
  • 网络Central University of Finance and Economics;Cufe;cufe.edu.cn
  1. 本文是基于18位学者在北京举行的一次会议后发表的声明,会议由哥伦比亚大学和中央财经大学(CentralUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)联合主办。

    This article draws on a statement issued by 18 academics , following a meeting in Beijing co-organised by Columbia University and the Central University of Finance and Economics .

  2. 第五名中央财经大学

    No 5 Central University of Finance and Economics

  3. 以专业眼光剖析上市银行&访中央财经大学中国企业研究中心主任刘姝威教授

    Analysis of Listed Banks from the Expertise View : Interview of Professor Liu Shuwei

  4. 欢迎莅临中央财经大学税务学院!

    Welcome to School of Taxation , CUFE !

  5. 中央财经大学某工程斜屋面空心楼盖施工设计

    Construction Design of Hollow Slab in Some Building in Central University of Finance and Economics

  6. 2006~2008年中央财经大学教职工体检结果分析

    Analysis of health status of faculty in Central University of Finance and Economics , 2006 - 2008

  7. 中央财经大学副教授陈高生对放宽经营场所登记条件的改革举措表示大加赞赏。

    Chen Gaosheng , associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics , praised the relaxed requirements on the business site .

  8. 中央财经大学应用金融系主任韩复龄教授强调了合理的组织结构的重要性。

    Han Fuling , professor and dean of the Applied Finance Department at the Central University of Finance and Economics , stressed the importance of a sensible organizational structure .

  9. 所有的中国朋友,包括中央财经大学所有的工作人员:由于你们所展示出来的友好和你们所提供的帮助,我们在这一期项目中感觉良好。

    To all the Chinese people including all the staff of the central university ( CUFE ): We feel great because of all the kindness and help that you show .

  10. 来自中央财经大学、中国传媒大学、北京师范大学和其他院校的学生和影迷参加了电影节的开幕式。

    Hundreds of movie fans and students from the Central University of Finance and Economics , Communication University of China , Beijing Normal University and other institutions attended the event .

  11. 这两周时间我掌握了很多新经验并且和中央财经大学的员工成为好朋友,再次感谢!

    The two weeks was a chance to learn new experiences and also make lots of friends from all over the mostly and mostly to the CUFE staff . Thanks !

  12. 中央财经大学始建于1949年,是入选“双一流”大学和211工程的中国顶尖高校之一。

    Founded in 1949 , Central University of Finance and Economics is one of China 's top universities listed under the Project " Double First-Class " university and the Project 211 .

  13. 也许这只是一辆奔驰在北京街道上的豪车,但却成为中央财经大学的热门话题。

    It may just be another expensive car shuttling about the streets of Beijing , but it 's become the talk of the town at the Beijing-based Central University of Finance and Economics ( CUFE ) .

  14. 在调研北京五所大学新校区的基础上,选择北京工商大学良乡校区和中央财经大学沙河校区两个典型案例进行重点分析。

    The paper chooses Beijing Technology and Business University in Liangxiang and the Central University of Finance and Economics in Shahe as two typical cases to analysis , this is based on the study of five universities in Beijing .

  15. 斯坦艾布拉姆斯是一名居住在北京的律师,也是中央财经大学的外国投资和知识产权法教授。他说,虽然苹果本可以更加谨慎从而避免诉讼,但唯冠也犯了一些错误。

    Stan Abrams , a Beijing based lawyer and professor of foreign investment and intellectual property law at the Central University of Finance and Economics , said that while Apple could have avoided the suit by being more careful , Proview has also made mistakes .

  16. 我希望至少6000元月薪并有北京户口,否则,我读研花的时间和金钱就白费了。来自中央财经大学会计专业的研究生、25岁的李绩(音译)如是说。

    I am hoping for at least 6,000 yuan a month with a Beijing hukou . Otherwise , my time and money that went into my study will be wasted , said Li Ji , 25 , a postgraduate majoring in accounting at the Central University of Finance and Economics .