
  • 网络ING;ING GROUP;ING Groep NV;ING Groep
  1. [原声播放]巴林最后以1英镑的慷慨的价格卖给了荷兰国际集团,Lisa在维珍大西洋航空公司做了一名空姐,过上了新生活。

    Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING for the princely sum of 1 pound . Lisa 's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic .

  2. 跨国银行荷兰国际集团(ING)的卡斯滕·布莱斯基对《路透社》说道。

    Carsten Brzeski , from the international banking company ING , told Reuters .

  3. 荷兰国际集团旗下的INGDirect网上银行就是个很好的例子。

    ING Direct is a great example .

  4. 其他贷款人包括巴克莱银行(Barclays)、澳新银行(ANZBank)、瑞信(CreditSuisse)、荷兰国际集团(ING),以及总部位于香港的永隆银行(WingLungBank)和恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    Others include Barclays , ANZ , Credit Suisse , ING and Hong Kong-based lenders Wing Lung and Hang Seng Bank .

  5. 荷兰国际集团(ing)和安联(allianz)等外国公司也让员工参加这项课程。

    International companies including ing and Allianz have also sent their staff on the courses .

  6. 今年10月份,汇丰曾接近收购荷兰国际集团(ing)的亚洲私人银行业务。

    In October , HSBC came close to acquiring the Asian private banking assets sold by ing , the Dutch group .

  7. 荷兰国际集团ING首席执行官无奈辞职,该银行季度亏损额巨大,并将进一步寻求政府援助。

    ING 's chief executive resigned when the Dutch bank said it expected a big quarterly loss and would seek further government assistance .

  8. 邓永锵特别希望能吸引像荷兰国际集团(ING)、英国切尔西足球俱乐部(EnglishChelseaFootballClub)这样的机构和企业澄清者;ING和切尔西足球俱乐部都已在iCorrect网站发布更正信息。

    Tang is particularly keen to get more institutional and corporate correctors like ing and the English Chelsea Football Club , who have both posted corrections to the site .

  9. 荷兰国际集团投资管理公司(inginvestmentmanagement)美国优先贷款部门董事总经理丹诺曼(dannorman)表示,“今年夏天,市场对高收益贷款资产的技术型需求很旺盛”。

    " There has been a lot of technical demand for high-yielding loan assets this summer , " said Dan Norman , managing director of the ing investment management senior loan group in the US .

  10. 齐兹戴恩认为,法国保险集团安盛(axa)、荷兰国际集团(ing)及荷兰全球人寿(aegon)也可能引起中国保险公司的兴趣。

    Mr cizdyn believes AXA , the French insurer , ing and AEGON , could also prove interesting to Chinese insurers .

  11. 凭借这一点加上AA的长期债券评级,以及对波动性较高的交易业务的依赖程度低于其他银行,荷兰国际集团在这场金融风暴中的表现要好于其他银行。

    That and an AA long-term-debt rating , as well as less reliance on volatile trading businesses than other banks , had enabled ING to withstand the financial storm better than other banks .

  12. “近期数据好转的趋势开始显现崩溃迹象,”荷兰国际集团(ing)国际经济学家罗布卡内尔(robcarnell)表示。

    " The recent upturn in data is beginning to show signs of crumbling , " said Rob Carnell , economist at ing .

  13. 提供飞机融资服务的银行从2006年的30家跌至12家,荷兰国际集团(ing)是最近一家撤出此项业务的银行。

    The number of banks providing aircraft financing has fallen to 12 , from about 30 in 2006 , with ing of the Netherlands becoming the latest institution to withdraw from the business .

  14. 当正式违约出现时,这只会证实,一场非自愿的资源转移已经发生,正如荷兰国际集团(ING)集团首席经济学家马克克利夫(MarkCliffe)所指出的那样。

    When formal default occurs this will simply confirm that an involuntary resource transfer has taken place , as Mark Cliffe , group chief economist at ING , points out .

