
  1. 最大利润流是以运输利润最大为目标的网络优化问题。

    A maximum profit flows ( MPF ) problem is a network optimization problem aiming to get maximum transport profit .

  2. 但是航运市场的过度竞争,使得航运企业的运输利润出现下降趋势。

    However , the excessive competition in the shipping market , making profits of shipping companies transport a downward trend .

  3. 此外,通过在运输利润分析中增加执法因素,发现影响超限运输执法效果的两个要素是超限检测概率和处罚严厉程度。

    Then , authors added the enforcement factor into transportation profit maximum analysis and found overweight detection probability and punishment degree were two key factors influenced overweight transportation enforcement effect .

  4. 然后,综合考虑运输利润的最大化、运力供给与需求的最佳配置,建立了航线配船的双目标规划模型,并设计了遗传算法进行求解。

    Secondly , in order to maximize the transportation profits and make the best use of fleet , a mathematical model with two objectives for ship routing is established , and genetic algorithm is designed accordingly .

  5. 汽车运输企业利润指标效益系数分析

    Economic Co-efficient Analysis of Profit Indicators for Trucking Enterprises

  6. 本达农的零售商已经同意停止贮藏瓶装水,尽管增加了运输后利润会下降。

    Retailers in Bundanoon have already agreed to stop stocking bottled water , despite the fall in profits that accompanies the move .

  7. 在总结铁路运输企业利润分配管理经验的基础上,结合铁路运输企业生产的特点,提出了走向市场经济过程中,完善铁路运输企业利润分配机制的建议。

    On the basis of summarizing the experience on profit sharing management of railway transportation enterprise , and concerning the features of these enterprise , some advices on how to improve the profit sharing management system are proposed .

  8. 价格是市场营销组合的重要因素,铁路货物运价制度运用得当与否直接关系着吸引运量的多少和铁路运输企业利润的高低,并影响着运输市场营销组合的其它因素。

    Price is important factor of marketing combination . How to apply the price system of railway freight transport directly decides the attracted transport volume and the profit of the railway transport enterprise , also affects other factors of marketing combination .

  9. 但是,由于昂的运输费,利润反而下降了。

    But profits fell because of higher shipping costs .

  10. 座位优化控制是航空运输界增加利润的有效方法。

    Airline seat inventory control is a very profitable tool in the airline industry .

  11. 如果再算上近期国际油价的大幅攀升,估计这些远洋运输企业的利润增速将肯定下降。

    If taking into account the recent surge in international oil prices , it is estimated that these ocean shipping enterprise profit growth will certainly decline .

  12. 成立中国铁路总公司,下辖区域性铁路公司,作为分区运输管理中心和利润中心;

    Establishing China General Railway Company under which several regional railway corporations are to be set up as the profit and transportation control centre of the area ;

  13. 父辈的信仰很不错但是从胡椒,桂皮,靛蓝,的贸易运输获得的丰厚利润也是一件不错的东西。

    The " faith of the fathers " was something very fine but so was the sweet profit drived from the traffic in pepper and cinnamon and indigo .

  14. 超限运输在给运输业主带来超额利润的同时,也把许多外部成本转嫁给了社会。

    Overloading transportation brings in excess profits to the owners , meanwhile causes many external costs to society .

  15. 论铁路运输产品换算吨公里的多品种性&铁路内部运输收入、利润和工资总额分配的理论基础

    On variety of converted t-km for railway transportation products

  16. 集装箱班轮运输市场受外界不确定因素影响很大,班轮运输风险高、利润低,而且集装箱班轮运输市场进入壁垒高、竞争激烈。

    Container Liner Transport Market is greatly influenced by external uncertain factors . The risk of Container Shipping is very high , but the profit is rather low . Besides , the barrier against entry into market is high , in which competition is fierce .

  17. 运输营销预算管理的实施,整合了生产力资源,提高了企业经营管理水平,超额完成了运输利润目标,并保证了运输生产安全。

    The implementation helps integrate productive resources , enhance enterprises ' management level , achieve transport benefits target and ensure transport safety .

  18. 阐述了铁路运输产品换算吨公里多品种性的理论观点,将运输产品在品种上的差异从理论上加以区分,并在此基础上,提出了对铁路内部运输收入、利润、工资总额分配的建议。

    A variety of converted t-km for railway transportation products is described and distinguished theoretically in this paper . Based on the foregoing statement suggestions on internal railway revenue , profits and total wage distribution are made .