
  1. 我国民事立法中的按份共有人优先购买权便是其中之一。

    Co-owner by shares in PRC Civil Law is one example .

  2. 第四部分:按份共有人优先购买权的法律救济。

    The legal remedy of co-owners by shares ' pre-emptive rights .

  3. 所谓共有人优先购买权的对内效力,是指依据法律规定,在共有关系中,出卖人与优先购买权人所拥有的权利和承担的义务。

    The internal validity of the preemption right of the part owner means the rights and obligations of the seller and the preemption claimant what formulate in the legal system .

  4. 当两优先购买权发生竞合时,基于立法目的及其他方面的考虑,应该选择共有人优先购买权优先于承租人优先购买权。

    When these two preemption rights get concurrent , taking legislation aim and other aspects into account , we should choose the preemption right of the part owner instead of that of the leaseholder .

  5. 传统观念认为,共有人优先购买权是共有人基于共有关系所产生的,在一定条件下,根据法律规定而享有的优先于第三人购买共有份额或者共有物的权利。

    The preemption right of the part owner comes from the common relationship , which the part owner has the priority to buy proportion in common or community property over third party according to the law in traditional view .

  6. 这一部分从讨论共有人优先购买权的性质入手,肯定了共有人优先购买权属于形成权更契合该法律制度设立的目的。

    This part starts with the discussion about the nature of the preemption right of the part owner , confirms that the preemption right of the part owner is one right of formation . This will do better for implementing the objective of the preemptive right system .

  7. 然而在具体处分应有份时,要联系所有权行使的限制考察自由处分应有份的整体限制,联系按份共有人的优先购买权考察自由处分应有份的局部限制。

    However , when disposing specific due shares , we should associate the restriction on ownership fulfillment and investigate the overall constraints on free disposition of due shares , and relate investigate the partial constraints on free disposition of due shares by relating to co-owners ' preemptive right .

  8. 共有人与承租人优先购买权的竞合

    The Concurrence of Preemptive Right between Common Proprietor and Tenant Elementary Introduction About the First Purchasing Priority of a Tenant

  9. 房产共有人将自己份额的房产出售时,在同等条件下,其他共有人有优先购买权。

    When a joint owner sells his own portion of the building property , the other joint owners have , under the same conditions , the right of first refusal to purchase .