
  • 网络Haier's Logistic
  1. 2000年海尔物流H配送中心成立以来,业务迅速发展,2005年业务量达到最高峰,从2006年开始业务量出现下滑。

    Since 2000 , H distribution center of Haier logistics company has been established . The business has developed rapidly and the business reached its peak in 2005 . From the beginning of 2006 the business has been declined .

  2. 透过海尔物流浅析中国物流市场

    An Analysis of China 's Logistics Market Through Logistics Management of Haier

  3. 基于层次分析法对海尔物流系统的评价

    Assessment of Haier Logistics System Based on AHP

  4. 学习海尔物流,让我思考未来物流的发展方向。

    Study Haierlogistics , let me consider the development direction of the future logistics .

  5. 另外,从我国物流的现状来看,虽然也有海尔物流等成功例子,但大部分中国企业还存在物流设施落后;

    In addition , according to current situation of the logistics of our country , though Haier 's logistics , etc.

  6. 看来,海尔物流接待来访者也是现代化的,与世界一流水准“接轨”的。

    All told , the way of visitors'reception of Hai'er is also modernized and could " match " the world standard .

  7. 第五章,利用构建的成本管理推进模式剖析了海尔物流成本管理案例,证明了成本管理推进模式的现实意义。

    In chart 5 , thesis uses the pattern of cost management promoting to analyze the case of logistics cost management in Haier .

  8. 对海尔物流的案例进行分析,不但从中得到了一些十分有益的启示,而且为上述研究结论和模式设计奠定了坚实的实践基础。

    Through the case study , we can not only obtain some helpful inspirations but also establish stabile practical foundation of conclusion and model designing in this research .

  9. 对于海尔来说,物流管理有着举足轻重的作用。

    For Haier , logistics management has a pivotal role .

  10. 海尔:中国物流觉醒第一人&海尔集团物流管理案例研究

    Haier : The First One of Logistics Management in China & a Case Study on Logistics Management of Haier Group

  11. 海尔的营销优势主要在产品和顾客服务上,而海尔物流正是对其营销活动提供了强力的后勤支持。

    The marketing advantage of the haier is in product and customer serving mostly , but haier logistics exactly provide logistic support for it 's marketing activity strongly .