
ɡònɡ tónɡ hǎi sǔn fēn tān
  • contribution in general average;general average contribution;general average apportionment
  1. 对救助款项或者共同海损分摊的请求;

    Claims for salvage payment or contribution in general average ;

  2. 第四章分析了共同海损分摊阶段考量承运人过失的做法。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the way of handling the issue about concerning the fault of the carrier at the stage of general average contribution .

  3. 租金不分摊共同海损分摊成本的合资经营

    Hire not to Contribute to General Average cost-sharing joint ventures

  4. 货物共同海损分摊价值

    Contributory Value of Cargo

  5. 非根据提单装运的旅客行李和个人物品,不参加共同海损分摊。

    Passengers ' luggage and personal effects not shipped under bill of lading shall not contribute in general average .

  6. 邮件、客行李、人物品和随带的机动车辆,不参加共同海损分摊。

    Mails , passengers ' luggage , personal effects and accompanied private motor vehicles shall not contribute in general average .

  7. 其次,从共同海损分摊权的属性、共同海损分摊机制的实质等角度论证共同海损分摊阶段应该考量承运人的过失。

    Secondly , it holds that it needs to concern the fault of the carrier at the stage of general average contribution from the perspectives of the nature of the right of general average contribution and the substance of the mechanism of general average contribution .

  8. 但是,本款规定不影响共同海损的分摊。

    However , the provisions of this paragraph shall not prejudice the contribution in general average , if any .

  9. 共同海损牺牲和分摊;

    Sacrifice in and contribution to general average ;

  10. 并得出以下结论:1.共同海损成立与分摊是两个独立的问题,过失不影响共同海损的成立与理算。

    And therefore concludes as follows : a. The establishment of general average and the general average contribution are two independent issues , the negligence does not affect the establishment and adjustment of general average .

  11. 收取共同海分摊担保船舶共同海损分摊价值

    Collection of General Average Security for Contribution Contributory Value of Ship

  12. 尽管共同海损的成立与理算,不考虑引起共同海损行为危险的来源和性质,但共同海损分摊的实现无疑会受到它们的影响,尤其是承运人的过失。

    Notwithstanding the process of adjustment that begins without reference to the source and nature of the perils which necessitate a general average act , whether the contribution in general average comes true will undoubtedly be affected by these questions , especially that of the carrier negligence .