
  1. 基于四阶段DEA和BootstrappedDEA方法,在控制了外生环境变量和随机冲击的影响下,对中国省域规模以上工业企业的全要素能源效率进行了实证分析。

    Based on four-stage DEA and Bootstrapped DEA method , in the control of the effects of exogenous environmental variables and random shocks , we analyze the total factor energy efficiency and its decomposition variables of industrial enterprises above provincial domain scale .

  2. 另外,度量经济效益的指标主要选取了规模以上工业企业相关指标,说明税收收入主要来自规模以上工业企业。

    In addition , the index measuring economic benefit is chosen from industrial enterprises above designated size .

  3. 注:1.工业指标统计口径为规模以上工业企业;

    Note : 1.the statistical coverage of the industrial indicators covers the industrial enterprises above designated size .

  4. 本篇资料来源于全省能源平衡表和规模以上工业企业能源报表。

    Data in this chapter comes from the province energy balance and energy-scale industrial enterprises above statements .

  5. 这些对策将为我国规模以上工业企业和相关政府部门提供决策参考。

    These countermeasures will provide reference for policy-making to the industrial enterprises above designated size and related government departments .

  6. 全年规模以上工业企业产品销售率达到100.1%,比上年提高1.8个百分点。

    The sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size was 100.1 percent , an increase of 1.8 percentage points year-on-year .

  7. 规模以上工业企业利润增长12.2%。

    The profits of industrial enterprises with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more from their main business operations rose by 12.2 % .

  8. 6月份,全国规模以上工业企业的利润同比增长11.5%,达到6666亿元人民币,约合952亿美元。

    Profits from China 's major industrial firms have risen 11.5 percent year-on-year to 666.6 billion yuan , or about 95.2 billion U.S. dollars , in June .

  9. 1-8月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润26005亿元,同比增长55%。

    In the first eight months of this year , the profits made by industrial enterprises above designated size stood at 2,600.5 billion yuan , up by 55 percent year-on-year .

  10. 规模以上工业企业法人:是指全部国有工业企业法人和年主营业务收入500万元及以上的非国有工业企业法人。

    Industrial Enterprises above designated size : refer to all state-owned industrial corporations , and non-state-owned industrial enterprises with annual sales from principal activity of five million yuan or more .

  11. 最后运用所建立的模型对规模以上工业企业进行实证分析,研究结果符合实际情况。

    At last we made an empirical research with the model having been founded to analyze industrial enterprises above designated size in Hefei , and the results conform to the facts .

  12. 以我国企业为例,2008年11月,全国中小企业有7335101家,占规模以上工业企业的99.2%。

    In China , for example , all enterprises in November of 2008 , the small and medium-sized enterprises have 7335101 , accounting for industrial enterprises above designated size 99.2 % .

  13. 今年3月,中国规模以上工业企业利润连续第6个月下降,不过降幅较2014年底公布的巨大降幅有所收窄。

    Profits for Chinese factories fell for the sixth straight month in March , although the rate of decline slowed somewhat from the sharp drop reported at the end of 2014 .

  14. 我国规模以上工业企业的R&D数据证实了这一点,国有控股公司中,计算机相关行业和其他行业相比拥有最硬的预算约束。

    Statistics of R & D activities in China confirm the above proposition in that the computer-related industry has the hardest budget constraint compare to other industries within the state-controlled sector .

  15. 根据数据统计2009年沈阳市规模以上工业企业原煤使用量高达20055.78万吨,达到所有能源使用量的近90%。

    According to statistics in 2009 in Shenyang City , the industrial enterprises above the scale of up to 200,557,800 tons of coal usage , to all energy usage nearly 90 % .

  16. 当前,我国规模以上工业企业技术创新活动总体强度不高,地区之间差异比较明显。

    Now , the activities of technological innovation for the industrial enterprises above designated size in this country is poor as a whole , and the difference among various places is more obvious .

