
  1. 缔约双方指定的空运企业应享有公平均等的机会在规定航线上经营协议航班。

    There shall be fair and equal opportunity for the designated airlines of both Contracting Parties to operate the agreed services on the specified routes .

  2. 依第二项规定废止航线证书之船舶运送业,自废止之日起六个月内,不得重新申请核发原航线之航线证书或恢复营业。

    The vessel carrier whose permit has been revoked pursuant to the second paragraph may not re-apply for the permit covering the originally approved liner routes or resume the service within six months after revocation .

  3. 按照华沙条约的规定:国际航线的交运行李,每公斤赔偿最多不得超过20美元。

    Our maximum liability for international checked baggage is limited to US $ 20 per kilogram in accordance with the Warsaw Convention .