
  1. 而物流营运能力指标、物流偿债能力指标、物流获利能力指标、物流发展能力指标等则是影响物流企业核心竞争力的财务指标。

    The main financial indicators that will influence the enterprises ' core competitiveness include the indicators of logistics operation , solvency , profitability and development .

  2. 最后得出结论:影响财务风险的因素依次是:盈利能力指标、偿债能力指标、营运能力指标、成长能力指标。

    Last but not the least , it concludes that the factors are capacity of profitability index , debt-paying ability or liquidity index , operating capacity index , growing capability index .

  3. 营运能力指标涉及存货周转率、营运资本周转率、总资产周转率、应收账款周转率、流动资产周转率和非流动资产周转率共六个指标。

    Operational capacity indicator relates to the accounts receivable turnover , inventory turnover , current asset turnover , working capital turnover ratio , non-current asset turnover and total asset turnover , total of six indicators .

  4. 其次,本文通过因子分析法对中小板成长性进行评价,计算得分,本文选取盈利能力指标、规模扩张能力指标、营运能力指标和公司现金流量增长能力指标这四个方面来综合评价公司成长性。

    Secondly , the paper adopt the method of the factor analysis to evaluate small and medium board growth , this paper selects company profitability , the company scale expansion ability , company operation ability and company cash flow growth capacity in these four aspects to comprehensively evaluate company growth .

  5. 反映企业营运能力的指标是:全部资产营运能力,流动资产营运能力,固定资产营运能力分析。

    Indicator reflects the capacity of business operations is : all the assets of operational capacity , operational capacity of current assets , fixed assets , operational capability analysis .

  6. 在指标体系中创造性地增加体现企业可持续发展的EVA指标,并使用杜邦分析法综合分析反映企业偿债能力、盈利能力和营运能力的各指标。

    The EVA indicator , embodying the sustainable development of corporation , is added in a creative way , and DuPont Analysis is used to generally analyse the various indicators of the corporate solvency , profitability and operating capacity .

  7. 文章选取的财务指标包括三个方面,分别是偿债能力方面的指标、营运能力方面的指标和盈利能力方面的指标。

    The article selected financial indicators , including the three aspects , namely : solvency , operational capacity and profitability .

  8. 各指标都从不同角度说明企业的营运能力,但各指标也都有其不足,财务报表分析者应注意。

    All the indexes explain enterprises ' operating capacity form different aspects , but each of them is inadequate to some extent , which should be noted .