
  • 网络Marketing Concept;marketing idea
  1. 在营销理念的指导下,分析了E时代的服务营销组合:员工、服务设施和服务过程。

    Under the guide of marketing concept , the service combination of staff , service facilities and service process in E time are analyzed .

  2. 服务营销理念在无偿献血中应用的效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of Service 's Marketing Concept in Volunteer Blood Donation

  3. 基于非营利组织营销理念的Z学院营销策略研究

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Z College Based on Marketing Theory of NPO

  4. 贵在营销理念&加入WTO企业国际化市场竞争策略创新

    The Important Thing Is the " Market Principle " & Innovation in Competitive Strategy on International Market by Entering into WTO

  5. 客户关系管理的新4P营销理念

    The New 4P Ideas of Marketing on Customer Relation Management

  6. 基于实用高效理念的液压CAD软件设计利用营销理念提高高师物理教学效果的策略

    Hydraulic Pressure CAD Software Design based on the Philosophy of Practical and Highly Efficient The Strategy to Improve the Effect of Physics Teaching by College Teachers through the Use of Marketing Concepts

  7. CRM是一种以客户为中心为核心思想的企业经营管理模式,它首先是一种营销理念,同时也是一种先进技术的集成系统。

    CRM is a kind of enterprise operation and management mode considering " customer-centric " as its core idea . It is first all a marketing idea , and also a kind of advanced technology integration system .

  8. 在保持自身特色的基础上,借鉴4C营销理念,注重发行过程中的营销手段的运用是帮助大学出版社解决目前困境的可行方法。

    The reasonable way to solve the problem is to retain its own characteristics , absorb the 4C marketing idea and make use of the marketing strategy .

  9. 本文从分析eCRM的产生背景入手,指出eCRM产生的必然性:即eCRM的产生是市场环境、管理创新和营销理念改变的共同要求。

    Starting from the background of eCRM 's generation , this theme paper puts forward that the eCRM is the mutual need of market environment , management innovation and sales concept evolution .

  10. 凭借优秀的服务,CDDS已经得到了客户的广泛认可,为进一步巩固竞争优势,应对未来的竞争,将强调客户满意度、忠诚度和内部员工满意度的服务营销理念引入CDDS成为DS和CDDS的共识。

    By excellent service , CDDS has been widely accepted . In order to further consolidate the competitive edge to deal with future competition , DS and CDDS have a consensus on bring the service marketing philosophy which emphasizing client satisfaction , loyalty and employee satisfaction into CDDS .

  11. 结果在无偿献血护理中引入服务营销理念后献血反应发生率由开展前的1.798%下降至0.499%;一次性献血400ml人数占献血者比例由14.878%增加至57.055%;

    Results After applying service 's marketing in volunteer blood donation , the rate of adverse reaction decreased form 1.798 % in 2005 to 0.499 % in 2006.Numbers of volunteer donators donating more than 400 ml increased from 14.878 % to 57.055 % .

  12. 金字塔旅游开发和营销理念的启示

    A Revelation of Pyramidal Exploitation of Tourism and Its Marketing Ideas

  13. 各企业营销理念和方法有待提高。

    The concept of marketing and methods need to be improved .

  14. 第一部分介绍了非营利组织营销理念与博物馆营销。

    The first section mainly introduces marketing idea and Museum Marketing .

  15. 运用市场营销理念在综合医院创办老年护理病房

    Marketing Management to Set up Aged Nursing Ward in Comprehensive Hospital

  16. 浅析小城镇建设中的营销理念

    Analysis of the Marketing Idea in the Development of Small Town

  17. 创新营销理念,拓展企业的发展空间;

    Innovation marketing idea , develop enterprise 's development space ;

  18. 用现代营销理念看加油站的产品策略

    Research into Product Strategies of Gas Station by the Modern Marketing Views

  19. 市场营销理念和销售网络体系在不断提高和完善;

    The market idea and selling network are improving and completing constantly ;

  20. 公立医院和民营医院营销理念的分析

    Analysis of Marketing Conception in State-Owned and Private-Funded Hospital Management

  21. 对番禺房地产商营销理念的剖析

    An Analysis of Marketing Idea of Real-estate Businessmen of Panyu

  22. 目标导向也必须是营销理念的一个组成部分。

    Goal-oriented must also be an integral part of the marketing concept .

  23. 基于市场营销理念的高等职业教育发展研究

    Based on Modern Marketing Concept of the Development of Higher Vocational Education

  24. 红木家具企业应引入现代先进的管理模式和营销理念。

    The company should introduce advance model of management and marketing theories .

  25. 西方餐饮业跨国经营中的文化营销理念分析

    Analysis on cultural marketing concept in western food industry 's multinational operation

  26. 论房地产营销理念与竞争方式

    The Discussion of the Ideas and Competitive Ways of Real Estate Marketing

  27. 有些国际营销理念和国际营销手段都是新提出的。

    Some international marketing concepts and international marketing methods are new ideas .

  28. 全球营销理念下的需求链管理初探

    Initial Discussion of Demand Chain Management with Global Marketing Concept

  29. 战略联盟营销理念的演进分析

    Analysis on the Evolution of Marketing Concepts of Strategic Alliance

  30. 随着企业竞争加剧,营销理念也在不断进步。

    With the increasingly intensified competition , marketing concept is improving Increasingly .