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  • Canon;EOS;Canon Inc.
  1. 理查德拒绝用他的旧佳能相机以旧换新。

    Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras .

  2. 美国佳能推出一款新型VB-C60PTZ网络摄像机,它是一款适用于基于IP支持的远程视频监控的通用型产品。

    Canon U.S.A.has introduced the new VB-C60 PTZ Network Camera , a versatile compact solution for remote video monitoring over IP .

  3. 耶鲁公开课所以在罗马书第12章14节里,保罗说“祝福那些逼迫你的人趣味单词Canon佳能['kænən]n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士

    So in Romans 12:14 , Paul says , " Bless those who persecute you .

  4. 我用遥控拍摄佳能EOS实用。

    I used the Canon EOS Utility for remote shooting .

  5. 方法:用佳能可移动DR板和国产乳腺钼靶X线机进行试验拍片对比。

    Methods : Compare the experimental radiography taken by the Canon mobile DR detector with the domestic mammary molybdenum target X-ray machine .

  6. 消费者电子集团佳能(canon)暂停三家工厂的运营至周三。

    Canon , the consumer electronics group , has halted operations at three factories until Wednesday .

  7. 根据PhotographyBay网站最近披露的一份佳能专利文件显示,佳能旗下的数码单反相机很可能会是首批采用触屏控制系统的相机产品。

    Future Canon DSLRs could be some of the first to switch to touchscreens for much of their input , a newly unearthed patent filing shows .

  8. 佳能现在可以加紧推出利用这种表面传导电子反射体显示技术(SED)的电视了。

    Canon can now press ahead with televisions based on surface-conduction electron-emitter displays , or SED .

  9. 在你的前五大持股中,包括丰田(Toyota)和佳能(Canon)在内的四只股票都是日本公司。

    Four of your top five holdings , including Toyota ( TM ) and canon ( CAJ ) , are in Japan .

  10. 佳能BJ喷墨打印机

    Jet patterning machine ink jet printer Cano

  11. 日本电子产品巨头佳能公司说,它计划申请以“点canon”作结尾的域名。

    Japanese electronics giant , Canon , has already said it plans to apply for rights to use domain names ending with dot-canon .

  12. 如果平衡来说,对于观看正常放大的jpeg图片来说,佳能和尼康的算法更受欢迎

    On balance , for viewing at normal magnifications ( when color noise is still visible ), the Canon and Nikon approach is preferable for JPEGs

  13. 他表示,稳定的环境建立后,研究人员可以提前数年进行计划,这也是佳能在美国取得大量专利的源泉。去年,佳能在美国取得的专利数量仅次于国际商用机器公司(IBM)。

    He says the stable environment created , where researchers can plan years ahead , is responsible for Canon 's high number of US patents , second only to International Business Machines last year .

  14. 佳能在2006年就展示了sed的样品,但是至今还不能证明,该公司能以有竞争力的价格大规模生产这种电视。

    Canon showed sed prototypes in 2006 , but has yet to prove that it can mass produce televisions at a competitive price .

  15. 索尼将从明年1月开始提高一些产品的价格,佳能欧洲分公司(canoneurope)将提高消费产品部门(摄像机和打印机)和办公设备领域一些产品的价格。

    Sony will raise the price of selected products from January , and Canon Europe will raise some prices in both its consumer division which sells cameras and printers and its office equipment business .

  16. 这家一向韬光养晦的小公司终于破壁而出,于本周早些时候公布了其总体发展规划,正式向相机业巨掣佳能公司(Canon)和尼康公司(Nikon)发起了挑战。

    The tiny company came out of stealth mode earlier this week , unveiling its master plan to take on heavyweights like Canon and Nikon .

  17. 此前,纳斯达克上市的AppliedNanotech公司起诉佳能非法再授权其专利技术。该公司告诉《金融时报》,已决定不向美国最高法院上诉。

    Nasdaq-listed Applied Nanotech , which had sued the Japanese company for illegally sub - licensing its patents , told the Financial Times that it had decided not to appeal to the US Supreme Court .

