
ɡònɡ tónɡ hǎi sǔn fèi yonɡ
  • general average expenditure;general average expenses
  1. 共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。

    The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average .

  2. 为筹款支付共同海损费用而变卖货物致使货主遭受的资本损失,均应认入共同海损。

    The capital loss sustained by the owners of goods sold for the purpose of raising funds to defray general average disbursements shall be allowed in general average .

  3. 对垫付的共同海损特殊费用,除船员工资、养和船舶消耗的燃料、外,应当计算手续费。

    A commission shall be allowed for the general average expenses paid on account , except those for the wages and maintenance of the crew and fuel and store consumed .

  4. 共同海损避难港费用

    Cost allowed in general average

  5. 共同海损牺牲和费用,应按下列规定,由各分摊方分摊。

    General average sacrifices and expenditures shall be borne by the different contributing interests on the basis hereinafter provided .

  6. 可作为共同海损的临时修理费用,不应作'以新换旧'的扣减。

    No deductions'new for old'shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average .

  7. 第二百零一条对共同海损特殊牺牲和垫付的共同海损特殊费用,应当计算利息。

    Interest shall be allowed on general average sacrifice and general average expenses paid on account .

  8. 共同海损及救助共同海损及海上救助共同海损及救助费用伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    General average and salvage The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help .