
  • 网络Net worth;capital account
  1. 负债及资本净值总额周转率

    Turnover of total liabilities and net worth

  2. 资本净值与负债比率

    Net worth to assets ratio

  3. 固定资产占资本净值的比率

    Fixed assets to net worth ratio

  4. 债务与资本净值比率

    Debt to net worth ratio

  5. 资本净值与固定资本比率固定资产的账面净值是它的成本价减相对应的累计折旧。

    Net worth to fixed capital ratio The book value of a plant asset is its cost minus the related accumulated depreciation .

  6. 本指望以此过上阔绰的生活,可到头来他只不过是个骗子,而我的资本净值变成了大鸭蛋。

    Finally , after all that high living , it comes out he was a fraud and my net worth was bupkes .

  7. 克拉克对硅谷的那些尽管拥有数十亿美元资本净值却不够大方的亿万富翁同行们持批评态度。

    Clark is critical of some of his Silicon Valley brethren who haven 't been as generous , despite their multibillion-dollar net worth .

  8. 可是,如果我们的资本净值随着股价波动而暴跌,设身处地而言,这样的好机会一多半也是心理障碍。

    But if our net worth has tumbled along with the share price , it may be psychologically difficult to add to the position .

  9. 全球私营部门股本增加,往往会提升几乎所有企业实体的资本净值(以市价计算)。

    A rise in global private sector equity will tend to raise the net worth ( at market prices ) of virtually all business entities .

  10. 当候选人有很高的个人资本净值,比如世界首富卡洛斯斯利姆埃卢(排行11),我们也会将其在考虑范围之内。

    When candidates have a high personal net worth like the worlds richest man , Carlos Slim Helu ( # 11 ) we also took that into consideration .

  11. 所以,利用财务杠杆筹资就要研究财务杠杆作用的限制条件,如普通股资本净值、借款利率的高低、经营风险的大小、现金收支的状况等。

    On the contrary , it can result in difficulties . Therefore , limited conditions of financial lever should be researched carefully , such as common stock net capital , loan interest operating risk and condition of cash flow .

  12. 在解决了银行资本净值短缺的问题后,股本增加将支撑比目前数额更大的银行放贷、提高抵押品(债务以及股本)的市值,还可能重启奄奄一息的债务市场。

    Greater equity , after addressing the shortage of Bank net worth , will support more bank lending than currently available , enhance the market value of collateral ( debt as well as equity ) , and could reopen moribund debt markets .

  13. 今年上榜的美国富豪资本总净值达1.54万亿美元,2006年为1.25万亿美元。

    Collectively , the people who made the rankings released Thursday are worth $ 1.54 trillion , compared with $ 1.25 trillion last year .

  14. 所有者权益一词指的是所有者在实业中的利益和对实业的主张权。业主权,资本和净值都是所有者权益的其它表达方式。

    The term owner 's equity refers to the owner 's interest in or claim upon the business . proprietorship , capital , and net worth are other terms for owner 's equity .