
  • 网络operation mode;operation model;business model
  1. 通过对淘宝网成功战略措施和运营模式的分析,可以看出CRM的应用对其产生了重要的影响和意义。

    The application of CRM is important to Taobao through the analysis of its successful strategy and operation model .

  2. DM广告杂志在国外是一种成熟的广告形式,具有较长的发展历史,其占有的广告份额也比较高,已经形成了成熟的运营模式。

    With a longer development history and comparatively high market share , DM magazine , a mature form of advertising in the overseas , is taking shape as a proven operation model .

  3. 他们可以确保传统烹饪不会被商业运营模式完全破坏。

    They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices .

  4. 我国林业电子商务运营模式的构想&ApplicationServiceprovider的设计


  5. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)是伴随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的日益普及而出现的一种新的企业运营模式。

    Application Service Provider occurs along with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet .

  6. 电子商务(Electroniccommerce)是通过互联网来实现网上购物、网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型商务运营模式。

    E-commerce is a business mode that realizes online-shopping , online - bargaining , and online electronic payment on Internet .

  7. 3G移动数据业务商业运营模式初探

    Primary Study on 3G Mobile Data Service Business Modes

  8. VoIP业务的运营模式分析

    Analysis on the Operation Mode of VoIP Service

  9. 探讨一种新的多层次化,可定制服务,满足IP服务控制的带宽管理需求网络运营模式。

    To satisfy the need of traffic manager for the control of ' IP Service ' , an innovational Service Provide Model is proposed .

  10. IPTV运营模式探讨

    Discussion on IPTV Operation Mode

  11. 基于电力市场的中国CCS商业运营模式及仿真研究

    Research on CCS Commercial Model and Its Systematic Simulation in China Based on Electricity Market

  12. 从盈利模式、价格策略、分销策略、市场策略和竞争策略等多方面阐述了PLC网络的运营模式。

    The management mode of PLC network is expatiated in detail from many aspects such as payoff pattern , price policy , distribution strategy , market resource and competition tactic .

  13. 国际技术转移下的HCR运营模式探究

    A Study of HCR 's Operation Pattern under International Technology Transfer

  14. James:描述运营模式可以观察到哪些使软件开发者受益的反馈类型会有较高的价值。

    James : it would be highly valuable to outline what types of feedback do operations types observe that could benefit the software development side of the house .

  15. 同时结合对基于SNS的网络教育商业运营模式的需求分析,构想出运营模式的理论模型。

    Combined with the needs analysis of SNS-based online education business model , ideas the theoretical model of the operation mode .

  16. SOHO尚都事件的发生,引起了国内学者对SOHO中国的商业房地产开发运营模式的质疑。

    The SOHO Shangdu incident made the domestic scholars question SOHO China 's commercial real estate development business mode .

  17. 它将语音传输与IP网络联系起来,改变了语音传输的承载网络和传输方式,极大地冲击着全球传统电信市场,挑战着语音通讯业务的运营模式。

    Combining voice transmission with IP network , VoIP changes the carrying network and transmission way , greatly influences the traditional telecom market in the world , and challenges the running pattern of voice communication business .

  18. 物联网商业模式主要有客户全部自建模式、平台租赁运营模式、广告模式、移动支付模式、政府BOT模式。

    There are some business mode of IOT , build up by themselves of customer , leasing operation on plateform , advertisement , internet payment and government BOT mode .

  19. 互联网的发展和应用软件的成熟促进了新的服务交付和运营模式的诞生:软件即服务(SoftwareasaService,SaaS),其最大的特点就是单实例多租赁。

    The development of Internet technology and the maturity of application software give birth to a new model of service delivery and operation - Software as a service ( SaaS ) . The typical character of SaaS applications is ' single-instance multi-tenancy ' .

  20. 随着全球网络通信和信息技术的发展,特别是Internet在世界范围的普及和扩展,给企业经营带来的最大变革是电子商务,企业内部运营模式和企业间的交易方式都将以电子方式进行。

    With the development of global communication network and information technology , especially the wide extention of internet in the world lead to electronic commerce which has brought an immense improvement on enterprises management . Enterprise operation model and transaction means will be based on electronic technology .

  21. 然而,随着企业全球化趋势的发展和网络技术所带动的企业运营模式的变化,企业也对EAI技术提出了一些新的挑战,对集成过程中业务过程的体现提出了新的要求。

    However , following the development of global informationization and changing of business operation mode driven by network technologies , there are some new challenges to EAI offered by industries .

  22. 这种变化的发生,正值Visa及其主要竞争对手万事达(Mastercard)的运营模式受到监管机构和零售商责难之时,零售商是Visa和万事达支付系统最大的终端用户。

    The change comes as the model operated by Visa and its main rival , Mastercard , is being challenged by regulators and retailers , the largest end-users of their payment systems .

  23. IPTV作为一个新生事物,在市场运作方面受到了多方面因素的制约,需要在商业模式、运营模式和业务提供方式方面进行探索。

    IPTV , as a newborn thing , is restricted on market operation by multiple factors . Therefore , exploration is needed in respect of its business , operations and service provision models .

  24. 通过对国外BRT系统成功案例的各种运营模式进行比较,借鉴其成功经验,并得出BRT在我国未来的发展趋势。

    At the same time , through the comparison of varies operating patterns and the reference of successful experiences of aboard BRT systems , the trend of domestic BRT system was come out .

  25. 而位于上海的一家韩国公司的高级经理EricMoon则认为,受韩国文化影响的人数不断扩大可能源于韩国日渐成熟的商业运营模式,甚至会为了迎合中国观众的口味而专门定制一些节目。

    The growing popularity of Korean culture may also derive from a maturing business model , by which shows are tailored to the tastes of Chinese viewers , said Eric Moon , a senior manager at a South Korean firm in Shanghai .

  26. CIF之所以引起人们的关注,是因为它是安哥拉境内主要中国投资者之一。中国在那里开创了以基础设施和数十亿美元廉价融资换取非洲资源的运营模式。

    CIF came to prominence as one of the main Chinese investors in Angola , where China pioneered its model of swapping infrastructure and billions of dollars of cheap finance for African resources .

  27. 随后,对广东邮政物流配送服务有限公司(YCC)的发展模式进行分析,其运营模式可用以指导四川邮政发展物流业务。

    The thesis analyzes the development mode of Guangdong Post Logistics Service Corporation ( YCC ), its operation mode can be guidance of Sichuan Post to develop logistics business .

  28. 因此本文对SaaS运营模式的研究侧重于分析SaaS的服务方式、角色分配、计费方式、以及SaaS运营过程中涉及的市场主体和面临的诸多问题。

    Therefore , the research in this paper on the SaaS Business Model focuses on the analysis of SaaS service manner , role distribution , billing methods , the related market subjects of SaaS Business Model , as well as many problems faced in the operation process of SaaS .

  29. 文章介绍了GoTa的集群调度、基本语音、无线数据等业务功能,探讨了几个典型集群行业的业务运营模式,并给出了GoTa系统的多种计费策略。

    The paper introduces GoTa services such as dispatching services , basic voice services and wireless data services , discusses the service operating modes of several typical trunking industries , and finally presents the multiple billing policies of the GoTa system .

  30. 手持电视传播模式与运营模式分析

    An Analysis of Transmission Mode and Operating Mode of Portable Televisions