
  • 网络operation capability;Operational Capability
  1. 最后结合定性和定量的评价结果,提出了加强航空航天类上市公司资本运营能力的相关对策。

    And finally some related countermeasures for enhancing the capital operation capability of aerospace enterprises were proposed based on these quantitative and qualitative evaluation results .

  2. 提出统一认证平台的下阶段发展的目标及演进步骤,以期对进一步提升福建电信提升综合运营能力提供切实的指导意义。

    This article propose the goal and procedures of the development of unified authentication platform , provide guidance for improvement of Fujian Telecom comprehensive operation capability .

  3. C汽车在近几年针对品牌影响力相对薄弱的地区制定和调整了相应的经销商运营能力评价体系,并产生了一定效果。

    In recent years , C car formulae and adjust the Dealer operational capability evaluation system for the brand influence relatively weak areas and produce a certain effect .

  4. 随着信息化程度,Internet开放性以及信息高速公路运营能力的提高,计算机病毒的传播能力和破坏能力也是以惊人的速度增长。

    Along with the enhancement of the informationization level , Internet openness and information highway operation ability , the propagation ability and destructive power of computer virus are also growing at an alarming rate .

  5. Logit回归模型表明项目选择风险与企业的运营能力和成长能力直接相关。

    Logit regression model shows that the project selection risk is directly related to the operation and growth ability of enterprises .

  6. 研究开发适合EPON网络的网管系统,以增强EPON网络的业务承载能力、提高设备的运营能力,是十分必要的。

    The study and development of EPON Network Management System to improve the bearing capacity of the business and the operational capacity of equipment is necessary .

  7. DF商用车公司借鉴先进管理理念和模式,积极融合与创新,管理水平和效率不断提升,运营能力不断增强。

    The management level , efficiency and Operational capacity of DF Commercial Vehicle Company are promoted constantly by learning advanced management and patterns , integrating and creating actively .

  8. 为增强在IP环境下对多媒体业务的管控运营能力和提供各种新业务和融合应用的机遇,电信运营商纷纷进行IMS的试验和部署。

    To enhance the management and control capabilities in IP-based environment and grasp the opportunity to provide new services and integration applications , telecommunication operators have start the test and deployment of IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem ) .

  9. 企业之所以存在“总裁”和“COO”的头衔,是考虑到了高管层的运营能力。如果你的企业处于高速发展模式,这一点非常重要。

    The titles " president " and " COO " exist to allow for executive-level operational capabilities , which are critical when your company is in hyper-growth mode .

  10. 继而分析了DCT运营能力的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战,明确了DCT的在提升通过能力方面的瓶颈、目标、以及手段。

    Then this paper analyzes the Dalian Container Terminal through to the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , challenges , specifically the Dalian Container Terminal in enhancing capacity through the bottleneck , goals , and means .

  11. 上海轨道交通1号线DC01型直流传动车辆在运行中因蓄电池应急供电后电压跌落,造成辅助逆变器起动失效,从而导致车辆丧失运营能力。

    Because of the falling down of the battery voltage after an emergent power supply in the revenue service , the auxiliary inverter usually failed to start .

  12. 我国商业银行作为金融业的支柱,其经营状况和运营能力,值得关注。

    The commercial banks are the supports of the financial industry .

  13. 仓储企业运营能力评价研究

    The study on the ability evaluation system of warehousing and storage

  14. 城市经营的内容包含城市资本与城市文化,经营实力的提升是通过资本运营能力和城市文化影响力实现的。

    City operation contains both city capital and city culture .

  15. 加强产品管理与运营能力。

    Address on product management and O & M management .

  16. 中小企业信用担保业风险运营能力的现状与对策研究

    The Research into the Problems with and Solution to SMEs Credit Guarantee Risk Management

  17. 郭杰要打造的沃天体育第一个核心能力就是产业运营能力。

    The first core capability Guo Jie wanted to create is industry operational capability .

  18. 风险投资提高了信息技术企业的资本运营能力。

    Risk investment has raised the ability of capital operation of the information technology enterprise .

  19. 如果油价保持在当前水平,可以预计,我们将来的运营能力还会下降。

    If fuel prices remain at current levels , we can anticipate further capacity reductions .

  20. 制造项目网络成员企业的财务运营能力是决定该制造项目网络能否成功的一个重要因素。

    The financial affairs of the enterprise is the important factor for the success of the network .

  21. 民营上市公司的盈利能力、发展潜力以及资产运营能力是造成两者投资价值差异的重要因素;

    Profitability , growth prospects and capital mobility are important factors that make the difference between their investment value ;

  22. 运营能力柔性就能够帮助企业改善管理方式,提高应变能力,增强制造企业整体的竞争力。

    Flexibility of operating ability could perfect the way of management , raise the flexibility and strengthen the whole competition of Manufacturing Corporation .

  23. 民营上市公司投资价值较差的根源在于其盈利能力、发展潜力和资产运营能力较低。

    Factors such as profitability , growth prospects and capital mobility can explain the differences in investment value of state owned versus non-state owned firms .

  24. 从盈利能力、偿债能力、运营能力、发展前景四个方面构建上市公司财务质量评价指标体系。

    The Authors construct financial quality evaluation index system from profit ability , debt paying ability , running ability , and development prospect four aspects .

  25. 内资公司与外资合作能补充内资公司的融资渠道,提高项目管理水平和资金运营能力。

    By collaborating with foreign investors , domestic companies could have more channels of raising capital , improving their management and the capability of capital operation .

  26. 结果表明,主导零售商在进行模式选择时,需要结合自身运营能力,从服务水平和运营成本之间进行权衡。

    Thirdly , the results show the dominant retailers need to make a trade-off between the level of service and operating costs when facing the choice .

  27. 面对资本市场的全球化,企业在激烈的市场竞争中资本运营能力成为其核心竞争力。

    Facing the internationalization of the capital market , the ability of capital performance has become the central competitive power of the enterprises in the competition .

  28. 如何利用营销管理相关知识来改善公司综合运营能力不足的现状,找到一条有利的市场拓展之路成为公司首要考虑的问题。

    How to improve the integrated managing capability with marketing management knowledge and how to find a way to develop market has become a major concern .

  29. 为了更好地提高单线铁路运营能力,就采用计轴技术对铁路单线设站间分界点信号机,实现自动控制的方案进行探讨,使之成为提高行车能力的一种控制方式。

    To improve the operational capacity of single track line , the demarcation signals are set up between stations using axle counter technique , realizing automatic control .

  30. 说明核心利润率和资产报酬率以及净资产收益率较高,但是各项资产的周转运营能力有待提高。

    It indicates higher core profit margins and return on assets and return on net assets . However , each asset turnover operational capacity needs to be improved .