
  • 网络CITIC;citic group
  1. yoshitomi女士列举了日本骨瓷制造商鸣海(narumi)的例子,在其母公司中信集团的支持下,它已经成功地在亚洲市场进行了扩张。

    MS Yoshitomi gives the example of Narumi , a Japanese maker of Bone China , which has successfully expanded in Asia under the auspices of its Chinese parent , CITIC .

  2. 在丑闻曝光后,中信集团为其香港子公司组织了紧急融资计划,并且承担了外汇合约的责任。

    In the wake of the scandal , CITIC organised an emergency funding package for its Hong Kong arm and assumed responsibility for the Forex contracts .

  3. 中信集团持有中信泰富58%的股份,前者在去年的《财富》500强(FortuneGlobal500)排名中位列172位。

    Citic Group , which was ranked 172 in last year 's Fortune Global 500 , owns 58 % of Citic Pacific .

  4. 杜军曾是一名“人际关系银行家”,他与中信集团(citicgroup)高管关系密切。

    Mr Du , who denied the charges , was a " relationship banker " with close ties to senior executives at the CITIC Group .

  5. 中信集团本身也是出售理财产品和其他非标信贷工具的活跃渠道,主要是通过中信银行(CiticBank)。

    Citic Group is also an active conduit for the sale of WMPs and other non-standard credit instruments , mainly through Citic Bank .

  6. 由工业及金融综合企业集团中信集团(CiticGroup)控股的国有企业中信证券,一直处于中国政府救市的前线。

    State-owned Citic Securities , controlled by industrial and financial conglomerate Citic Group , has been on the front line of government efforts to rescue the country 's tumbling stock market .

  7. 中国国有集团公司中信集团(Citic)旗下子公司承诺拿出1.25亿美元投资于由华特迪士尼(WaltDisney)前高管迪克锭克(DickCook)运营的一家公司。

    And an arm of Citic , the Chinese state-owned group , has committed $ 125m to a venture run by Dick Cook , a former Walt Disney executive .

  8. 到目前为止,在股权重组方面行动最大胆的是中信集团(CiticGroup),该集团旗下拥有从煤矿到足球队在内的各种资产。

    Citic Group , a conglomerate with assets ranging from coal mines to a football team , has taken the boldest step so far , announcing a $ 37bn asset injection into Hong Kong-listed unit Citic Pacific in April .

  9. 今年迄今为止最大的交易包括:中信集团的交易,绿地集团(GreenlandGroup)通过与一家上海上市公司的资产置换在中国国内市场上市(交易规模107亿美元)。

    The biggest deals so far this year were Citic 's deal as well as real estate firm Greenland Holding Group Co. Ltd. 's decision to list on China 's domestic market through an asset swap with a Shanghai-listed firm , a $ 10.7 billion deal .

  10. 帕尔默旗下公司Mineralogy周五向中信集团发出法律通知书,标志着这一陷入困境的铁矿石项目的合作方之间的争议日益激烈。中信集团最近将资本全部注入子公司中信泰富(CiticPacific)。

    Mr Palmer 's company Mineralogy on Friday served a legal notice against Citic - until recently known as Citic Pacific - marking the latest development in an increasingly bitter dispute between the partners in the troubled iron ore project .

  11. 第三章案例部分,主要是以中信集团为例,分析其存在的问题。

    It takes CITIC Group for example , provides analysis of the problem .

  12. 这笔交易如果完成,也将标志着中信集团再次成为中国改革的先行者。

    The deal , if completed , would also mark a return for Citic Group to the vanguard of Chinese reform efforts .

  13. 此外,据知情人士表示,南韩三星集团和中国中信集团也曾提出初步的探询。

    People close to the discussions said there had also been preliminary inquiries from Samsung of South Korea and Citic , the Chinese conglomerate .

  14. 上榜的中国企业包括阿里巴巴集团、中信集团、大连万达集团、小米公司和中国东方航空公司。

    Among the listed Chinese companies are Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. , Citic Group , Dalian Wanda Group Co , Xiaomi Corp. and China Eastern Airlines Corp.

  15. 主要股东为中信集团、摩托罗拉、霸凌投资等国际著名高科技公司和投资公司。

    DVN 's major shareholders include CITIC Group , Motorola and Baring Investment , all of them are listed on international famous high-tech companies and investment companies .

  16. 分析师们称,中信集团上市是中国国有行业深化改革的一个迹象。目前中国国有行业受到低效管理和缺乏监督的困扰。

    Analysts said the Citic Group listing is a sign of deepening reform in China 's state sector , which is plagued by inefficient management and poor oversight .

  17. 同时还担任中信集团副董事长兼总经理的常振明昨日表示,公司希望在未来数月找到新的总经理。

    Mr Chang , also vice-chairman and President of the CITIC Group , said yesterday the company hoped to find a new managing director in the next few months .

  18. 中信集团在中标后,获得了这个地块的使用权,集团计划建设这幢摩天大楼并将其命名为“中国樽”。

    The CITIC Group , which now has usage rights to the land after winning the bidding , plans to build the skyscraper and call it Zhongguo Zun ( Chinese goblet ) .

  19. 通过资产注入,中信集团将不再通过香港上市筹集100亿美元资金。多年来中信集团一直在考虑这种可能。

    With the asset injection , Citic Group will no longer be raising US $ 10 billion from a Hong Kong IPO , a transaction the company has been considering for years .

  20. 这本书的出版商是国有中信集团的一个下属机构。它表示,该书的销售量已达到20万册,并估计其盗版发行量为40万册。

    The book 's publisher , a unit of the state-owned CITIC group , said Currency Wars had sold nearly 200,000 copies , with an estimated 400,000 extra pirated copies in circulation as well .

  21. 此外,中信集团还将与正大集团及伊藤忠执行一份战略合作协议,以借助他们各自的实力,在三方之间探索及捕捉在中国内地及全球市场的重要战略机遇。

    Moreover , Citic will also enter a strategic cooperation agreement with CPG and Itochu to leverage their respective strengths to explore and capture important strategic opportunities among three parties in the PRC and the global markets .

  22. 荣智健表示,中信泰富集团财务董事张立宪(LeslieChang)和集团财务总监周志贤已引咎辞职,并补充称:事件相关的其他人员将受到纪律处分。

    Mr Yung said Citic Pacific 's group finance director , Leslie Chang , and group financial controller , Chau Chi-yin , had resigned over the losses , adding that disciplinary action will be taken against other staff members associated with this event .

  23. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的集团财务部董事。

    Mr Yung 's daughter , Frances , then listed as the company 's director , group finance , was demoted for her role in the scandal .

  24. 中信华南(集团)有限公司的预算管理分析

    The Budget Management Analysis for CITIC South China ( Group ) Company Limited

  25. 中信证券的最大股东是国有集团企业中信集团(CiticGroup)。

    The largest shareholder in Citic Securities is Citic Group , a state-owned conglomerate .

  26. 常振明还表示,中信泰富将整合自己及国有母公司中信集团(citicgroup)的房地产业务。

    Chang Zhenming , who became chairman and managing director in April , also said CITIC Pacific would integrate its real estate operations with that of CITIC Group , its Chinese state-owned parent .

  27. 在交易完成并且股份转换完成之后,正大光明将持有中信20.6%的股份。这两步交易中,中信集团的股价都被定为每股13.8港元,比周一收盘时该集团每股13.62港元的价格略有溢价。

    Both transactions valued shares at HK $ 13.80 , a slight premium to Monday 's closing price of HK $ 13.62 .

  28. 中信泰富周三发表公告称,已经签署框架协议,准备收购母公司中信集团的主要业务平台中信股份,双方正就此进行初步谈判。中信股份的资产包括资源公司、银行和不动产。

    In a statement Wednesday , Citic Pacific said it signed a framework agreement and is in early talks to buy its parent 's operating company , which owns assets including resources , banking and real estate .

  29. 中信泰富的股东还将被要求批准一项象征性的豁免,允许中信集团在不提交全面收购要约的情况下增持股权。

    Citic Pacific shareholders will also be asked to approve a whitewash waiver allowing Citic Group to increase its stake without making a general offer .