
  • 网络sochi;Sotchi
  1. 从开幕式因故障未绽放的第五环,到俄罗斯内务部合唱团激情演唱神曲GetLucky,索契冬奥会值得铭记。

    From the opening ceremony with a malfunctioning ring , to police officers singing Get Lucky , the Sochi Winter Olympics have been a games to remember .

  2. 一些人提出,西方各国政府是不是应该抵制原定在索契举行的G8下一次会议?

    Some wonder whether western governments should boycott the next meeting of the G8 in Sochi .

  3. NPR新闻,山姆·桑德斯索契报道。

    Sam Sanders , NPR News , Sochi .

  4. 但他很少有哪次行动像他最近的一次访问那样令人惊讶&他来到了俄罗斯度假胜地索契与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)会面。

    But few of his initiatives have prompted as much surprise as his recent visit to President Vladimir Putin in the Russian resort of Sochi .

  5. BBC新闻–俄罗斯可能面临全面奥运禁赛,如果2014年索契冬奥会国家支持服用兴奋剂的指控周一得到证实的话。

    BBC News - Russia could face a complete Olympic ban if allegations of state-sponsored doping at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are proven on Monday .

  6. 2014年俄罗斯索契(Sochi)冬奥会之前,宾馆客房未完工曾引起人们的担忧。

    There were concerns over unfinished hotel rooms ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi , Russia .

  7. 下个月索契冬奥会就要召开了,BBC驻莫斯科记者史蒂夫·罗森博格前来采访,在他上厕所的时候他拍下了这张照片。

    BBC Moscow reporter Steve Rosenberg took the picture when he went to use the bathroom during a visit at the site ahead of next month 's Winter Olympics in Sochi .

  8. Tinder在索契、尤其是在运动员之间的风行一定程度上可以在23岁的美国单板滑雪选手杰米•安德森(JamieAnderson)身上得到体现。安德森周日赢得了障碍技巧项目金牌。

    Tinder 's presence in Sochi , particularly among athletes , was revealed in part by Jamie Anderson , the 23-year-old American snowboarder who won a slopestyle gold medal Sunday .

  9. 交友应用Tinder的西恩•拉德(SeanRad)表示,自上周五冬奥会开幕以来,Tinder在索契的新用户数量每日增加400%,现在已达数千人。

    Tinder has seen a 400 % day-over-day increase of new users in Sochi since the Olympics opened Friday , Sean Rad says , with numbers now in the thousands .

  10. Unruly公司正在追踪传播速度最快的索契冬奥会广告。这家公司的总裁理查德•科辛斯基认为,观众在奥运会期间寻求的情感与超级碗大赛截然不同。

    Richard Kosinski , president of Unruly , which is tracking the most viral Sochi ads , says the emotion viewers seek during the Olympics is starkly different from the Super Bowl .

  11. 为了巩固已然十分强大的品牌,宝马公司(BMW)决定为世界级赛事设计一款两人座的雪橇,将在一年后于俄罗斯索契举办的第22届冬奥会上大放异彩。

    BMW , in a bid to reinforce its already mighty brand , has decided to help design a two-man bobsled for world competition , culminating at the XXII winter Olympiad in Sochi , Russia a year from now .

  12. 但他在度假胜地索契(sochi)对西方记者否认俄罗斯有流动性危机,并拒绝承认金融动荡和格鲁吉亚冲突“有关系”的说法。

    But , speaking to Western journalists in the holiday resort of Sochi , he denied there was a liquidity crisis and rejected the view that the turmoil had " anything to do " with the Georgian conflict .

  13. 加拿大滑雪板运动员SebastienToutant在推特上晒出了牌子的照片,他写到:“这真有意思……厕所规范之索契版!!”

    Posting a photo of the sign on Twitter , Candian snowboarder Sebastien Toutant said : ' Well that 's interesting ... Sochi rules in the bathrooms ! ! '

  14. 国际奥委会还呼吁世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)就2014年索契冬奥会期间俄罗斯官员篡改兴奋剂检测结果的指控展开“全面彻底的调查”。

    The IOC said it has also called on the World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) to launch a " fully fledged investigation " into allegations that drug testing at the 2014 Sochi Olympics was subverted by Russian officials .

