团队除了有律师和政策专家,还有和施瓦茨一样的程序员(不过谁也不如他年轻)。

    At the same time he was part of a team , composed of programmers like himself ( albeit none quite as youthful ) , lawyers and policy wonks , that launched Creative Commons , a project that simplified information-sharing through free , easy-to-use copyright licences .

  17. 其中,重点分析了双方版权许可协议中的反盗版要求及删除和监控服务条款,对双方权利义务的配置及协议框架的拟定进行了技术性分析和建议。

    In particular , it focuses on the terms of anti-piracy requirements and take down and monitoring service in the license agreements and makes technical analysis and recommendations on the configuration of the rights and obligations of both sides and protocol framework for the license agreements .

  18. 第一部分简要介绍了版权许可合同的基本理论,同时论述了涉外版权许可合同的法律特征、种类、当事人的权利义务及我国涉港、澳、台版权许可合同。

    The first part briefly introduce the basic theory of copyright license contract , the legal characters , types , parties ' rights and obligations of copyright license with foreign elements in this country and the copyright license related to Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

  19. 在Information项上,您可以更改特性(例如特性描述,版权,许可协议和访问的更多网站)的总体信息。

    On the Information tab , you can change the overall information of the feature ( such as the feature description , the copyright , the license agreement and additional websites to visit ) .

  20. 使用自由和开源软件(FOSS)会牵涉到那些法律责任问题?这里是关于版权、许可选择、商标注册和专利的指导。

    What are the liability issues involved with using free and open source software ( FOSS )? Here 's a guide to copyrights , choosing a license , trademark registration , and patents .

  21. 基于角色的可信数字版权安全许可授权模型

    Role-based secure authorization model for trusted digital rights management

  22. 所以,请尊重我们的版权和许可和不要散布我们的任何档案。

    So please respect our copyright and license and do not distribute any of our files .

  23. 如果你有疑问并且想修改页眉艺术的话,检查网页版权和许可并且咨询。

    Check the website copyrights and licenses and ask if you are in doubt and wish to modify the artwork .

  24. 每个独立的作品保留它自己的版权和许可,而合成作品本身一般是在打包者选择的单独许可下作为整体发布的。

    Each independent work retains its own copyright and license , and the collective work itself is typically distributed as a whole under a separate license chosen by the packager .

  25. 发行商可能还有某个游戏版权或许可,并且他们可能会希望根据这个做出游戏,所以他们可能销售给各种他们认识的或合作过的开发商。

    Publishers also might own a certain title or license and might want to make a game out of it , so they might shop it around to various developers who they know or have worked with in the past .

  26. IBM授予您(被许可方)使用这个工具的非专有的、版权免费的许可证。

    IBM grants you (" Licensee ") a non-exclusive , royalty free , license to use this tool .

  27. itc还表示,美国从向中国出口的产品征收到的版权税和许可费显示,侵犯知识产权的现象和市场准入问题非常普遍。

    The ITC also said US receipts of royalties and licence fees from exports to China suggested widespread infringement of intellectual property rights and market access problems .

  28. 开放教育资源的版权与访问许可研究

    Research on Copyright and License of Open Educational Resources

  29. 出版版权作品的许可。

    Permission to publish copyright material .

  30. 图书出版者经版权拥有者许可,可以对作品修改或删节。

    Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner .