
  • 网络Retention money;Reserve Fund
  1. 如果对某分项工程颁发了接收证书,当该分项工程通过了所有试验时,应付给保留金前一半的相关百分比部分。

    If a Taking-Over Certificate is issued for a Section , the relevant percentage of the first half of the Retention Money shall be paid when the Section passes all tests .

  2. 在各缺陷通知期限的最末一个期满日期后,应立即将保留金未付的余额付给承包商。

    Promptly after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defects Notification Periods , the outstanding balance of the Retention Money shall be paid to the Contractor .

  3. 从技术上来说,我们仍然保留着金本位制:个人仍然可以自由地拥有黄金,黄金仍然被银行用来作为储备。

    Technically , we remained on the gold standard ; individuals were still free to own gold , and gold continued to be used as bank reserves .

  4. 商业银行在经营活动中保留的砚金称为存款准备金它由库存现金和在中央银行的存款两部分组成

    Commercial banks operations to keep the ink stone deposits in reserve money as its cash and by the Central Bank deposits in two parts

  5. 然而,若交还首饰时发现有任何损坏,我们将保留不退回按金的权利。

    However , where damages are found upon return of accessories , we reserve the right to forfeit the deposit .