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  • Hisense;TCL
  1. 海尔、海信和TCL都认可本土化经营战略,但是力度有所不同。

    Haier , Hisense and TCL recognize on the localization strategy .

  2. 平板电视制造商海信电器(hisenseelectric)的股价上涨5.8%,达到每股24.34元人民币的创纪录高点。

    Hisense Electric , a manufacturer of flat-panel televisions , rose 5.8 per cent to a record high of RMB 24.34 .

  3. 本文以海信智能公交系统为工程背景,探讨了在智能公交系统中,提出了一种当GPS信号消失时,利用最小二乘曲线拟合方法实现车载GPS的定位补偿的GPS数据补偿算法。

    The thesis discusses the method to retrieve the GPS data when the GPS signal is disappear , using conic-fitting with the principle of least-squares , in the intelligent public traffic system .

  4. Vivo成为继房地产和休闲集团万达(Wanda)以及消费电子品牌海信(Hisense)之后,第三家在过去一年里签约赞助世界杯的中国企业。

    It becomes the third big Chinese company to sponsor the World Cup in the past year , after real estate and leisure conglomerate Wanda and consumer electronics brand Hisense .

  5. 然而,对于仍在努力扩大全球影响力的海尔(haier)和海信(hisense)等消费品制造商而言,并购可能仍在考虑之内。

    But for consumer products manufacturers , such as Haier and Hisense , which are still trying to expand their global footprint , acquisitions may still be on the cards .

  6. 如果你看看像是SAP或IBM或中国海信等公司都是在非洲设立基地而且期望在非洲的时候如何具体满足非洲市场,

    If you look at the likes of SAP or IBM or Hisense , which is the Chinese company , all of them are setting base in Africa and looking at how specifically they can cater to the Africa market while being in Africa ,

  7. 本课题所开发的项目是嵌入式Modem&青岛海信智能商用有限公司正在开发的税控POS机中用于数据传输的嵌入式调制解调器。

    The developing project of this thesis is an Embedded-Modem , which is used in data transmission of Tax-controlling POS machine developed by QingDao Hisense Intelligence Commerce Inc. The Tax-controlling POS machine is a project set up by the government .

  8. 彩电行业在我国已经拥有30多年的发展历史,已经建立起了较为完备的产业体系,形成了TCL、康佳、创维、长虹、海信、厦华等较具竞争力的彩电生产企业。

    The color TV industry in China has developed for more than 30 years , and has established a relatively complete industrial system . TCL , Konka , Skyworth , Changhong , Hisense , and Xiamen have become competitive TV enterprises in our country .

  9. 搏击信息时代&海信21世纪的畅想

    Prospering in the information age & Hisense in the 21st century

  10. 海信计算机公司库存管理问题研究

    A Study on Inventory Management of Hisense Computer Co . , Ltd

  11. 海信科龙,用科技为人类带来关爱和希望。

    Hisense Kelon brings love and hope to the mankind with technologies .

  12. 海信空调风门叶片的翘曲变形研究

    Study on the Warpage of Fan Blades of Hisense Conditioners

  13. 海信从1996年就开始发展南非市场。

    Hisense has been operating in the South African market since 1996 .

  14. 海信公司的零售连锁困境及对策分析

    Analyse about How Hisense Company Deal with the Problem in Chain Enterprise Terminal

  15. 海信百年谋略&中国学院派经济巨人的崛起

    HiSense 's Long-term strategy & The Rise of China 's Academic Economic Giant

  16. 海信:打造数字电视金子品牌

    HiSense Creating a old Brand of Digital Television

  17. 顶级百货店设计研究&以青岛海信广场为例

    Preliminary Exploration of Top-level Department Store Design : Taking Qingdao Hisense Plaza as Example

  18. 当然,经营一家像海信这么大规模的企业肯定存在很多挑战。

    Of course there are many challenges in running a company the size of hisense .

  19. 海信工业园为当地创造了约700个就业岗位。

    The plant employs around 700 people .

  20. 我很感谢并珍惜海信给我这个实践理想的机会。

    I thank Hisense and cherish The chance to carry out my ideal very much .

  21. 海信商标之争,凸现中国品牌国际化风险

    Dispute of Trademark Invest in China

  22. 不过,在布局方面,海信通信似乎走在更前。

    However , in the layout , Hisense Communication seems to be taking in more ago .

  23. 海信工业园现在日产1700台电视和1400台冰箱。

    The Hisense Industrial Park now produces 1700 televisions and 1400 fridges on a daily basis .

  24. 产品识别设计规律的分析研究及其在海信平板电视设计中的应用

    Analysis and Research for Product Identity Design Discipline and Its Application in Hisense 's Flat-Panel TVs Design

  25. 2017年,海信电视和冰箱的销售量位居南非市场第一位。

    In 2017 , the sales of Hisense televisions and fridges ranked first in the South African market .

  26. 在市场竞争如此激烈的情况下,海信也正在努力从多方面获取竞争优势。

    Under this severe competition condition , Hisense is also attempting to gain its competitive advantage via various resources .

  27. 当我找工作并决定加入海信时,我为成为这个公司的一员而自豪。

    When I got the job offer to join Hisense , I felt proud to be a member of it .

  28. 2013年,海信在开普敦亚特兰提斯地区建厂,生产电视及冰箱。

    In 2013 , Hisense established a production facility in the Atlantis region of Cape Town , making televisions and fridges .

  29. 位于青岛的海信&中国数字电视生产商,将向美国出口更多的高附加值电视机。

    Hisense , a leading Chinese digital TV producer based in Qingdao , will export more high-end TV sets to the US .

  30. 多年过去,海信发展成为南非顶尖的家用电器制造商,也成为了南非家喻户晓的品牌。

    Over the years , Hisense has grown into a top consumer electronics producer in South Africa and become a household name .