
  • 网络China Investment Bank;CIB
  1. 中国投资银行的现存问题与改进策略

    The Present Problem and Betterment Strategy of China Investment Bank

  2. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)也于今年1月获得了中国投资银行业务资格。

    JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) and Morgan Stanley ( MS ) received Chinese regulatory approval for investment banking in January .

  3. 中国投资银行中金公司(cicc)表示,考虑到其在微博市场的统领地位,新浪正处在“3年至5年重新评估期”的早期阶段。

    CICC the Chinese investment bank says that sina is at the beginning of a " 3-5 year re-valuation " thanks to the dominance of Weibo .

  4. 花旗发送给员工的一则内部备忘录显示,在为美林效力近3年后,曾令祺(RodneyTsang)将加盟花旗,担任其中国投资银行业务联席主管。

    Rodney Tsang is to join Citi as co-head of China investment banking after nearly three years at Merrill Lynch , according to an internal memo sent to staff on Thursday .

  5. 融资制度创新与中国投资银行业的发展前景

    Financing System Innovation and Developing Future of Investment Bank of China

  6. 中国投资银行业存在的问题及对策研究

    Study on Problem and Countermeasure of Investment Banking Industry in China

  7. 论中国投资银行的成长之路

    A Discussion on the Growing Road of Chinese Investment Banks

  8. 中国投资银行业发展的研究

    The Study of the Development of China 's Investment Bank

  9. 人为垄断下的超额利润、趋同化竞争与业间合作&兼论中国投资银行业务的现状、趋势及对策

    Extra Profit , Assimilating Competition and Cooperation Between Industries under the Artificial Monopoly

  10. 前2章分析提出中国投资银行业可持续发展论题的现实背景和理论基础。

    The first two chapters analyze the realistic backgrounds and theory foundations that the subject relies on .

  11. 总结起来,本文的创新之处在于从制度经济学和产业组织理论方面对投资银行进行了理论分析,并提出在中国投资银行的发展战略中应该建立主办投资银行制度。

    This paper has made deep research on the development of the investment banks due to consideration on them .

  12. 全流通时代中国投资银行参与企业并购研究

    Study on the Participation of Investment Banks in China in the M & A of Enterprises during the Complete Circulation Times

  13. 同时,由市场结构所决定的中国投资银行业的市场行为十分单一,业务竞争严重趋同。

    Such market structure determines the simplicity of China 's investment banking market behavior and the serious assimilating of its business competition .

  14. 瑞银高管辩称,去年8月从摩根士丹利招募来的中国投资银行部门联席主管蔡卫,已经帮助该行将其中国战略拉回了正轨。

    UBS executives argue the recruitment of new China investment banking co-head Wei Cai from Morgan Stanley last August has helped the bank get its China strategy on track .

  15. 引致中国投资银行非效率状况的根源是制度缺陷,应以制度创新来提高投资银行及资本市场的金融效率。

    The non-efficiency of China 's investment bank is caused by system defects , so the chosen way is system innovation to raise the financial efficiency of investment bank and capital market .

  16. 与发达国家的投资银行业相比,中国投资银行业在资金规模、技术水平以及国际竞争经验等方面的实力还比较薄弱。

    Comparing with the investment bank industry of the developed countries , Chinese investment bank industry is still lying on the developing stage in the aspects of capital scale , technological level or international competition experience .

  17. 在剖析投资银行与商业银行的关系、投资银行的业务和投资银行的本质后指出:证券公司即是中国投资银行的主体。

    After touching on the relationship between the investment bank and the commercial bank ; the business of the investment bank , the author concludes that in China , investment bank is mainly made up of Securities Corporation .

  18. 因此,现阶段,对于中外投资银行业务发展历程、现状、趋势以及如何建设中国投资银行的研究就显得尤为重要。

    So , at present , the research on the history and current situation and the developing tendency of sino-foreign investment banking , especially on how to promote the building of our investment banking seems to be very important .

  19. 其次,以此研究成果为支撑,着眼于从微观上寻求中国投资银行竞争优势,对中外投资银行核心竞争力作了对比分析,找出中国投资银行核心竞争力存在的差距和问题。

    On the background , aiming to build up , from micro angle , the competitive advantage of Chinese investment banks , it does the comparison about the core competence between the Chinese investment banks and the foreign ones to find the difference of the Chinese ones .

  20. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)试图扩大在中国的投资银行业务,正考虑投资于第二家中资机构。

    Royal Bank of Scotland is considering investing in a second Chinese institution as the banking group seeks to build up its investment banking operations in the country .

  21. 关于中国组建投资银行的若干思考

    Thoughts on the construction of Investment Bank in China

  22. 与国外投资银行相比较而言,中国的投资银行是朝阳产业,证券公司是该产业的构成主体。

    Compared with foreign investment banks , Chinese investment banking is a sunrise industry , including securities companies as main component .

  23. 我们期待蔡红军会在开发和进一步发展我们在中国的投资银行业务的过程中发挥主导作用。

    We look forward to Catherine playing a leading role in growing and further developing our investment banking business in China .

  24. 一段时间以内,野村都是最为看空中国的投资银行之一。

    For some time , Nomura has been among the most bearish of the big investment houses when it comes to China .

  25. 在中国,投资银行一般能从大规模股票发行交易得到1%至2%,从债务发行交易得到50个基点,这些标准都远低于西方惯例。

    Investment banks have tended to take between 1 and 2 per cent of a big equity deal , and 50 basis points on debt both well below western conventions .

  26. 中国的投资银行正面临着从分业经营向混业经营的回归,这是一个循序渐进的长期发展过程。

    Chinese investment banks are facing the challenge of transition from specialized business to diversified business , which is a long-term process and should be developed in a proper sequence .

  27. 中国的投资银行不仅发挥着证券市场的基本中介作用,而且在风险投资这一全新的投资领域也发挥着积极的作用。

    The Investment bank in China not only acts as the basic media in the stock market , it also plays an important role in the new area of venture capital .

  28. 中国首创投资银行有数据显示,中国去年购车总数比美国多,今年购手机总数将超过世界其他国家和地区的总和。

    It bought more cars than America last year and this year looks set to buy more mobile phones than the rest of the world put together , according to China First Capital , an investment bank .

  29. 中国第一家投资银行已开始正式运作

    China Has its First Investment Bank Onstream

  30. 中国禁止外国投资银行全资拥有内地证券公司,因此在协助企业在上海和深圳证交所上市方面,这些投资银行只能发挥很小的作用。

    Global investment banks are banned from outright ownership of mainland brokerage firms , so they have only a small role in helping list groups on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges .