
yùn shū ɡōnɡ jù
  • transport;transportation;conveyance;means of conveyance
  1. 快速测试冷藏运输工具K值的研究

    Research on the quick measure k-value of the refrigerated transport medium

  2. 水和催化剂配体Cl都可作为质子运输工具协助质子转移,从而进一步降低反应的活化能。

    We found that Water and catalyst ligand Cl can be used as a proton transport equipment to assist the proton shuttle .

  3. 马奥尼以前从来没有见过这样的运输工具。

    Mahoney had never seen such a conveyance before .

  4. 他们成群结队地等在门口,让一种我看不见的运输工具载走。

    They waited at the door in groups to be taken in some conveyance that I couldn 't see .

  5. 第一百二十三条从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境有高度危险的作业造成他人损害的,应当承担民事责任;如果能够证明损害是由受害人故意造成的,不承担民事责任。

    Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous caused by the victim , he shall not bear civil liability .

  6. IBM在这一年获胜的诀窍是成功的拓展了其品牌形象,与洁净空气和水、更有效的健康护理和大众运输工具联系在一起。

    IBM has strived to make itself more broadly relevant by focusing on clean air and water , more efficient health care , and mass transportation .

  7. 一类运输工具带双重能力约束的LRP问题

    A Location-Routing Problem with Double Vehicle Capacity Constraints

  8. 全球控制CFCs:我国铁路运输工具面临的问题

    All over the world control CFC_s : the problems faced as our railway transport means

  9. 一个有发展前途的方法是公车快运(BRT),又超长运输工具在特定的车道形式。

    One promising alternative is bus rapid transit ( BRT ), which features extra-long carriers running in dedicated lanes .

  10. 自主导引小车(AutonomousGuideVehicle,AGV)是现代化物流系统的重要运输工具,作为其核心部分的定位与导航技术的研究越来越受到重视。

    Autonomous Guide Vehicle ( AGV ) is the main conveyance in modern logistics system , so people have attached much importance to the study of location and navigation technology , which is the most important part of AGV .

  11. LNG船是进行国际间天然气贸易最重要的运输工具,LNG船集所有技术难题和特殊工艺于一体,是国际上公认的高技术、高附加值船舶。

    LNG vessel is an important tool for international LNG transportation . All the technology problems and special technics are integrated into LNG vessels , which make LNG vessel acknowledge as a famous kind of ship with high technology and additional value .

  12. 工业生产和商业贸易的不断发展,产生了对运输工具进行动态称重(Weigh-In-Motion简称WIM)越来越多的需求。

    Along with the development of the industrial production and the business trade , it is required that the weigh-in-motion ( abbreviate WIN ) systems have more and more functional performances .

  13. 最早也是最流行之一的运输工具Vactrax和水翼艇。

    Together with the Vactrax , one of the earliest , and most popular , was the hydrofoil .

  14. 铁路易腐货物运输工具发展趋势刍议

    Consideration on the Development Trend of Railway Vehicles for Perishable Goods

  15. 铝合金是运输工具轻量化的重要材料。

    Aluminum alloy is an important material for lightweight vehicle body .

  16. 仅使用具有足够承载能力的适当运输工具。

    Only use suitable means of transport of adequate carrying capacity .

  17. 攀登陡坡的缆索铁路上运送乘客和货物的运输工具。

    A conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway .

  18. 和所有运输工具一样,各类人都领略过它的奇妙。

    As on any commuter vehicle , all sorts used it .

  19. 西方人正不断地创造出越来越多的高速运输工具。

    The West is continuously creating more and more speedy vehicles .

  20. 起重机械是现代化生产中必不可少的运输工具。

    Lifting machinery is essential for modern production as means of transport .

  21. 一种新型载货运输工具&塑料托盘

    A New Type of Freight Transportation Tool & Plastic Pallet

  22. 构成运输工具的一部分的箱子或外壳,如。

    A casing or housing forming part of a vehicle , as .

  23. 一个工会使用集中不同的管理工具?不占用路面的集体运输工具

    Will a guild have several management tools available ? off-road mass carrier

  24. 长管拖车是新类型的压力容器,作为一种高效运输工具,在许多领域应用广泛。

    Tube trailer is a new type of pressure vessel .

  25. 很多年以前,蒸汽船被认为是最快速的运输工具。

    Many years ago steamships were considered the fastest mode of transport .

  26. 美国人把汽车纯粹看成是一种运输工具。

    The American simply regards a car as a means of transportation .

  27. 管道作为基本的运输工具,在社会发展中起着重要的作用。

    Pipeline equipment plays an important role in social development .

  28. 车辆是现在物流的主要运输工具。

    The vehicle is the main transportation for logistics now .

  29. 在中国,自行车是一种重要的运输工具。

    A bicycle is really an important means of transportation in china .

  30. 悉尼大桥可通行各种运输工具——除了电车!

    The bridge caters for all forms of transport - save trams !