
  • 网络transport capacity;Transportation Capacity;transport ability;capacity
  1. 铁路信号科技进步增加运输能力的研究

    Research on railway signal scientific and technical advance raising transport capacity

  2. 应加强铁路运输能力利用问题的研究

    Discussion of Strengthening the Study on the Utilization of Railway Transport Capacity

  3. 在此基础上,本文从三个阶段建立了安全运输能力评估模型,并借助BP神经网络实现了对模型的运算。

    On the basis , model building was operated and based on the BP neural network from three stages .

  4. 运输能力柔性约束的供应链Pareto优化策略

    Pareto Optimization Tactic in Supply Chain with Constraint of the Flexibility of Delivery Capacity

  5. 本研究显示,棉花li突变体的异常表型,包括纤维细胞伸长的早期终止,可能与其生长素极性运输能力的下降有关,其分子机理有待深入研究。

    These results suggest that phenotypic changes in li mutant , including early stop of fiber elongation , are likely related to impaired polar auxin transport .

  6. 4周训练后,各组小鼠Hb增高,提示长期有氧训练有助于提高血液的氧运输能力。

    After4weeks ' training , Hb level in the mice of each group increased , suggesting that long-term aerobic training promotes to improve the transport oxygen capacity . 4 .

  7. 结果表明边果中IAA和过氧化物酶含量均高于中心果。但是离体果柄对14C-IAA的极性运输能力中心果强于边果。

    The results showed that the activity of peroxidases which was higher in the lateral fruits than that in the king fruits correlated with CO2 production of IAA oxidation .

  8. 结论是体育锻炼促使机体保持正常的血浆渗透压、产生更好的酸碱平衡、使PH值调整到理想状态,增强对脂类的运输能力和免疫能力。

    Conclusion : to urge the organism to keep normal plasma osmotic pressure , give rise to the better sour alkali balance , make PH 's value adjust , and strengthen transportation ability and immunity ability to fat to the ideal state .

  9. 一是快速扩充运输能力,预计未来17年铁路要新增营业里程28000km,到2020年全国铁路营业里程将达10万km左右。

    One is to expand the capacities of the railway transportations quickly . It is estimated that national commercial mileage will be increased by 28,000 km and will reach around 100,000 km in 2020 . The other one is to improve the technical level of equipments quickly .

  10. 第五,以WG铁路系统为例,运用数据包络分析法对其运输能力与外部环境的适应性进行研究,并从相对有效性、规模收益等方面进行评价。

    Fifthly , the paper carries on the research of the applicability between WRTS capacity and its external environment with Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), and evaluates the results from aspects like relative effectiveness , scale efficiency , and so on .

  11. 沿海港口城市交通运输能力评价模型研究与实证分析

    Coastal port city transportation ability evaluation mode research and demonstration anlysis

  12. 论新列车运行图对运输能力的利用与加强

    Application and Enhancement of Traffic Capacity by the Latest Train Diagram

  13. 确定露天矿汽车运输能力的新方法

    A new approach to determine the truck capacity for Open-pit Mines

  14. 物流配送中心车辆运输能力评估方法

    Evaluation Methods for the Vehicle Carrying Capacity at Logistics Distribution Center

  15. 线路运输能力发展优化的不定期动态规划方法

    A Method of Nonperiodic Dynamic Programming for Railroad Capacity Development Optimization

  16. 该计算直接涉及列车的运输能力和运输安全性。

    The calculate treats of the ability and safety of transport .

  17. 基于路网的城市轨道交通系统运输能力研究

    Study on Urban Rail Transit System Carrying Capacity Based on Network

  18. 提高工厂编组站运输能力的途径

    The measures to enhance transportation capability in the plant compiling station

  19. 采用高强度优质重轨提高铁路运输能力

    Adoption of quality high strength rails to increase railway capacity

  20. 铁路网络系统运输能力与车流路径模型

    Models for rail network system transportation capacity and traffic pathing

  21. 提高大秦线运输能力的措施与建议

    Measures and Suggestions on Increasing Transportation Capacity of Dalian-Qinhuangdao line

  22. 兰州铁路局运输能力快速扩充的思考

    Thought on Rapidly Increasing Traffic Capacity of Lanzhou Railway Administration

  23. 世界银行帮助中国西部地区提高铁路运输能力

    The World Bank helps China West Area increase railway capacity

  24. 公路交通网特定资源运输能力评估的建模与实证分析

    Modelling and analysis of transportation capacity of specific resource for road network

  25. 市场经济条件下铁路运输能力发展研究

    Study on development of railway transportation capacity under market economy

  26. 提高郴州站运输能力的研究

    Research on Improving the Traffic-Carrying Capacity of Chenzhou Railway Station

  27. 如何提高电气化铁路的旅客运输能力

    How to Increase the Capability of Passenger Traffic on Electrified Railway Lines

  28. 大力发展电力牵引提高铁路运输能力

    To enhance the railway transportation capacity by promoting electric traction

  29. 中国水上运输能力也飞跃式发展。

    China 's water transportation has also developed very rapidly .

  30. 既有线上提高列车运行速度对运输能力的影响

    Effect on Traffic Capacity by Raising train Running Speed on Existing Lines