
  • 网络Marine Charges;Maritime Charges;Expenses & Charges
  1. 昂贵的海上运输费用及陆上处理费用,使得国外钻井公司及钻井液公司纷纷研究和开发现场处理含油钻屑新技术。

    The high cost of transportation and treatment make a strong push for foreign drilling companies and drilling fluid companies to study and develop new techniques for local treatment of oily cuttings .

  2. Inmarsat-C是海上卫星通信费用最低,且应用最广泛的通信系统。

    Inmarsat-C is the most widely used maritime satellites communication system with the lowest cost .

  3. 海上保险的费用将由我方承担。

    The marine insurance shall covered by us .