
  • 网络Medium Price
  1. 对此,提出用中位数价格作为政府与药厂议价的标准,可以降低20%或以上的药品费用。

    The paper proposed median price as the negotiated standard between government and pharmaceutical factory so as to reduce over20percent medicine expense .

  2. 住房中位数价格在2003年到2006年间上涨了70%——仅次于内华达州的增幅——带动了更多的房屋和建筑行业工作岗位。

    Median home prices jumped 70 % between 2003 and 2006 - only Nevada had bigger gains - fueling more building and construction jobs .

  3. 20世纪初,该州借助强大的旅游业和房地产市场蓬勃发展。住房中位数价格在2003年到2006年间上涨了70%仅次于内华达州的增幅带动了更多的房屋和建筑行业工作岗位。

    The state was booming on the strength of its tourism and real estate markets during the 2000s . Median home prices jumped 70 % between 2003 and 2006 only Nevada had bigger gains fueling more building and construction jobs .