
  • 网络FedEx;federal express;Federal Express Corporation;FedEx Corp;Federal Express Corp
  1. 这一连串的事情正是弗里德·史密斯一一联邦快递公司(原为联邦快递)的创立者、总裁、首席执行官和董事长的最大的梦想。目前,该公司已是全球最大、最成功的隔夜快递服务商。

    This sequence of events is the culmination of a dream of Frederick W. Smith , the founder , president , chief executive officer , and chairman of the board of the FedEx Corp. - known originally as Federal Express-the largest and most successful overnight delivery service in the world .

  2. 虽然国民银行、联邦快递公司和Bay网络公司没有什么共同之处,但他们确实共享一种技术。

    Though Nations Bank , FedEx and Bay Networks have little in common , they do share a technology .

  3. 而且这种模式也被其他公司采用或借鉴,比如道康宁公司(DowCorning)和联邦快递公司(FedEx)。

    And its model has been adopted or adapted by other corporations like Dow Corning and FedEx ( FDX ) .

  4. 广告语问道:联邦快递公司问世之前世界如何运作?

    What did the world do before FedEx , the ad inquired ?

  5. 斯密斯实践了自己的想法,成立了联邦快递公司。

    Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.

  6. 联邦快递公司也延迟了运送时间。

    FedEx also delay getting shipment out .

  7. 对于迈阿密的联邦快递公司而言,此刻是一年中最繁忙的时候。

    For the shipping operations of FedEx in Miami , it is the busiest time of year .

  8. 我们敏锐的跟踪系统,使得您可以随时跟踪您的包裹。松口气吧,这可是联邦快递公司。

    Our insight tracking system makes staying in touch with your package easy . relax , it 's fedex .

  9. 一位联邦快递公司员工在亚特兰大附近的分拣中心开火造成6人受伤后饮弹自尽。

    A FedEx employee opened fire at a package sorting centre near Atlanta , wounding 6 people before apparently committing suicide .

  10. 今天,包裹托运商联邦快递公司有一些好消息,该公司表示最新一季的利润上涨了14%。

    For package shipper Fedex , some good news today , the company says its latest quarter profits were up 14 % .

  11. 用特快专递邮寄或者送快信的人例如联邦快递公司。快餐的特点就是一个快。

    Send by express mail or courier such as Federal Express . the map showed roads and other features ; generosity is one of his best characteristics .

  12. 我代表美方所有参与者,也要感谢美国联邦快递公司,使泰山和美兰的中国之旅即安全又舒适。

    S.side , I also would like to thank FedEx for generously making sure that Tai Shan and Mei Lan made their journey to China safely and comfortably .

  13. 包裹托运公司联合包裹服务公司表示,公司正在考虑追随竞争对手联邦快递公司的脚步,在某种程度上依据顾客运输的包装盒大小来收取费用。

    Package shipper UPS says its considering follow in the footsteps of rival FEDEX in charging customers in part based on what size the box they use for shipping .

  14. 他拿着父亲企业的投资以及一大部分继承的财产,购买了第一架达索尔特鹰式飞机。1971年,史密斯创办了联邦快递公司。

    With an investment from his father 's company , as well as a chunk of his own inheritance , Smith bought his first Dassault Falcon planes , and in 1971 formed the Federal Express Corporation .

  15. 本文就以四大国际快递公司之一的联邦快递公司作为研究对象,针对其快递运作中的实际情况和存在问题,提出实施客户关系管理的必要性。

    This paper takes one of the four major international express companies as the research target , accounting for its physical operations in the actual situation and existing problems , raises up the necessary of the launch the customer relationship management .

  16. 录像显示的是美国联邦快递公司(FedExCorp.)货机在日本成田机场坠毁事故。飞机驾驶员和副驾驶员在货机跑道着陆失败起火后死亡。

    Some startling video of a Fedex plane crash in Japan . The pilot and co-pilot died when the cargo plane bounced on the runway , veered left and then burst into a ball of flames . That all happened at Japan 's Narita International Airport .

  17. 很多大的兼职公司如彭尼公司,联邦快递以及沃尔玛公司都接受网上兼职申请。

    Many major employers of part-time workers , like JC Penney , FedEx and Walmart , accept online applications .

  18. FedEx联邦快递和UPS快递公司都位处我们最赞赏的企业名单之列,因为他们是激烈的竞争者,他们不仅在快递行业内部受到认可,整个企业界都为他们的行为方式感到钦佩。

    Ride along for a driver 's-eye view of this classic Most Admired rivalry . FedEx and UPS are on our most admired list this year because they are both fierce competitors and they are recognized not only within their industry but throughout business at large , as being really amazing in terms of the way that they conduct themselves .

  19. 该合资企业的协议,与大田原本预计在2009年届满,但联邦快递收购了中国公司,因为它希望立即接触到国内市场。

    The joint venture agreement with DTW was originally expected to expire in2009 , but Fedex bought out the Chinese firm because it wanted immediate exposure to the domestic market .