
zhōnɡ ɡuó yóu zhènɡ
  • China Post
  1. 证券时报网的一篇报道显示,中国邮政与华为就提高邮政的数字化进程展开合作。

    China Post and Huawei have partnered to work on advancing the digitalization of China Post , according to a report by Securities Times Online .

  2. 中国邮政快递(EMS)市场分析及竞争力研究

    The Analysis of Market and Research of Competence of China Post EMS

  3. 国家邮政局发展研究中心近日发布《中国邮政快递业绿色发展报告(2019-2020年)》。报告称,2019年我国在快递包装绿色治理方面取得显著成效,行业正加速构建绿色发展体系。

    China made remarkable progress on the green governance of express packaging in 2019 , with a more environment-friendly development framework taking shape , according to a recent report on the green development of China 's post and express industry .

  4. Internet的出现对中国邮政企业来说应该是机遇大于挑战,关键是如何开发基于Internet的邮政创新业务。

    It is necessary for Chinese post enterprises to develop innovation business on the basis of Internet .

  5. 一年前,中国邮政储蓄银行(postalsavingsbankofchina)行长陶礼明在描述该行未来雄心勃勃的征途时,引用了两句古诗。

    A year ago the president of the postal savings bank of China quoted a classic poem to describe the journey ahead for his ambitious institution .

  6. 邮政特快专递(EMS)业务自开办以来,取得了长足进步,中国邮政成为国内最大的快递运营商。

    Express mail service ( EMS ) business has made rapid progress since its inception , China Post has become the largest express carrier .

  7. 国外速递公司的渗透,本土民营企业的不断涌现,都对中国邮政速递业务(EMS)的发展带来了巨大的威胁和挑战,一枝独秀的局面不复存在。

    Both the penetration of foreign couriers and emerge of local private enterprises brought enormous threats and challenges to the development of Chinese Express Mail Service ( EMS ) .

  8. 甘肃邮政EMS依托中国邮政和中国邮政速递物流,以其庞大的网络、良好的信誉、安全的品质、非凡的表现、强烈的责任意识和使命意识,保持了较好的品牌形象。

    Depending on its vast networks , good reputations , reliable qualities , outstanding performance , strong senses of responsibility , Gansu Postal EMS , subordinated to China Post and China Postal Express & Logistics , maintain a good brand image .

  9. 新模式通过对比国际业内领跑者如TNT和国内直销行业的成功企业如贝塔斯曼,通过他们的业务开展和运行模式分析,将中国邮政在直复营销行业的开展模式进行优化。

    As a result of the comparison between the internal leader like TNT and domestic forerunner like Bertelsmann in service development and operation mode , the new mode optimizes the development mode of postal DM in China .

  10. 本文结合中国邮政行业应用软件的实际,以元数据理论、构件技术和DSSA技术为基础,对应用软件客户端的人机界面和业务流程的自动生成技术进行了研究。

    Considering the current situation of application software in the post industry of China , in this thesis , a study for automatically generating client-side human / computer interfaces and workflows in the application software has been carried out by leveraging the meta-data theory , component technology and DSSA technology .

  11. 中国邮政储蓄改革过程中的风险研究

    A risk study on the post deposit in its reform process

  12. 目前中国邮政已经在全国范围内开展了数据库商函业务。

    China has launched a database direct mail business at national .

  13. 中国邮政业垄断与竞争问题研究

    Research on the Monopoly and Competition Conditions of Chinese Post Industry

  14. 二是改进中国邮政的配送;

    Second , the improvement of the postal distribution in China ;

  15. 第四方物流:中国邮政物流的发展方向

    The Fourth Party Logistics : The Developing Tendency of China Postal Logistics

  16. 动态数据仓库在中国邮政速递综合信息处理系统的应用

    The Application of Active Data Warehouse in China Post EMS Processing System

  17. 中国邮政发展现代物流的可行性分析与策略建议

    On Feasibility and Strategies for Development of Modern Logistics in China Post

  18. 强化中国邮政财务管理的对策

    The Countermeasures for Strengthening the Financial Management of China Post

  19. 中国邮政物流业竞争力与运营模式创新问题研究

    Research of Competence and Operating Model Innovation of China Post Logistics Industry

  20. 中国邮政金融业竞争力分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation on the Competitive Power of China Postal Finance

  21. 中国邮政发展现代物流刍议

    On Development of Modern Logistics in China Post Service

  22. 中国邮政储蓄银行的客户关系管理方案研究

    Customer Relationship Management Research of China Postal Savings Bank

  23. 祝张尧是中国邮政浙江省分公司总经理。

    Zhu Zhangyao is the general manager of China Post 's Zhejiang branch .

  24. 中国邮政电子商务营销模式初探

    Research on the E-Commerce Marketing Model of China Post

  25. 2007年3月6日,中国邮政储蓄银行有限责任公司正式成立。

    March 6,2007 , China Postal Savings Bank Co. , Ltd. officially established .

  26. 法国与近代中国邮政述论

    On the relations between France and the modern China-post

  27. 发展中国邮政网上商店业务的思考与对策

    An Approach to the Feasibility of China Post to Develop Online Shop Business

  28. 全要素生产率与中国邮政经济增长

    The Application of Total Factor Productivity to the Growth of China Postal Economy

  29. 中国邮政业发展趋势及相关产业政策分析

    Analysis of the Development Trend of Chinese Post Industry and Related Industrial Policy

  30. 中国邮政物流业务网络资源亟待整合

    The Analysis of China Post Logistics Business Network Resource