
  • 网络Regulatory Capture Theory
  1. 公共利益理论、公共选择理论、规制俘虏理论、激励性规制理论等都只能对出租车市场的局部现象做出合理解释。

    Public interest theory , public choice theory , regulatory capture theory , incentive regulation theory can only explain partial phenomena of taxi market .

  2. 作为政府产业管制理论基础之一的自然垄断理论,曾受到以有限理性约束为底蕴的规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、公共选择理论等的批评。

    Natural monopoly theory , as one of the government industry regulation theory bases , has been criticized by the regulatory capture theory , economic regulation theory and public choice theory which were restricted by bounded rationality .

  3. 威尔逊对经济学界的规制理论,尤其是对规制俘虏理论的普适性提出了质疑。

    Wilson , a professor at Harvard University , criticized the economic theories of regulation , especially the universality of the capture theory of regulation .

  4. 在规制理论中分析了规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论和规制经济论;还分析了马克思的微观规制理论和可竞争市场理论。

    As to the regulation theories , the analysis is about the public interest regulation theory , the regulation capture theory and the theory on regulatory economy , as well as the micro regulation theory and contestable market theory of Karl Marx .

  5. 本文详细介绍了规制经济理论发展、演化的脉络。对传统的规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论及其主要代表人物的观点予以评述;

    This paper introduces in great detail the development and evolution of the theory of economic regulation , and makes a commentary on traditional theories of public interest regulation , of regulatory capture , of economic regulation and their representative figures ' viewpoints .

  6. 西方规制理论的演进经历了五个阶段,它们分别是规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、可竞争市场理论以及激励规制理论。

    The evolution of western regulation theory contains five stages , which are the public interest theory of regulation , the capture theory of regulation , the economic theory of regulation , the theory of contestable markets and the incentive theory of regulation .