
yùn shū hé tonɡ
  • contract of carriage;transport contract;carriage contract
  1. 《合同法》下海运托运人变更运输合同之权利相关问题探讨

    Shipper ' Rights of Varying Carriage Contract According to the New Contract Law

  2. 港口经营人不是运输合同的当事人,但却是运输中重要的利害关系方。

    The operator is not a party to the carriage contract but an important person interested .

  3. THC问题不仅涉及对运输合同和贸易合同的理解,还涉及到对航运和贸易惯例的理解,以及对市场垄断行为的管制。

    These questions concerned about transport contract , trade contract , and the traditions in shipping and commerce .

  4. 根据我国《海商法》关于托运人的定义,FOB术语买方和卖方都具有运输合同的托运人法律地位。

    Both the buyer and the seller in FOB contract are shipper according to the definition of shipper in CMC .

  5. 乌克兰总理季莫申科能源顾问古德马告知VOA,俄罗斯和乌克兰之间没有签订天然气运输合同,这使乌克兰有可能陷入负债状态。

    But Oleksiy Hudyma , energy advisor to Prime Minister Tymoshenko , told VOA Russia and Ukraine have no gas transport contract , which exposes his country to possible financial liabilities .

  6. 在国际领域,《联合国国际货物销售运输合同公约》(以下简称CISG)详细规定了不同情况下买卖合同货物风险转移的规则,为各国立法提供了不可或缺的参考。

    In the international field , The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (" CISG ") specifies risk transfer rules of sales contract under different conditions . And it provides , indispensable reference content for legislation of many countries .

  7. 海上货物运输合同下的货物交付研究

    Probe into Goods Delivery under Contract of Carriage Goods by Sea

  8. 第五章分析了海上货物运输合同当事人有哪些,也分两部分。

    Chapter Five analyzes the components of the oversea cargo transport contract .

  9. 最后分析了海上货物运输合同的解除。

    Thirdly , detailed analysis is given to contract termination .

  10. 海上货物运输合同中若干法律问题的研讨

    On Some Matters of the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  11. 但是,国际运输合同除外。

    However , this provision shall not apply to international transport contracts .

  12. 关于提升集装箱铁路运输合同管理水平的思考

    Thoughts on Increasing Contract Management Level of Container Railway Transportation

  13. 提单是班轮运输合同的证明。

    Bill of lading is the evidence of contract of carriage of goods .

  14. 公路运输合同法律风险防范探析

    Analysis on Law Risk Precautions in Road Freight Contract

  15. 在海上货物运输合同中,收货人具有特殊的法律地位。

    Consignee has special legal status in international carriage of goods by sea .

  16. 海上旅客运输合同的解除

    Cancellation of Contract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea

  17. 国际海上货物运输合同收货人相关法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems about Consignee in Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  18. 国内海上旅客运输合同

    Contract of Domestic Carriage of Passengers by Sea

  19. 二是运输合同存在和内容的证明;

    Second , the certificate for the existence and content of the transportation contract ;

  20. 国际货物运输合同中的保险利益条款研究&从天安公司拒赔萨那加案说起

    Insurable Interest of Transportation Contract in International Trade

  21. 对班轮运输合同的订立和解除,法律规定不明确。

    Provisions about liner shipping contract conclusion and termination are relatively imprecise in law .

  22. 国际铁路货物运输合同

    Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail

  23. 海上货物运输合同变更与解除研究

    Re sea rch on Contract Modification and Termination in Carriage of Goods by Sea

  24. 票价是我们与您之间运输合同的基本内容。

    The Tariff for your fare forms an essential part of our contract with you .

  25. 但是,此种条款的无效,不影响整个航空运输合同的效力。

    But this nullification does not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract .

  26. 提单中的条款,包括仲裁条款,是海上货物运输合同内容的一部分。

    The arbitration clause in bills of lad in g is part of the contract .

  27. 二是以海上货物运输合同作为公约的适用对象。

    The second part treats the shipping contract as the applicable object of the convention .

  28. 在海上货物运输合同中,这种变化要受到更多因素的影响,所以,有必要对其专门予以归纳和分析。

    To solve the problem , it is necessary to the special induction and analysis .

  29. 第四章是海上旅客运输合同的成立。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the conclusion of the contract of carriage of passengers by sea .

  30. 海上货物运输合同中承运人履行抗辩权研究

    Study on Carrier 's Defence Right of Performance in Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea