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  • 网络sony;Sony Ericsson;sonyericsson;Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
  1. 索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson):下滑0.6%(环比下滑11%)

    Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) , down 0.6 points ( 11 % )

  2. 黑莓手机生产商RIM、LG和索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson)的表现也相当不错。

    Rim ( RIMM ) , LG , and Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) were also doing well .

  3. 主要经营摩托罗拉,索尼爱立信,诺基亚,三星等世界知名厂家的手机外壳,手机液晶,手机排线,手机摄像头,手机IC等。

    Main management Motorola , Sony Ericsson , Nokia , Samsung handset outer covering , handset LCD , handset arranges the line Handset camera , handset IC and so on .

  4. 路透社今早报导,索尼爱立信表示仍将按照原计划于今春在华推出Android手机,没有延期的打算。

    Reuters reported this morning that Sony Ericsson has no plans to delay the launch of its Android phone in China , which is set for this spring .

  5. 过去的几个月来,诺基亚的竞争者,包括加拿大的RIM和索尼爱立信,都引入了新商务机型,加剧了商务手机领域的竞争。

    Over the last few months , Nokia 's rivals , including Canada 's RIM and Sony Ericsson , have introduced new models for business users , intensifying competition in the sector .

  6. 富士康同时还在为惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、戴尔(Dell)、诺基亚(Nokia)、微软(Microsoft)和索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson)等公司制造产品。

    Foxconn also builds products for Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) , Dell ( DELL ) , Nokia ( NOK ) , Microsoft ( MSFT ) and Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) , among others .

  7. 诺基亚的音乐播放器可能不作为性感作为索尼爱立信的Walkman手机,但它涉及的基本知识,包括同步,播放列表和排序的所有常见的嫌疑人。

    Nokia 's music player might not be as sexy as Sony Ericsson 's walkman phones , but it covers the basics including syncing , playlists and sorting by all the usual suspects .

  8. 本月初,苹果还起诉HTC侵犯了自己另外几项专利,而加拿大公司MOSAID称也要起诉HTC和索尼爱立信侵犯专利。

    Earlier in the month , Apple had filed additional claims and MOSAID , a Canadian company , said it would also sue HTC , and Sony Ericsson , for patent infringement .

  9. 索尼爱立信驻瑞典隆德的设计师鲁道夫?德利昂(RodolfodeLeon)说,这种体验说明热情与魅力会令一个技术性的东西发生改变。

    The exercise showed how'passion and charisma can change a technical thing , 'says Rodolfo deLeon , a Lund-based designer at Sony Ericsson .

  10. 最后,通过在索尼爱立信JP-7模拟器上对程序的测试,验证了设计的可行性和程序的正确性。

    Finally , it proved the feasibility and validity of the design through running a test on a simulator JP-7 of Sony Ericsson .

  11. 这是我曾经使用T610的设置,但它应当也适用于部分索尼爱立信的手机。

    This is from my memory of using a T610 , but it should apply to any Sony Ericsson phone .

  12. 索尼爱立信的第一任总裁是日本的井原胜美(KatsumiIhara),他白手起家成立了这个合资公司,并为公司的整合奠定了基础。

    Sony Ericsson 's first president , Katsumi Ihara of Japan , built the joint venture from scratch and laid the groundwork for integration .

  13. 我们的主要客户包括宝洁,玛氏食品,索尼爱立信等。

    Our main clients include Procter & Gamble , Mars , Sony Ericsson etc.

  14. 不过索尼爱立信在创始之初却因产品单一和生产难题而苦苦挣扎。

    But Sony Ericsson struggled in the early days with a limited portfolio and manufacturing difficulties .

  15. 索尼爱立信汲取了爱立信流程条理分明的优点和索尼自由开放的创造性思维模式。

    The company draws on Ericsson 's strength in orderly process and Sony 's freewheeling creative mindset .

  16. 多达16个,可在待机屏幕(索尼爱立信手机只显示可定制的快捷键)。

    Up to16 customizable shortcuts that can be displayed on the standby screen ( SonyEricsson phones only ) .

  17. 索尼爱立信、诺基亚和乐喜金星电子都推出了绿色的手机产品。

    Sony Ericsson , Nokia and LG Electronics have all come out with cell phones that are somewhat green .

  18. 索尼爱立信表示,欧洲消费者购买新手机替换现有手机的数量低于先前预期。

    Sony Ericsson indicated that European consumers were buying fewer new mobiles to replace their existing handsets than previously expected .

  19. 索尼爱立信最新发布的季报中披露,随着智能手机业务的增长,销售额出现上升,该公司实现了收支平衡。

    In its latest quarterly results Sony Ericsson broke even , after sales rose on the back of growth in smartphones .

  20. 关于索尼爱立信软件更新任何新的信息将永远从官方博客张贴传达,而不是在意见栏。

    Any new information regarding Sony Ericsson software updates will always be communicated as a blog post , not in the comments field .

  21. 诺德伯格说,索尼爱立信将会继续推出其他手机,以支持中国移动竞争对手中国联通使用的更受欢迎的移动通信标准。

    Sony Ericsson will continue to offer handsets that work with the more popular network standard used by China Unicom ( Hong Kong ) Ltd.

  22. 而爱立信和索尼爱立信的管理人员说,在西方,各类问题会在开会时反复讨论,也重视不同意见。

    In the West , issues often are hashed out during meetings and debate is valued , executives from Ericsson and Sony Ericsson say .

  23. 这笔交易之后,索尼爱立信的品牌可能也会消失。自从索尼和爱立信以50:50的股权比例建立合资企业以来,这个品牌已经有10年历史。

    It is likely that the Sony Ericsson brand name will disappear in the move , which comes 10 years after the 50:50 joint venture was created .

  24. 甚至连网购业巨头亚马逊也迫不及待地想进来,它可能会收购索尼爱立信,这家公司与摩托罗拉一样,已经萎缩到无法支撑下去。

    Even Amazon , an online shopping giant , may feel the urge to splash out and buy , perhaps , Sony-Ericsson , which like Motorola seems too small to make it on its own .

  25. 譬如,手机生产商索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)就于7月份在北京开设了一家研发中心。

    For example , Sony-Ericsson , the mobile handset maker , opened an R & D centre in Beijing this July .

  26. 爱立信于2011年退出了手机市场,当时该公司将其在合资企业索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)所持股权出售给了索尼。

    The Swedish company got out of mobile phones in 2011 when it sold its stake in the Sony Ericsson joint venture back to the Japanese group .

  27. 如索尼,爱立信,日立和TDY等著名的大公司都曾经是337调查的对象。

    Many famous enterprises , for example , Sonny , Ericsson , Hitachi and TDY , have been invovled in Section 337 Investigation .

  28. 从目前的形势看,诺基亚-西门子合并,索尼-爱立信合并终端部门,阿尔卡特-朗讯合并等等。

    Looking from the present situations , Nokia - Siemens merges , Sony - Ericsson merge terminal department , the Alcatel - Lucent merges and so on .

  29. 索爱2001年成立合资公司的时候,它结合了索尼和爱立信亏本的手机业务,成为全球手机市场第六大参与者。

    When Sony Ericsson formed the joint venture in2001 , it combined the unprofitable handset operations from Ericsson and Sony and became sixth-biggest player in the global market .

  30. 夏新电子公司最大的业务是在国内市场推销自主品牌手机,同索尼-爱立信、诺基亚以及天宇和中兴等本土手机品牌正在展开一场激战。

    Amoi 's biggest business is branded mobile phones for the domestic Chinese market , where it is locked in a fierce battle with Sony-Ericcson , Nokia and local players such as Tianyu and ZTE .