
  • 网络page charge;publication fee
  1. 该杂志已经没有版面费。

    This journal has no page charges .

  2. 科技期刊界应努力改善版面费的形象

    The image of page charge for sci-tech periodicals should be improved

  3. 有感于版面费社会保障会计研究

    SOME IDEAS ON " FEE FOR PUBLICATION " Research on Social Security Accounting

  4. 合理收取版面费,决不意味着学术期刊是以盈利为目的的,恰恰相反,这样做纯粹是为了抵补办刊成本。

    And it can complement the costs of journals .

  5. 科技学术期刊收取论文版面费合理合法

    To charge publication fee for the periodicals of science and technology is legal and practical

  6. 据说很好中。不过版面费很贵!

    It is just ok for me !

  7. 无论出于何种名目,学术刊物都不应向作者收取“版面费”。

    Its not right for an academy periodical receiving " fee for publication " no matter what peg it holds .

  8. 学术期刊版面费近来成为争议焦点,甚至成为学术问题的众矢之的。

    The payment for publication in the academic journals has recently become the focus of dispute or even the target of academic criticism .

  9. 针对部分人士对学术期刊收取论文版面费的非议,对我国医药卫生期刊版面费收取情况进行调查。

    As response to the criticism on whether academic periodicals should be charged publication fees of papers , we investigate publication fees for medical periodicals .

  10. 学术期刊向作者收取版面费不仅是一种违反我国著作权法的行为,也是一种违反我国出版管理法关于禁止出卖、出租版面之规定的行为。

    Tile requirement for publishing fee by academic journals is not only breaking the law on works , but also breaking the China 'S regulation on prohibiting sale or rent of printed pages .

  11. 封面、封底或其他指定版位之广告,如遇当日新闻需要,本报有权调至其他版面刊登,广告费则按所刊之版位订价收费。

    The Newspaper has the right to shift all advertisements on the front page , back page or in any other specified positions to any other pages in case there is a need arising from the news .