
  1. 中国电信营销再造研究

    Marketing Reengineering for China Telecom

  2. 宁夏电信有限公司所属的中国电信集团已经开始了营销再造的试点,并取得了一定的经验。

    China Telecom ( CT ), with which NTC is affiliated , has begun to make experiments on market-restructuring , and consequently , some useful experience has been obtained .

  3. 围绕如何增强远达公司核心竞争力,本文从项目驱动式经营过程再造、组织机重组、人力资源重组、市场营销再造等方面,深入地分析了远达公司企业经营过程再造的实现方式和过程。

    Aiming at how to enhance the core competency , this paper deeply analyses the approach of business reengineering in aspects of project-driven processes reengineering , organization reconfiguration , and marketing , etc.

  4. SEM公司营销系统再造

    Marketing System Reengineering of SEM Cooperation

  5. 最后,运用再造理论和方法对SEM公司的营销业务流程再造提出思路,并提出营销组织模式再设计的建议。

    Last , ways and means of marketing process reengineering is put forward , and some advice about the new model of marketing organization is put forward .

  6. 因此,本文以过程型CRM基本原理为基础,分析现有组织结构和信息系统,提出新的结构模式,对赤峰电业局营销业务流程再造进行了初步探讨和研究。

    Therefore , a new structure model is issued to improve the sale business process of the Chifeng EIB by analyzing the organization and IMS based on the principle of process CRM .

  7. 总之营销业务流程再造符合公司和客户利益要求,有利于JTPS公司合理调配人力资源,提高人员素质,更好地为客户服务。

    Business Process Reengineering meet short marketing company and customer interests , is conducive to rational allocation of human resources JTPS companies to improve the quality of personnel , and provide better customer service .

  8. 宿迁市供电公司服务营销与流程再造

    Services Marketing and Process Reengineering in Su Qian Power Supply Company

  9. 首先,主要对营销业务流程再造的有关理论问题进行研究。

    First , It mainly studies correlative basic theories about marketing process reengineering .

  10. 医院市场营销与过程再造

    Hospital Market Selling With Its Rebuilding Process

  11. 第三,针对存在问题,依据营销业务流程再造的指导思想和原则,提出营销业务流程再造的总体框架和再造后的流程;

    Third , the framework of marketing process reengineering is put forward according to the ideology and principle for MPR .

  12. 第四,为对营销业务流程再造的效果进行评价,对实施营销业务流程再造而达到改善营销绩效的作用机理进行分析,由此而构建指标评价体系,并提出评价方法和步骤。

    Forth , marketing performance mechanism is analyzed in that marketing effect need to be evaluated in reengineering . Therefore , marketing performance evaluating index systems is constructed and the evaluating method is given .

  13. 文章以价值营销理论和流程再造理论为指导,首先,分析了高校图书馆价值营销和价值营销流程再造的基本概念;

    According to value marketing theory and Business Process Reengineering theory , In the paper , firstly we analyze the basic conception of the university library value marketing and Business Process Reengineering ;

  14. 为了保证产品差异化战略的实施,苏州中小刺绣企业要从战略实施的领导者、人才策略、创新策略、营销策略和流程再造策略入手,全面提升企业的综合实力。

    In order for the effective execution of product differentiation strategy , Suzhou small and medium sized embroidery companies must not only have good leaders and talents , but also make use of innovation strategy , marketing strategy , and process reengineering strategy to upgrade their comprehensive strength .

  15. 这些营销流程上的问题迫切需要解决,本文就主要针对Q公司的营销流程存在的问题和营销流程再造方案进行讨论。

    The marketing process problems on the issue are urgently needed solving .