
  • 网络crest
  1. 这家吉列(Gillette)剃须刀和佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的制造商,公布了一项剥离100个品牌的新方案。

    The maker of Gillette razors and Crest toothpaste has unveiled a plan to shed up to 100 brands .

  2. 上海市工商行政管理局表示,宝洁夸大了有关佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的一些宣传,经过数字处理改变了广告中的图像,让牙齿变得更白。

    The Shanghai watchdog said the brand overstated some claims about its Crest toothpaste and digitally altered images used in advertising to make teeth look whiter .

  3. 受影响的牙膏品牌包括佳洁士和高露洁。

    Toothpaste brands affected include Crest and Colgate .

  4. 即使果真如此,消费者会舍弃佳洁士而选购你的品牌么?

    And even if you can , will the consumer pick your own brand over Crest ?

  5. 20世纪50年代,斯梅尔帮助公司推出了佳洁士牙膏,而且他在公司的职位稳步上升。

    Smale helped develop Crest toothpaste in the 1950 's and steadily progressed through the corporate ranks at P & G.

  6. 佳洁士在其官方微博上称,这则广告自去年年中起已停播。

    Crest said on its official microblog that the advert had not been aired since the middle of last year .

  7. 结论:含有多聚磷酸钠的佳洁士皓爽白牙膏在提高釉质表面润湿性方面优于一般防蛀牙膏,能明显提高刷牙者牙齿滑爽的程度。

    CONCLUTION : Toothpastes containing polyphosphate can increase wetting of enamel surface , which can improve consumer 's tooth-brushing experience .

  8. 像汰渍、佳洁士、帮宝适、查明和象牙这些产品已经不仅仅是一个商标,它们更是消费者购物时的向导。

    Products like Tide , Crest , Pampers , Charmin and Ivory are more than brands ; they are consumer icons .

  9. 记者:宝洁公司很擅长在扩大生产线的同时,保持商标与时倶进,佳洁士就是一个很好的例子。

    Reporter : P & G has been masterful at keeping brands contemporary while extending the line . An example is Crest .

  10. 雷富礼:佳洁士是一个很有趣的例子,因为在1955年,它是作为一种治疗性的牙膏而进入市场的。

    Lafley : Crest is an interesting example because it was introduced in 1955 as a therapeutic dentifrice . It took off when we offered ;

  11. 宝洁公司拥有最大最强最值得信赖的品牌,包括帮宝适、汰渍、潘婷、品客、佳洁士和玉兰油等等。

    The P & G has one of the largest and strongest trusted brands , including Pampers , Tide , Pantene , Pringles , Crest and Olay , and so on .

  12. 这些品牌包括象汰渍,碧浪,佳洁士,飘柔,海飞丝,潘婷,沙宣,舒肤佳,护舒宝,品客,帮宝适和玉兰油等。

    These brands include Tide , Ariel , Crest , Rejoice , Head & Shoulders , Pantene Pro-V , Vidal Sassoon , Safeguard , Whisper , Pringles , Pampers and Oil of Olay .

  13. 他想有一天,我会走进这家商店,大声叫嚷着“哪里有佳洁士牙膏”?一盏明灯将出现在我头顶。

    Someday , he thought , I will walk into this store . I will ask out loud , " Where 's the Crest toothpaste ? " A bright light will appear above my head .

  14. 我们最近的调杳研究引导我们将佳洁士重新定义为“家庭□腔护理”,而这将我们带进了一个新的领域,即要注重香味、外观以及美白。

    Our more recent effort to improve the consumer experience led us to redefine Crest as " home oral care " and that opened us up to new kinds of dentifrice-flavors , forms and whitening .

  15. 我们以前一直在卖手动牙刷,后来觉得引进电动牙刷会是一件了不起的事情,因而我们发明了佳洁士电动牙刷,定价为3-7美元。

    We had been selling manual toothbrushes and thought it would be great to offer an electric toothbrush , like experience . We got into the SpinBrush for a $ 3 - $ 7 price point .

  16. 贝茨经历的冒险对那些仍然记得‘奢侈’很少同‘时尚’挂钩,‘品牌’是指佳洁士、可口可乐,而不是服装牌子的时代的人来说,已经是天堂了。

    Her exploits are heaven for anyone who remembers the days when  ' luxury ' was rarely used in tandem with ' fashion ,' and the word ' brand ' referred to Crest and Coca-Cola , not clothing labels .

  17. 我们想把所有这些产品都归于佳洁士这个品牌之下,所以我们不断地努力调整它们的外形,因为外形不同,它们都被摆在货架上不同的位置。

    Obviously we want it all to look like one Crest brand on the shelf and in the home . We work hard on the architecture because these products all have different shapes and are shelved in different places in the store .