  17. 然后通过实证方法运用国家统计局规模以上工业企业面板数据分析影响我国创新研发投入的因素并作评价。

    By empirical methods using panel data of the National Bureau of Statistics of industrial enterprises above designated size analysis of the factors that affect our innovative R & D investment and to evaluate .

  18. 周二公布的数据显示,去年12月,中国规模以上工业企业利润同比下降8%,是2011年末以来的最大降幅。11月数据的同比下滑幅度为4.2%。

    The 8 per cent year-on-year drop in profits last month compares with 4.2 per cent in November and is the biggest since the current data series began in late 2011 , figures released on Tuesday showed .

  19. 而农村生产生活及乡镇企业带来的环境污染,套用解决城市污染和规模以上工业企业污染的主要手段&末端治理却存在技术、经济障碍。

    But the three kind of environmental pollution in the countryside , if applying the method of end-of-pipe control which is the important mean to solve the pollution in city and in the above-scale industrial enterprises , actually have the technological and economic hurdles .

  20. 通过对于影响因素的省际之间横向对比分析和不同年份得分的纵向对比分析,对中国各地区规模以上工业企业的技术创新行为的现状进行描述。

    Then , through crosswise contrastive analysis between provinces regarding influence factor and longitudinal contrastive analysis of score in different years , give a description of the present situation of technological innovation behavior of industrial enterprise above designated size in various areas of China .

  21. 城市规模以上工业企业的污染治理由于其污染排放的集中性、污染物相对的单一性和企业经营相对的大规模等特点,末端治理方法在多数情况下是适用的甚至惟一的。

    In the above-scale industrial enterprise , because of the concentricity of the pollution emission , the relative simplicity of pollutant and the relative large scale of the management , the end-of-pipe control method in he most situations is suitable or even the only one .

  22. 进入新世纪新阶段以后,东北沿边地区的规模以上工业企业单位数迅速增多,工业总产值快速提高,资产合计和利润总额也呈现逐渐增多的趋势。

    After entering the new century , about the industrial enterprises above designated size of the northeast frontier areas , the number of units had increased rapidly , the rapid increase in industrial output value , total assets and total profits have shown a trend of gradual increase .

  23. 武汉市政府一名官员表示,武汉市复工复产工作“快于预计、好于预期”。胡亚波表示,截止到周六,武汉全市规模以上工业企业复工率超过97%;规模以上服务业企业复工率93%。

    A Wuhan municipal government official says the resumption of work and production in the city is " faster and better than expected . " Hu Yabo says over 97 percent of industrial enterprises were operating by Saturday , and roughly 93 percent of leading service companies have resumed business .

  24. 截止2008年,安徽省规模以上中小工业企业总数为1.4万家,实现工业总产值7081.14亿元。

    By 2008 the quantity of small and medium industrial enterprises above designated size in AnHui is up to 14 000 with the total industrial output value of 7081.14 billion CNY .

  25. 第三章对山西规模以上国有工业企业近年来技术创新的状况进行了分析,找出了影响企业技术创新的各种因素。

    Third chapter the state-owned industrial enterprise the technological innovation condition has carried on the analysis in recent years to the Shanxi scale above , has discovered influence enterprise technological innovation each kind of factor .

  26. 注:本页为全部国有和规模以上非国有工业企业统计数。

    Note : data of industry in this table refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises above designated size .

  27. 应用主成分分析方法,以2001年中国各地区全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业主要经济效益指标为基础数据,对各地区工业企业经济效益进行综合评价。

    Taking the indicators on economic benefit of all state owned and non state owned industrial enterprises above designated scale in various regions of China in 2001 as fundamental data , the author uses PCA in comprehensively evaluating economic benefit of industrial enterprises in various regions .

  28. 其次也体现在数量上,截止到2008年末,我国共有规模以上制造业企业396950家,占全部规模以上工业企业的93.16%。

    Then the importance of the manufacturing is reflected in the number . By the end of 2008 , China had 396,950 manufacturing enterprises above designated size , accounting for 93.16 % of the total industrial enterprises above designated size .