  15. 荷兰国际集团(ing)驻新加坡首席亚洲经济学家蒂姆康顿(timcondon)表示,亚洲政策制定者意识到,人民币重新估值的影响很可能是有限且短暂的。

    Tim Condon , chief Asia economist at ing in Singapore , said that Asian policymakers were aware that the effects of a revaluation of the renminbi might well be limited and shortterm .

  16. “我们对未来几个月零售销售前景仍持谨慎态度,因为劳动力市场的疲软正持续打压人气,”荷兰国际集团(ing)的詹姆斯奈特利(jamesknightley)表示。

    " We remain cautious on the prospect for retail sales over the next few months as the ongoing weakness in the labour market continues to weigh on sentiment , " said James Knightley , at ing .

  17. 荷兰国际集团首席财务长海莱(johnhele)接受采访时说,全球银行和保险公司所需的资金数目的预期迅速增加。

    ' the expectations of the amount of capital banks and insurance companies around the world need are rising rapidly , ' said the chief financial officer of ing , John hele , in an interview .

  18. “对于实际消费者支出增幅将在2011年前恢复正值,我们表示怀疑,因为英国整体经济今、明两年都将出现负增长,”荷兰国际集团(ing)的詹姆斯奈特利(jamesknightley)表示。

    " We doubt that real consumer spending growth will return to positive territory until 2011 with the UK economy as a whole recording negative growth for both this year and next , " said James Knightley at ing .

  19. 荷兰国际集团董事长兼代理首席执行长霍曼(JanHommen)拒绝透露公司会退出哪些活动和市场,只是说公司会在未来数月作出决定。

    ING Chairman and interim CEO Jan Hommen declined to say which activities and markets the company would exit , saying ING would decide this in the coming months .

  20. 尽管欧盟委员会和荷兰国际集团都拒绝透露,布鲁塞尔方面在多大程度上策划了此次彻底重组,但分析师们确信,该公司曾面临欧盟竞争专员尼莉克罗斯(neeliekroes)的一长串要求。

    Although both the Commission and ing declined to be drawn on the extent to which Brussels dictated the radical restructuring plans , there was little doubt among analysts that the company had faced a long list of demands from Neelie Kroes , the EU competition commissioner .

  21. 荷兰国际集团将部分原因归咎于雷曼兄弟破产的影响。

    ING partly blamed the effects of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy-court filing .

  22. 政府将在荷兰国际集团的监事会中获得两个席位。

    The government will take two seats on ING 's supervisory board .

  23. 荷兰国际集团还称,2008年剩余时间不会支付股息。

    ING also said it wouldn 't pay a dividend for the rest of2008 .

  24. 至少有7家潜在竞购方表示有意收购荷兰国际集团的资产。

    At least seven potential bidders showed an interest in acquiring the ing assets .

  25. 华侨银行同意保留荷兰国际集团亚洲私人银行部门的管理层以及为他们提供支持的员工。

    It has agreed to retain the ING unit 's management and their support staff .

  26. 不过,荷兰国际集团的情况看来要好于欧洲其它金融机构。

    Still , ING appears to have made out better than some other financial firms in Europe .

  27. 荷兰国际集团表示,本赛季预算将至少削减40%。

    Ing said its budget for the season would be cut by at least 40 per cent .

  28. 这部分证券没有到期日,意味着荷兰国际集团可根据自己的时间安排付款买回。

    The securities have no maturity date , meaning ING can pay the money back on its own schedule .

  29. 周日的协议赋予了荷兰国际集团以发行价1.5倍的价格回购优先股的权利。

    Sunday 's agreement gives ING the right to buy back the preferred shares at150 % of the issue price .

  30. 荷兰国际集团的分析师相信,(人民币汇率)将会在三个月之内变更&虽然他们承认(持这种观点的)不是多数。

    Analysts at ING believe such a move will come within three months-although they acknowledge they are not in the majority .