
  • 网络Kleenex
  1. 金斯顿将其称为舒洁(kleenex)式的移民。

    Mr Kingston calls it the Kleenex approach to immigrants .

  2. 此外,该报告还指出,雨果博斯、雪佛兰和舒洁则跌出了该榜单。

    Hugo Boss , Chevrolet and Kleenex dropped off the list , the report said .

  3. 舒洁的诗歌充满神性的气韵,从蒙古高原开始,他对诗歌荣誉的珍重就如同面对生命。

    Shujie 's poems pregnant with divine artistic conception , outset from Mongolian Plateau , he cherishes honor of poetry as if fronting life .

  4. 舒洁于1970年代开始诗歌写作,最初像众多诗人一样,首先着力于向主流诗歌的靠拢。

    Shujie has started to write poetry since1970s , at the outset , like numerous poets , firstly strived to drawn close to the mainstream poetry .

  5. 然而,与其他的少数民族诗人、乃至许多蒙古族诗人不同的是,舒洁的家族谱系和血脉,源自遥远的蒙古黄金家族。

    However , the difference between other poets of minority nationality and even many Mongolia poets is the pedigree and veins of Shujie 's family that originating from faraway Mongolia Golden Clan .