  15. 进入第二圈后,因为英国选手克里斯蒂(EliseChristie)失误,三名选手摔出赛道,比赛开始不到10秒钟,李坚柔就已经稳拿中国索契冬奥会首金。

    Going into the second corner of the race , Britain 's Elise Christie initiated a crash that cleaned out three skaters . And in under 10 seconds , Li was on her way to China 's first gold medal of these Winter Games .

  16. 今年五月份,今年五月份,一个亚美尼亚航空公司的A-320客机在从埃里温飞往俄罗斯旅游胜地索契的途中坠毁,造成113人死亡,其中包括部分俄罗斯人。

    In May113 people , including Russians , died when an Airbus A-320 belonging to Armenian airline Armavia crashed on its way from Yerevan to the Russian resort of Sochi .

  17. 针对男性的类似应用Grindr宣称其在俄罗斯有5.5万名月度活跃用户。该应用说,其在索契的活跃用户数量自开幕式以来从185名增加到541名。

    Grindr , a similar app for men that reports 55000 monthly active users in Russia , says it has seen a climb to 541 active users in Sochi from 185 since the opening ceremony . '

  18. 佐村河内守在公开信中道歉的对象包括在索契冬奥会花样滑冰运动员高桥大辅(DaisukeTakahashi),他将于周四参加男子短节目比赛,比赛将于索契时间下午7点(东京时间午夜)举行。

    The people Mr. Samuragochi apologized to in his letter included Olympic skater Daisuke Takahashi , who was to compete in the men 's short figure-skating program at the Sochi Games on Thursday . The competition was to start at 7 p.m. local time in Sochi , midnight in Tokyo .

  19. 俄罗斯前反兴奋剂实验室主任格里戈里·罗琴科夫(GrigoryRodchenkov)曾在5月对《纽约时报》表示,他掩盖了2014年索契冬奥会上俄罗斯运动员使用药物提高比赛成绩一事,并称他是按照俄罗斯体育部官员的命令这么做的。

    Grigory Rodchenkov , Russia 's former anti-doping lab director , told The New York Times in May that he covered up the use of performance-enhancing drugs by Russian Olympians at the 2014 Sochi Games , and that he did so under orders from Russian officials for the ministry of sport .

  20. 开幕式壮丽地史诗表演折射出索契冬奥会510亿美元的投入。三匹巨马飘过冰冷的空气,从马列维奇(Malevich)得到灵感、以工人革命为主题的音乐剧表演,以及舞台上出现的充气圣巴西尔大教堂。

    In a feat reflective of the $ 51bn epic Sochi experiment itself , a giant troika of horses floated through the freezing air , the workers " revolution was reimagined as a Malevich-inspired musical and an inflatable St Basil 's coalesced on the stage .

  21. 索契组委会拒绝对此图片做出评论。

    The Sochi organizing committee refused to comment on the picture .

  22. 黑海海岸线一直吸引俄罗斯人前往索契。

    The Black Sea coastline has long attracted Russians to Sochi .

  23. 他们中的一些人将在索契附近的海岸。

    Some of them will take place near Sochi 's coast .

  24. 索契在2月份的平均气温达到47度。

    Sochi 's average temperature in February , 47 degrees Fahrenheit .

  25. 烟花璀璨,索契冬奥会拉上了帷幕。

    Fireworks mark the end of the winter Olympics in Sochi .

  26. 上周六,索契冬奥会吉祥物经俄罗斯全国投票决出。

    Russia unveiled its mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics on Saturday .

  27. 索契是她首次参加奥运会比赛。

    Sochi was the first time she 'd competed in the Olympics .

  28. 索契冬奥会开幕式导演康斯坦丁·恩斯特淡化这一技术故障的影响。

    The ceremony 's producer Konstantin Ernst dismissed the malfunction .

  29. 在索契,在全球其他地方都是如此。

    In Sochi , and the rest of the world .

  30. 索契2014:立陶宛选手花滑选手裤子被搭档冰刀划开

    Sochi 2014 : Lithuanian Ice dancer 's trousers split by partner 's skate