
  • 网络protective tariff;protection tariff
  1. 李斯特保护关税思想刍议

    On List 's Thought about the Protective Tariff

  2. 国家政策主要包括三部分内容:保护关税、修筑铁路和鼓励移民。

    The National Policy included mainly three parts : protective tariff , building railway and encouraging immigrants .

  3. 保护关税!为了工人阶级的利益;

    Protective duties : for the benefit of the working class .

  4. 论适度保护关税税率绑定技术在以太网中的应用

    On Appropriate Tariff Rates Discussion about Bindings Used in the Ethernet

  5. 幼稚产业保护关税研究

    Study on the Tariff of Infant Industries Protection

  6. 的确,保护关税在初行时会使工业品价格提高;

    It is true that protective duties at first increase the price of manufactured goods ;

  7. 实行保护关税政策;

    To effect tariff - protecting policy ;

  8. 幼稚产业保护关税对幼稚产业快速发展竞争力是至关重要的。

    The tariff of infant industry protection is important to quick development of its competition capacity .

  9. 论适度保护关税税率

    On Appropriate Tariff Rates

  10. 保护关税制度在现今是保守的,而自由贸易制度却起着破坏作用。

    Protective tariff system is conservative in nowadays , and the free trade system has played a destructive role .

  11. 一位美国经济学家说,保护关税和关税战所造成的损害不亚于武装和平或真正的战争。

    An American economist said that protective duties and tariff wars are no less costly than armed peace or real warfare .

  12. 对保护关税的法律上的争执导致了南部与北部的矛盾。

    The disagreement over the law of protective tariff thus drove a wedge between the southern states on one sideand the northernstateson the other .

  13. 并以中国轿车工业的实际数据进行实证分析,考虑在贸易自由化的背景下,轿车产品的最优总体平均进口保护关税税率。

    Further more , we use the statistic data of China 's automobile industry to adapt to the model and find the optimal average import tariff for imported automobile .

  14. 李斯特从国家经济理论出发,重视保护关税对于建立和发展民族经济的作用,认为国家应该充分利用这一干预手段。

    From the point of view of national economy development , Friedrich List viewed the protective tariff as a great of help to set up and expand the native economy , but not the most .

  15. 随着工业革命的高歌猛进,19世纪四五十年代,英国工业资产阶级要求废除代表土地贵族利益的保护关税政策,实行代表本阶级利益的自由贸易政策,并如愿以偿。

    As the Industrial Revolution advanced triumphantly from 1840s to 1850s , British industrial bourgeois demanded to abrogate the policy of protective tariff which represented the interest of agrarian nobles , and carry out the free trade policy which represented their interest .

  16. 国际上的关税理论主要分自由贸易政策理论和保护关税政策理论,两大流派有着各自的支持者,在不同时期为不同国家所实践。

    The international tariff theories are mainly divided into the theory of free trade policy and the theory of protective tariff policy , both of which have their own supporters and are put into practice by different countries in the different period .

  17. 保护性关税使英国工业免受国际竞争影响。

    British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs .

  18. 在某些地方,用来帮助农民的道路和磨坊遭到破坏。贸易保护进口关税和农业支持均被削减。

    Private investment in agriculture Protectionist import taxes and farm supports were cut .

  19. 贸易保护通过关税和进口货物配额帮助(国内工业)

    To help ( domestic industry ) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods .

  20. 1861年通过了保护性关税的规定。

    In1861a protective tariff was adopted .

  21. 首先,在任何经济滑坡时期,担忧会轻易造成保护主义关税和配额政策的增多。

    First , in any economic slump fear can easily give rise to protectionist policies on Tariffs and quotas .

  22. 文中对我国的农产品保护和关税调整提出了建议。

    Some proposals are also put forward for protecting the agricultural products of our country and adjusting the tariff policies .

  23. 这等于中国同时补贴其出口产品,并对进口产品课徵保护性关税。

    That is , it 's as if China were simultaneously subsidizing its exports and placing a protective tariff on its imports .

  24. 保护性关税基本上是为了将那些价格低于国内同类产品的外来商品拒于国门之外。

    The basic reason for a protective tariff is to keep out goods that will undersell products made in the home country .

  25. 建国初期的政治家亚历山大,汉密尔顿就曾主张利用保护性关税来鼓励美国工业的发展。

    At the beginning of the republic , statesman Alexander Hamilton advocated a protective tariff as a way to encourage American industrial development .

  26. 我国必须坚持反对电子商务的零关税政策,适度的保护性关税政策是带动和促进我国经济发展的必然选择。

    We must protest zero - tariff policy of e-business and adhere to modest protective tariff policy the alternative for propelling our economic development .

  27. 实际上,不管美元汇率或保护主义关税水平如何,流向中国的就业都不会再回来。

    In reality , the jobs that have gone to China are not coming back , no matter what the dollar exchange rate or level of protectionist tariffs .

  28. 谈及此次反倾销调查,沙特基础工业公司在声明中表示:(中国)没有对沙特甲醇征收保护性关税,我们仍在进行商谈,以推翻有关倾销的指控。

    Citing the investigation , Sabic said in its statement that no protective fees have been imposed [ by China ] on Saudi methanol and discussions are under ay to refute allegations of dumping ' ' .

  29. 美国缺乏主要贸易顺差国家拥有的产业、汇率干涉及利率调控政策,因此会被迫运用其它形式的贸易保护措施关税和进口配额。

    The US lacks the industrial , currency intervention and interest-rate management policies available to the main trade-surplus countries , and so will be forced to use other forms of trade protection tariffs and import quotas .

  30. TPP有望包含政府采购和知识产权保护等非关税事宜。

    The TPP is supposed to incorporate non-tariff issues , such as government procurement and intellectual property protection .