
  • 网络Central Business District;central business district CBD;CDB
  1. 中央商务区拥有现代便捷的交通网。

    The CBD has a convenient communication network .

  2. 同时,选取能够表征中央商务区建筑群风环境特征的的13个点的试验数据进行归纳整理,对192组试验模型的试验结果进行数据统计分析。

    Then , choosing 13 point test data , which can characterize the feature of the CBD outdoor wind environment , to analysis the 192 groups of model test results .

  3. 自2月28日至7月31日,每月的最后一个星期天,市政区及中央商务区的指定路段将在早上7时至9时全面封路,届时将形成一条全长约4.7公里的“无车区”。

    On the last Sunday of every month from 28 Feb to 31 Jul , selected roads in the Civic District and Central Business District ( CBD ) will be closed from 7am to 9am to form a car-free zone that stretches for about 4.7km .

  4. 从空间载体来说,上海现代服务业集群的空间载体主要是中央商务区、各级产业园区和web。

    And its space carriers are CBD , industrial garden and web .

  5. 比如时髦的北京怡亨酒店(HotelEclatBeijing),它于2013年在中央商务区开业。

    One example is the stylish Hotel Eclat Beijing which opened in 2013 in the Central Business District .

  6. 促进我国城市中央商务区(CBD)健康发展探讨

    A Study on Promoting the Healthy Development of Urban CBD in China

  7. CBD(CentralBusinessDistrict:中央商务区)是许多国际化大都市的标志性区域,是世界性城市的窗口和象征。

    Central Business District ( CBD ) is the symbolist area of many international metropolitan cities as well as a window and symbol of such international city .

  8. 凯悦酒店公寓位于北京中央商务区(CentralBusinessDistrict,CBD)中心位置,周围高楼林立,高档商铺与夜总会云集,是各路富豪觊觎的黄金地段。

    Situated in the middle of the central business district ( CBD ) among skyscrapers , upscale shops and clubs , the area is a coveted hub for the moneyed classes .

  9. 珠江新城是21世纪广州市中央商务区(CBD)的重要组成部分,完善发达的内外交通是CBD的支撑基础。

    Zhujiang New Town constitutes an important part of the CBD in Guangzhou city in the21st century .

  10. CBD,是中央商务区的英文简称,是集中进行商务活动及商务相关活动的核心区域。

    CBD as the abbreviation of central business district is the core place for business activity and others concerned .

  11. 现在在北京中央商务区,一居室的房租达到了每月8k到1w。

    Now , one-bedroom monthly rent reaches 8000 to 10000 yuan in Beijing CBD .

  12. 中央商务区(CBD)是高端现代服务业集聚之地。该区域一般是以商业、金融、文化创意产业为主。

    CBD works as the concentration area of nance service and cultural creative industries dominate modem high-end service industries where commerce , fieconomic development .

  13. 大多数人喜欢住在北京的东部,例如通州、四惠等地区,因为他们认为这些地点靠近CBD中央商务区。

    Most people like to live in East Beijing , such as in the Tongzhou and Sihui areas , as they think it 's near the Central Business District .

  14. CBD是中央商务区的简称,是城市中金融、信息、商业以及贸易活动高度集中的地区。

    CBD is the short of Central Business District . It is the area that highly concentrated the financial , information , business and trade activities in the city .

  15. 随着北京中央商务区的不断建设和发展,CBD区域正在逐步形成规模,并且成为北京邮政业务快速增长的重点区域之一。

    With the construction and development of Beijing Central Business District , the CBD region has been established in large scale and is becoming one of the key fast growing regions for Beijing postal services .

  16. 这个高度整合的高科技中心位于首尔附近,使用思科(Cisco)提供的服务,建筑由美国KPF建筑师事务所设计。它代表着把城市构思为中央商务区这一时代的到来。

    A fully integrated high-tech hub near Seoul with services supplied by Cisco and architecture design by US firm KPF , it heralds the advent of city-conceived-as-CBD ( central business district ) .

  17. 这是商业地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)的最新调查结果。该公司发现,在香港的中央商务区租用办公空间的成本高达每平方英尺249美元(约合每平方米2680美元)。

    That 's the latest finding from CB Richard Ellis , a commercial real estate firm , which found that it costs a whopping $ 249 per square foot to rent office space in the city 's central business district .

  18. 休斯顿高建筑中的两个“巨人”——1002英尺高的特拉维斯大街600号(又名JP摩根大通大厦)和992英尺高的威尔斯.费高大厦矗立在中央商务区的显眼地段,彼此凝视着对方塔顶。

    Its two giants , 600 Travis Street ( aka JP Morgan Chase Tower ) at 1002 feet and Wells Fargo Plaza at 992 feet , stand prominently over the Central Business District , staring at each other over the tops of their fellow towers .

  19. 中央商务区项目总控理论研究

    The Study on Project Controlling Theory of Central Business District

  20. 科技三产与城市中央商务区的互动关系研究

    The Mutual Development of Science Technology Service Industry and Central Business District

  21. 现代服务业缔结中央商务区的纽带

    Modern Service : The Tie that Links the Downtown Business

  22. 发展重庆中央商务区战略规划研究

    The Strategic Research of Developing Central Business District of ChongQing

  23. 重庆市中央商务区的区位选择研究

    Research on the Location Selection of CBD in Chongqing

  24. 中央商务区规划管理的生态思考

    Ecological issues in planning management of central business district

  25. 这里,是杭州中央商务区;

    Because here is the CBD of Hangzhou .

  26. 举个例子来说:纽约的中央商务区位于曼哈顿中城。

    New York 's central business district , for example , is mid-town Manhattan .

  27. 中央商务区现代物流体系研究

    Study on the Modern Logistics System of CBD

  28. 重庆中央商务区建设中的问题与对策

    Logistics Service in Industrial Zone Important suggestion for the planning and construction of Chongqing CBD

  29. 它位于中央商务区,距离机场25分钟车程。

    In the central business district , it is a 25-minute drive from the airport .

  30. 建设中央商务区对青岛的发展具有重要的战略意义,而且青岛本身也具备了明显的优势。

    CBD 's construction has important strategic significance to Qingdao which has many obvious advantages .