  18. 20年后,尽管他已回到家乡,并担任了日本一流科技公司佳能(Canon)的总裁兼首席执行官,但说起日本的过去时,御手洗先生仍然怒气冲冲。

    Twenty years later , the president and chief executive of Canon , one of Japan 's premier technology companies , is still fuming about what went on while his back was turned .

  19. 日本家用电器集团佳能(Canon)在赢得了一场专利官司后,将得以推出一种新型电视。这场官司将该电视的上市进程推迟了3年多。

    Canon , the Japanese consumer electronics group , is clear to launch a new type of television after winning a patent lawsuit that has delayed its progress for more than three years .

  20. 在拍摄《6号屋的女人》时,克里利使用了佳能的EF24-70mmf/2.8LII超声波马达(USM)镜头(在shop.usa.canon.com上的售价为2299美元(约合人民币14090元))。

    To shoot ' The Lady In Number 6 , ' Mr. Crilly used a Canon EF 24-70mm f / 2.8L II USM lens ( $ 2299 , shop . usa.canon . com ) . '

  21. 每当我拿出我的5D,最后总会以报废收场,就是因为你能放佳能的地方正是你不敢放Alexa的地方。

    Every time I pulled out my5D , it ended up being used , just because you can put that camera where you wouldn 't dare put an Alexa .

  22. 佳能NP-3050复印机五例故障维修方法

    Canon NP-3050 Copier Maintenance in Five Cases of Failure

  23. 这一款EOS是为高要求的用户设计的相机。佳能以此证明了APS-C小感应器并不是获得高图像质量的一个障碍。

    With this EOS , designed for demanding users , Canon shows that using a small sensor APS-C is not an obstacle in achieving high image quality .

  24. 如今,外汇干预将引发受衰退打击的贸易伙伴国的强烈抗议,因此尽管佳能(canon)董事长和本田(honda)前总裁公开要求进行干预,但日本财务省一直置身于市场之外。

    Intervention now would draw howls of protest from recession-hit trading partners , and the finance ministry has stayed out of the market in spite of open pleas from the chairman of Canon and the former president of Honda .

  25. 价格相对便宜的佳能(Canon)EOSRebelT5EF-S单反相机搭配了佳能EF50mmf/1.8II镜头(在shop.usa.canon.com上的售价分别为550美元(约合人民币3365元和771元)),是很好的入门套装器材,他说。

    The relatively affordable Canon EOS Rebel T5 EF-S paired with the Canon EF 50 mm f / 1.8 II lens ( $ 550 and $ 126 , shop . usa.canon . com ) make a good starter kit , he said .

  26. 如果你拥有全画幅佳能EOS5D模型,您将需要保函-E4类电池手柄。

    If you have a full frame Canon EOS5D model , you will need to guarantee-E4 battery grip type .

  27. 日资企业,包括服装零售商优衣库、7-Eleven连锁便利店和相机制造商佳能出于安全担忧都临时锁了店。

    Japanese-invested businesses , including garment retailer Uniqlo , 7-Eleven convenience store chains and camera maker Canon had temporarily padlocked shops amid safety fears .

  28. 由于欧元兑日元汇率今年下滑25%,日元兑英镑等币种的汇率甚至涨幅更大,索尼(Sony)和佳能(Canon)等日本公司难以从出口到欧洲的产品中赚取利润。

    Hit by a 25 per cent decline in the euro against the yen during 2008 , and even bigger rises against currencies such as the pound , companies such as Sony and Canon are struggling to make money on imports into Europe .

  29. 我的朋友有佳能和尼康单反相机。

    My friend has a Canon SLR and a Nikon DSLR .

  30. 基于佳能细胞式生产方式的生产改善研究

    Research on Improvement of Production Based on Canon Cell Production Mode