
  1. 钟保家先生也从事机场建设和航空运输业投资。

    Mr Zhong Baojia also invested in airport construction and airway transportation .

  2. 运输业投资效益评价

    Evaluation of returns on transportation investment

  3. 利用我国广阔的水域资源发展民用水上航空运输业是投资少、见效快的最好办法。

    Using wide water-area resource for water-based air transportation development is the best way to fast benefit with less investment .

  4. 进一步增加航空运输业吸收外商投资的公司数量;

    The number of air transportation companies with foreign capital will be further increased ;

  5. 运输邮电通信业投资增长27.0%比重上升2个百分点。

    The investment in transportation , posts and telecommunications is up27 % ; its share rises BY2 percentage points .

  6. 官方数据显示,上月我国交通运输业固定资产投资达到3000亿元,同比增长20%。

    Official data shows that China 's fixed asset investment in the transportation sector reached 300 billion yuan last month , up 20 percent year-on-year .

  7. 远洋运输业是一个投资大、回收期长的行业。

    The open sea shipping industry is one in a big way invests , the recoupment period long profession .

  8. 此外可以采用中心多元化战略,抓住机遇发展多种交通运输业务,如快递业和专项物流运输业,投资新的领域,壮大公司规模;

    Meanwhile , it could adopt the concentric diversification strategy , seek opportunities to enter the express industry or special cargo transportation , in order to develop the company 's strength .