
  • 网络leiden university;Universiteit Leiden;University of Leiden
  1. 荷兰莱顿大学(LeidenUniversity)研究人类起源的专家维尔·罗伯罗伊克兹(WilRoebroeks)在与论文同时发表的评论中写道,现在评估这项发现的深层含义还为时过早。

    But it is too soon to assess the discovery 's deeper implications , Wil Roebroeks , a specialist in human origins studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands , wrote in a commentary accompanying the report .

  2. 荷兰莱顿大学精心维系中世纪传统,构建神圣学术殿堂;

    Leiden University of Holland : keep the academic traditional buildings and atmosphere of middle ages ;

  3. 荷兰莱顿大学医学教育的近代转型及其启示莱顿大学的世纪中兴与现代转型&以物理学教育为例

    The Modern Transformation of Medical Education at Leiden University in Netherlands : Lessons Learned Leiden University 's Century Reviving and Modern Transformation : Taking Physics Education as an Example

  4. 来自芬兰国家学院卫生和福利局、赫尔辛基大学和荷兰莱顿大学的研究人员都参与了这项研究。

    Researchers from Finland 's National Institute for Health and Welfare , the University of Helsinki and Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands were also involved in the study .

  5. 这种神经网络是由英国爱丁堡大学、剑桥大学、葡萄牙阿威罗大学和荷兰莱顿大学的研究人员制作的。

    Enter the neural network produced by researchers from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge in the UK , the University of Aveiro in Portugal , and Leiden University in the Netherlands .

  6. 吉多·冯·丹·希莱特说。他是荷兰莱顿大学动物生理学家,正在测量这条被捉鱼的速度。

    " Eels aren 't very fast , but they can swim forever ," says Guido van den Thillart , an animal physiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is measuring the speed of this captive fish .

  7. 荷兰莱顿大学的心理学家在发表于《心理学前沿》期刊里的文章中写道:“这是我们第一次研究如鱼、鸡蛋、豆和牛奶等食物中含有的化合物是否会对慷慨捐赠行为产生促进作用。”

    Psychologists from Leiden University in the Netherlands , writing in the Frontiers in Psychology journal , said : 'For the first time , we investigated whether the administration of a compound contained in food such as fish , eggs , soy , and milk can promote charitable donating .

  8. 荷兰莱顿大学的心理学家在发表于《心理学前沿》期刊里的文章中写道:这是我们第一次研究如鱼、鸡蛋、豆和牛奶等食物中含有的化合物是否会对慷慨捐赠行为产生促进作用。

    Psychologists from Leiden University in the Netherlands , writing in the Frontiers in Psychology journal , said : ' For the first time , we investigated whether the administration of a compound contained in food such as fish , eggs , soy , and milk can promote charitable donating .