
  • 网络CdR;China depository receipt
  1. 中国存托凭证(CDR)是境外注册的公司在中国境内发行的代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。

    Chinese depositary receipt ( CDR ) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company .

  2. 教育券制度评析中国存托凭证若干问题探析

    On School Voucher System On Chinese Depository Receipt

  3. 中国存托凭证若干问题探析

    On Chinese Depository Receipt

  4. 同时提出判定是否发展中国存托凭证应有的立场以及面临的现实障碍和应对策略。

    In addition , it points out the realistic obstacle , the due attitude and countermeasures about developing CDR in China .

  5. 在沪伦通机制下,在上海上市的公司现在可以通过全球存托凭证保险在伦敦证券交易所进行融资,而英国公司现在也可以在上交所签发中国存托凭证。

    Under the new system , companies listed in Shanghai can now raise funds on the London Stock Exchange via Global Depositary Receipts issuance , while British companies can issue China Depositary Receipts on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  6. 自去年年初以来,纽约银行中国美国存托凭证指数(BankofNewYorkChinaADRIndex)仅上涨77%。

    The Bank of New York China ADR index is up a mere 77 per cent since the beginning of last year .

  7. 在美国交易的大型中国企业美国存托凭证(ADR)的走势证明,中国股市的现象仅限于国内。

    The performance of the American Depositary Receipts of the larger Chinese companies , traded in the US , confirms that the Chinese stock phenomenon is local .

  8. 三家中国公司发行美国存托凭证(ADR)并在纽交所上市已经接近或超过二十年,一直遵守美国证券市场规则和监管要求,受到全球投资者的普遍认可。

    Having issued American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ) and been listed on the NYSE for nearly or over two decades , the three Chinese firms have complied with the rules and regulations of the US securities market , and are widely acknowledged by investors worldwide , the spokesperson said .

  9. 在当前条件下,中国需引进一种新的金融工具&中国存托凭证(CDR)。

    At present , China should introduce a new financial instrument-Chinese Depositary Receipts ( CDR ) .