
  • 网络traffic volume forecast;transport volume forecast;forecast of traffic volume;traffic volume prediction;Travel demand forecast
  1. 灰色预测的拓扑选择在运量预测中的运用

    The Application of Topological Selection of Grey Prediction in Traffic Volume Prediction

  2. 运用灰色系统理论及GM模型拓朴选择,建立了相应的GM(1,1)模型,运用于运量预测,并以港口吞吐量与货物周转量的预测为例进行校验。

    Applying the grey system theory and topological selection with GM model , the corresponding GM ( 1.1 ) model applied in traffic volume prediction has been set up .

  3. 在处理货运运量预测影响因素方面主要应用了BP神经网络算法,同时对预测结果做了详尽的分析。

    BP NN arithmetic be used freight forecast model .

  4. 基于Matlab神经网络工具箱进行港口集装箱运量预测

    Forecasting Container Throughput of Port on the Basis of Neural Toolbox of Matlab

  5. 灰色预测模型GM(1,1)及其在交通运量预测中的应用

    Grey Model-GM ( 1,1 ) and Its Application to Predicting Transportation Volume

  6. 基于PLS的铁路行包运量预测模型研究

    Research on Railway Parcel Traffic Volume Forecast Model Based on PLS

  7. 实证结果表明,采用改进的重力模型比传统的重力模型预测结果更接近实际,可用于铁路行包运输OD运量预测。

    The practical result shows that the forecasted result under the improved gravity model is more close to the true result than that by the traditional gravity model and that it can be used in forecasting the OD freight volume of railway luggage and parcel transportation .

  8. 本文的研究内容涵盖以下几个方面:1.构建了基于数据融合的区域枢纽运量预测方法。

    The regional transportation hub forecast methods based on data fusion .

  9. 一种基于投入产出表的运量预测方法

    A Method Based on the Monetary Input-Output Tables For Freight Volume Forecasting

  10. 灰色理论及其组合模型在交通运量预测中的运用

    Application of Gray Theory and Its Combined Model in Forecast of Traffic

  11. 湘江集装箱运量预测方法研究

    Study of the Forecast Method of Container Transportation Volume of XiangJiang River

  12. 神经网络在长江经济运量预测中的应用

    Application of Neural Networks to Freight Prediction for Changjiang River

  13. 特尔菲法在水运运量预测中的应用

    The Application of the Delphi Approach in Water-borne Traffic Forecasting

  14. 改进的灰色预测模型在过坝货运量预测中的应用

    Application of improved grey forecasting model for freight volume forecast

  15. 集成智能自适应货运量预测算法研究

    Integrated intelligent and adaptive algorithm for freight transportation prediction

  16. 基于动态灰色马尔柯夫链的铁路运量预测

    Railway Transportation Volume Prediction based on Dynamic Grey-Markov Process

  17. 基于腹地集装箱生成量分配的海铁联运运量预测方法研究

    Rail-sea Intermodal Transportation Volume Forecast Method Based on Assignment of Hinterland Container Production

  18. 运量预测是制定规划的基础,合理可行的预测方法是得到较为准确数据的保证。

    And feasible and proper forecast methods guarantee to get more exact data .

  19. 上海浦东铁路集装箱运量预测

    Forecasting the Container Traffic Volume on Pudong Railway

  20. 公路客运短期运量预测研究

    Study on Short-term Highway Passage Transport Forecast

  21. 运量预测的网络数学模型

    Network Model for Freight Volume Forecast

  22. 文章主要探讨了灰色模型在集装箱运量预测中的应用。

    This paper discussed the application of grey system model to forecasting the number of container transportation .

  23. 基于灰色系统的新亚欧大陆桥国际集装箱运量预测

    A Gray Forecasting System of the Intemational Container Traffic Volume on the New Asia European Continental Bridge

  24. 中美集装箱航线运输分析我国主要内贸集装箱航线运量预测

    Analysis on Sino-US Container Transportation

  25. 航段运量预测是制定航班计划的重要步骤,其预测结果是制定航班计划的重要依据。

    Forecasting flight segment volume is important step and forecasting result is important basis in formulating flight scheduling .

  26. 根据有关客运专线运量预测方法,预测北京到上海2012年的客运基线运量,京沪高速铁路建成运营后的转移运量、诱发运量。

    The article predicts the transfer traffic volume and inductive traffic volume of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train put in use in2012 .

  27. 运量预测工作在交通工程建设的前期工作中处于十分重要的地位。

    Fortune capacity forecasting work is in the very important position in the earlier stage work of traffic engineering construction .

  28. 运量预测是进行码头、船队以及相关交通运输基础设施规划和建设的前提和基础。

    Freight volume forecast acts as the precondition and base of planning and construction of dock , fleet and transportation infrastructure .

  29. 长江外贸集装箱运量预测和码头装卸工艺优选

    Prediction of Route Freight Volume of Foreign Trade Containers and Optimization of Loading / unloading Facilities of Wharves along Yangtze River

  30. 灵敏度分析方法在公路交通领域,尤其在网络设计和运量预测等方面得到广泛应用,并取得显著成果。

    Sensitivity analysis has been used in the field of highway traffic , especially in design of network and prediction of traffic demand .