
suǒ ní
  • Sony
  1. 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司已被索尼公司收购。

    CBS Records was taken over by Sony .

  2. 索尼公司在缩小CD播放机的体积方面也处于领先地位。

    Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players .

  3. 索尼唱片公司的高管参加的新闻发布会

    a press conference attended by top brass from Sony Records .

  4. 星期二的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。

    Tuesday 's notable gainer was Sony , which reached a high of 9,070 yen .

  5. 索尼也在研究轻薄显示技术,并展示了一种柔性全彩有机发光二极管显示器。

    Sony has also been working on ever-thinner technology , demonstrating a flexible full-color organic LED display .

  6. 上周日(8月22日)预告片遭到泄露,迫使漫威和索尼本周一(8月23日)抢在影迷蜂拥去看盗版预告片之前发布了高清版正式预告片。

    The trailer was leaked online Sunday , forcing Marvel Studios and Sony to get a high-quality version out into the world Monday , before too many eager eyes got to the pirated version .

  7. 但3D列车已经驶入轨道,我们索尼已做好准备,将其开进千家万户。

    But the 3D train is on the track , and we at Sony are ready to drive it home .

  8. 随着电影临近公映,索尼与facebook的关系逐渐恶化。

    Relations between Sony and Facebook have deteriorated as the film nears its release date .

  9. 不久前,索尼影视(sonypictures)发布了一部叫做《监守自盗》(insidejob)的纪录片,主题就是金融危机。

    Last week , Sony Pictures released a documentary called inside job , which tells the story of the financial collapse .

  10. 有些人认为,Z及其家族产品或能帮索尼摆脱严重的财务困境。

    Some think the Z and its ilk could help pull Sony out of a vast financial hole .

  11. 通过这笔交易,索尼摆脱了江河日下的PC业务,迈进了蓬勃发展的智能手机和平板电脑市场。

    In that deal , Sony sought to move away from the declining PC business and toward the booming smartphone and tablet business .

  12. 福岛两家生产锂离子可充电电池电芯的工厂就属于索尼能源设备(SonyEnergyDevice),在地震发生后立刻被关闭。

    Two factories that produce Li-ion rechargeable battery cells in Fukushima belong to Sony Energy Device , and they were immediately shut down after the earthquake .

  13. 在这些举措的推动下,索尼应该可以和竞争对手松下电器产业公司(MatsushitaElectricIndustrialCo.Ltd.)齐头并进,后者是松下品牌消费类电子产品的生产商。

    That should help it keep pace with rival Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. , maker of the Panasonic brand of consumer electronics .

  14. 索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson):下滑0.6%(环比下滑11%)

    Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) , down 0.6 points ( 11 % )

  15. CBS和索尼也启动了仅供网络订阅的服务计划。

    CBS and Sony also are starting Internet-only subscription plans .

  16. 索尼电脑娱乐公司(SonyComputerEntertainment)正在与许多公司洽谈,讨论PS3可能进行的商业应用。

    Sony Computer Entertainment is in discussions with a number of companies about possible commercial applications for the PlayStation 3 .

  17. 索尼和飞利浦发明了CD-ROM技术并销售了首批播放器。

    Sony and Philips invented CD-ROM technology and sold the first players .

  18. 同时,在科技公司Kernel和Stripe的帮助下,索尼也开始在自家的网站上放映该片。

    Sony began showing the film on a website of its own , with help from the technology companies Kernel and Stripe .

  19. 索尼决定全力支持3D技术,将对迄今主要应用于电影业的3D行业产生重要的推动作用。

    Sony 's decision to throw its weight behind the technology will be an important boost for the 3D industry , which has so far focused mainly on cinemas .

  20. 我们支持带游戏手柄的手机,比如索尼的XperiaPlay。

    There are phones with gamepads , like the Sony Xperia play , that we support .

  21. 贝索斯还打造了Kindle,从索尼(Sony)等竞争对手的笨拙产品中脱颖而出。

    He also cut through the fumblings of rivals such as Sony in creating the Kindle .

  22. 索尼继续扩大,对功能的PSP最近同去!

    Sony has continued to expand on the functionality of the PSP lately with Go !

  23. 选择之一是效仿索尼(Sony),打造一个没有国别色彩的全球化品牌。

    One option is to follow the example of Sony and create a global brand that is not country-specific .

  24. 根据系列改编的第一部电影《凡人圣物:白骨之城》(CityofBones)正在多伦多拍摄,明年夏天将由索尼影视公司(SonyPictures)推出。

    The first Mortal Instruments movie , city of bones , is shooting in Toronto and will be out next summer from Sony Pictures ( SNE ) .

  25. 索尼在2000年发布了它的PlayStation2游戏机,整整一年后,微软才发布了第一款Xbox,索尼在那一轮的竞争中获胜。

    Sony introduced its PlayStation 2 in 2000 , a full year before the original Xbox came out , and in the end Sony won that round .

  26. 预计索尼和微软(Microsoft)将在E3游戏展上发布其他的次时代游戏。

    At E3 , additional next-gen games are expected to be announced by both Sony and Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  27. 利美尼定、莫索尼定及胍丁胺都能引起细胞外信号调节激酶(ExtracellularSignal-regulatedkinase,ERK)磷酸化水平发生改变。

    Rilmenidine and moxonidine stimulated the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( ERK ) in CHO-IRAS cells by concentration-dependence .

  28. 2010年,索尼(sony)和三星(samsung)等集团率先大张旗鼓地推出了具备3d功能的电视机,但实际销量逊于最初的预期。

    Sony , Samsung and other groups first introduced 3D-capable sets to great fanfare in 2010 , but sales have fallen short of initial projections .

  29. 今年一月,索尼美国公司(SonyCorporationofAmerica)透露,计划出售位于纽约的37层总部大楼,预计此举可筹集7.7亿美元资金。

    In January , Sony Corporation of America revealed plans to sell its 37-story headquarters in New York City , a move expected to generate some $ 770 million .

  30. 在过去一年中,英国家庭保险理赔中最常见的物品是32英寸的东芝电视机,三星笔记本电脑和索尼PS游戏机。

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were32in Toshiba televisions , Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles .