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  • Mobile Warfare;mobile war/warfare
运动战 [yùn dòng zhàn]
  • [mobile war] 陆军的正规兵团在长的战线和大的战区上从事于战役和战斗的外线速决的进攻战的作战形式。也包括为这种进攻战服务的运动防御、阵地攻击和阵地防御。外军一般称机动作战

  1. (五)向运动战发展;

    The development of guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare ;

  2. (三)战胜蒋介石的作战方法,一般地是运动战。

    For defeating Chiang Kai-shek the general method of fighting is mobile warfare .

  3. 但是转换全局的战略方针,必然要是运动战。

    But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare .

  4. 红军的运动战的基本特点,就在这里。

    Herein lies the fundamental characteristic of the red army 's mobile warfare .

  5. 第八章向运动战发展

    Chapter VIII development of guerrilla war into mobile war

  6. 运动战,游击战,阵地战

    Mobile warfare , guerrilla warfare and positional warfare

  7. 想在运动战中得分,你须观察好对方的防守。

    When you are shooting off the dribble you want to read the defense .

  8. 我们有可能以最大的效率来进行运动战。

    It is possible for us to pursue mobile warfare with the utmost efficiency .

  9. 勇士仅仅得到了34个运动战进球,这是他们今年季后赛的最低数据。

    The Dubs made just 34 field goals , their lowest total of this postseason .

  10. 运动战,还是阵地战?

    Mobile warfare or positional warfare ?

  11. 反对固定的作战线和阵地战,承认非固定的作战线和运动战;

    Oppose fixed battle lines and positional warfare , and favour fluid battle lines and mobile warfare .

  12. 这个阶段我所采取的主要的战争形式仍将是运动战,但是阵地战将提到重要地位。

    Our primary form of fighting will still be mobile warfare , but positional warfare will rise to importance .

  13. 基本的是运动战,并不是拒绝必要的和可能的阵地战。

    Mobile warfare is primary , but we do not reject positional warfare where it is possible and necessary .

  14. 这样说,是包括了游击战向运动战发展这一个战略任务在内的。

    In saying this we also have in mind the strategic task of developing guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare .

  15. 此阶段中我之作战形式主要的是游击战,而以运动战辅助之。

    In this stage , our form of fighting will be primarily guerrilla warfare , supplemented by mobile warfare .

  16. (九五)抗日战争的作战形式中,主要的是运动战,其次就要算游击战了。

    95 . Among the forms of warfare in the anti-Japanese war mobile warfare comes first and guerrilla warfare second .

  17. 我们想要的防卫手段,并不是马奇诺防线那样的东西,而更像是运动战。

    The kind of defence we want is not something akin to the Maginot Line , but more like manoeuvre warfare .

  18. 他把埃弗拉的传中顶进大门,这也是他自去年3月以来的第一个运动战进球。

    The striker headed home Patrice Evra 's left-wing cross to notch his first goal from open play since last March .

  19. 除了调动有训练的军队进行运动战之外,还要在农民中组织很多的游击队。

    Besides employing trained armies to carry on mobile warfare , we must organize great numbers of guerrilla units among the peasants .

  20. 第三阶段,运动战再升为主要形式,而辅之以阵地战和游击战。

    In the third stage mobile warfare will again become the primary form and will be supplemented by positional and guerrilla warfare .

  21. 第二阶段,则游击战将升到主要地位,而以运动战和阵地战辅助之。

    In the second stage guerrilla warfare will advance to the first place and will be supplemented by mobile and positional warfare .

  22. 在地理上,战场这样广大,我们作最有效的运动战,是可能的。

    Geographically the theatre of the war is so vast that it is possible for us to conduct mobile warfare most effectively .

  23. 那里的作战虽然一般是游击战,但开始即包含了运动战的成分。

    The operations there , though generally of a guerrilla character , have contained an element of mobile warfare from the very beginning .

  24. 分歧的焦点和原因在于如何理解运动战与游击战的关系问题。

    The focus and reasons of difference were how to understand the question of relation with between the movement fights and the guerrilla war .

  25. 这是实行持久战的最好的方针,也即是所谓运动战的方针。

    It is the best principle for waging a protracted war and it is also the principle for what is known as mobile warfare .

  26. 并且正规军分散作游击战,集合起来又可作运动战,八路军就是这样做的。

    Moreover , such regular forces can conduct guerrilla warfare when dispersed and mobile warfare when concentrated , as the Eighth Route Army has been doing .

  27. 因此,运动战决不能被韩复榘一类人所借口,决不是只有向后的运动,没有向前的运动;

    Hence mobile warfare is in no way an excuse for people like Han Fu-chu and can never mean moving only backward , and never forward ;

  28. 我们的战略和战术必须依作战的地形来决定,而这就决定了运动战。

    Our strategy and tactics must be conditioned by the theater in which the war will take place , and this dictates a war of manoeuvre .

  29. 主要进攻方式为运动战的边路传中战术,其次为中路直传空当战术;

    The main attacking way is the tactic crossing from side in movement , another attacking way is the tactic passing straight to the open space .

  30. 要完全达到这种目的,集中兵力、运动战、速决战、歼灭战,都是必要的条件。

    Concentration of troops , mobile warfare , war of quick decision and war of annihilation are all necessary conditions for the full achievement of this aim .