
hǎi shì zhònɡ cái
  • maritime arbitration
  1. 《劳氏救助标准合同格式》(LOF)和《中国海事仲裁委员会救助合同标准格式》(“北京格式”)是目前中国使用较多的救助合同格式。

    Salvage contracts on Lloyd 's Open Form ( LOF ) and China Maritime Arbitration Commission Standard Form (" Beijing Form ") are the most frequently used forms of salvage contracts in China .

  2. 伦敦海事仲裁中的费用担保制度

    The System of Security for Costs in London Maritime Arbitration

  3. 关于《2002年伦敦海事仲裁员协会规则》的评论

    Comment on the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002

  4. 纽约国际海事仲裁员大会述评

    Comment on the 14th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators in New York

  5. 关于涉外海事仲裁协议效力法律问题的研究

    Research on Legal Problem of the Validity of Foreign-related Maritime Arbitration Agreement

  6. 伦敦海事仲裁人协会伦敦是人文荟萃之区。

    London Maritime Arbitrators Association London was the biggest aggregation of human life .

  7. 独立仲裁原则及其对海事仲裁的影响

    Independent Arbitration Principle and Its Influence upon Maritime Arbitration

  8. 按中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则进行。

    Rules of Arbitration for China Maritime Arbitration Commission .

  9. 伦敦海事仲裁中的多方当事人争议仲裁程序

    Multi-Party Disputes Arbitration Proceedings in London Maritime Arbitration

  10. 中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则

    Arbitration Rules of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission

  11. 本论坛以中国标准造船合同和海事仲裁为主题。

    The theme of the forum are China standard ship building contracts and maritime arbitration .

  12. 伦敦海事仲裁人协会

    London Maritime Arbitrators Association

  13. 另外,本文还对涉外海事仲裁协议法律效力的基本内容及认定涉外海事仲裁协议法律效力的机构和程序等方面进行了分析。

    In addition , this paper also analyses the content of the validity of the foreign-related arbitration agreement .

  14. 海事仲裁委员会对于所受理的案件,可以进行调解。

    The Maritime Arbitration Commission may endeavour to settle by conciliation any dispute of which it has taken cognizance .

  15. 凡与本合同有关的一切争议,均应提交中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁。

    " Any disputes arising from this contract shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission ( CMAC )" .

  16. 他还有这些法律管辖区的海事仲裁员认证资格,和温哥华海事仲裁员协会的董事。

    He is also an accredited maritime arbitrator in these jurisdictions and a director of the Vancouver Maritime Arbitrators Association .

  17. 海事仲裁委员会根据被诉人的请求,对于十五日的期限也可以予以变更。

    The Maritime Arbitration Commission may also , upon the request of the defendant , alter the period of fifteen days .

  18. 通过研究,我们知道中国的海事仲裁采取机构仲裁的形式,仲裁机构对仲裁员的资格有着十分严格的要求;

    By researching , we know that Chinese maritime arbitration takes the form of institutional arbitration and arbitrator 's qualification is strictly required .

  19. 费用担保制度在伦敦海事仲裁中是一项用于维护可能胜诉的被请求人利益的十分重要的制度。

    In London Maritime Arbitration , security for costs is a very useful system which is used to protect the successful respondent 's legal right .

  20. 英国是世界上的海运大国,其漫长的海运发展史孕育了世界上最早的海事仲裁成文立法。

    England is a big marine country in the world , whose long history of maritime industry 's development gestated the earliest written legislation in maritime arbitration .

  21. 目前有两个常设涉外仲裁机构,它们是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会和中国海事仲裁委员会。

    At present , there are two permanent foreign-related arbitral organs : the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ( CIETAC ) and the China Maritime Arbitration Commissicn .

  22. 为进一步丰富和完善我国海事仲裁中的简易程序,英国海事仲裁中的成功经验无疑值得吸收和借鉴。

    To further enrich and perfect the summary procedures in the maritime arbitration of our country , the successful experience in English maritime arbitration is undoubtedly worthy of absorption and reference .

  23. 对于突发性海上有毒化学品泄漏污染事故所造成的渔业和生物资源损害程度进行定量评估是海事仲裁和经济索赔的重要内容。

    The comprehensive quantitative assessment of damage to fishery and marine biological resources resulting from oil or chemical spill is very important in the process of maritime arbitration and claim for compensation .

  24. 《2002年伦敦海事仲裁员协会规则》带来的一项显著变化就是它采纳了《民事诉讼规则》中得到启发的诸多案件管理及其他程序。

    One distinctive change brought about by the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002 is that the Rules adopts many case managements and other procedures enlightened'by Civil Procedure Rules ;

  25. 本文对海事仲裁程序中的若干方面,包括仲裁庭的组成、仲裁员的资格、临时仲裁与机构仲裁、简易程序等作出了比较分析。

    This thesis analyzes some aspects with respect to the procedures of maritime arbitration including the constitution of arbitration court , the qualification of arbitrators , ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration , the simplicity procedure , and so on .

  26. 关于海事仲裁裁决的终局性问题,鉴于航运当事人的不同需求,设计以当事人意思自治为基础的司法监督模式。

    With regard to the final and binding effect of the maritime arbitration award , concerning the different demand of parties in the shipping industry , it designs a pattern of judicial supervision upon autonomy of will of the parties .

  27. 第五章:通过对海事仲裁制度的国际发展趋势的研究,并结合2004年海仲委新仲裁规则,对中国海事仲裁向国际发展方向靠拢提出了立法建议,是本文的核心部分。

    Chapter Five : Through the study of development trend in the field of maritime arbitration system , combine with 2004 arbitration rules , author bring up some legal suggestions to china maritime arbitration development . This part is the core of the paper .

  28. 英国海事仲裁契合海事争议的特点为中小额争议当事人提供了两套更为快捷、经济、灵活、高效的简易仲裁程序&小额索赔程序和快速与低费程序。

    The characteristic that English maritime arbitration applies to maritime disputes provides the party to the dispute of medium and small amount with two sets of more rapid , economic , flexible and efficient summary arbitration procedures & small amount claim procedure and rapid and low cost procedure .

  29. 该章第一节对英国的海事诉讼仲裁制度进行了介绍,涉及到英国的民事诉讼规则和仲裁法的规定。

    First section of the chapter introduced British maritime litigation and arbitration system , involved the civil rules and arbitration law .

  30. 从两岸间接直航的现实及其特点出发,论证了两岸直航和海事联合仲裁的现实性和必然性,并对两岸海事联合仲裁的若干法律问题作了进一步的探讨。

    Based on the realistic characteristics of direct shipping across the Straits , the realism and inevitability of direct shipping and joint arbitration on maritime disputes are proved . Further discussions on several problems on law arisen in arbitration have also been made .