
báo xiǎn gōng sī; bǎo xiǎn gōng sī
  • insurance company;insurer;Insurance
保险公司 [bǎo xiǎn gōng sī]
  • [insurance company] 承担保险业务的机关。公司定期向投保者收取一定的费用,投保者若在保险范围内受到意外损失,由保险公司负责赔偿

  1. 保险公司拒付她提出的索赔款项。

    The insurance company is refusing to settle her claim .

  2. 她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。

    She gave false information to the insurance company .

  3. 保险公司可以拒绝为没有窗锁的房产提供保险。

    The company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks .

  4. 首先是报警,然后与你的保险公司联系。

    In the first instance , notify the police and then contact your insurance company .

  5. 保险公司赔付了遭窃的珠宝和银器。

    The insurance company paid out for the stolen jewellery and silver

  6. 他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。

    They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim .

  7. 他们在此问题上混淆视听,这事只有保险公司才做得出来。

    They are obfuscating the issue , as only insurance companies can

  8. 她有望从保险公司拿到赔偿。

    She has a reasonable prospect of recovery from the insurer .

  9. 该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。

    The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety

  10. 他们夸大客户伤势的严重性和治疗情形以欺骗保险公司。

    They inflated clients ' medical treatment to defraud insurance companies

  11. 保险公司正试图通过提高保费来弥补损失。

    Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums .

  12. 希拉在一家保险公司找到一份当秘书的工作。

    Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company .

  13. 个别极端的情况下,保险公司可以欺诈罪提出起诉。

    In extreme cases , insurance companies can prosecute for fraud

  14. 保险公司可以随时提高保费。

    The premium can increase at the whim of the insurers

  15. 一定要从财务状况良好的保险公司购买保险。

    Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound

  16. 一些人试图从保险公司敲一笔钱。

    A few people tried to milk the insurance companies

  17. 航空公司所投的保险公司有责任向受害者家属赔付损害赔偿金。

    The airline 's insurer is liable for damages to the victims ' families

  18. 他是管理劳埃德保险公司的执行委员会成员。

    He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds

  19. 这项基金将在保险公司不能偿付的情况下对投保人进行赔付。

    The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure .

  20. 汇丰银行通过提高报价击败了劳埃德保险公司。

    The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer .

  21. 市场对许多保险公司依然没有吸引力。

    The market is still unattractive to many insurers

  22. 类似劳埃德保险公司的那些丑闻令伦敦名声扫地。

    The City 's reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd 's

  23. 保险公司将不得不支付审判的额外费用。

    The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial .

  24. 这场活动将以美国各保险公司为目标。

    The campaign will target American insurance companies

  25. 一些保险公司已经意识到其客户所得到的保险金非常少。

    Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance

  26. 除非经保险公司同意,否则不要进行任何大修。

    Don 't do any major repair work until you get the go-ahead from your insurers .

  27. 保险公司不应该为其中一名保险代理所犯的错误负责。

    The insurance company should not be held liable for the wrongs of one of its agents .

  28. 世界上最负盛名的保险公司昨晚作出回应,要和那些指责其腐败泛滥的议员们较量一番。

    The world 's most prestigious insurance company was last night squaring up to take on MPs who have accused it of being riddled with corruption .

  29. 保险公司将退还你应得的所有款项。

    The insurance company will refund any amount due to you .

  30. 保险公司努力说服结了婚的年轻男子为自己生病或死亡投保。

    Insurance companies try to persuade young married men to cover themselves against illness or death .