
  • 网络Capital Security
  1. 作为现代金融市场的重要组成部分,资本证券市场以其强大的筹融资功能和对资源配置的优化作用对国民经济的健康发展发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Capital security market , as an important part of the modern financial markets , is playing a more and more important role to the healthy development of national economic with its function of strongly raising money and effectively allocating resources .

  2. 证券法上的证券仅指资本证券。

    " Securities " on Securities Law only point the capital securities certificate .

  3. 上市公司股权高度证券化,其资本证券具有极强的社会流通性;

    The equity of listed companies are highly securitized and negotiable .

  4. 资本证券市场在西部大开发中的效率对策思考

    Thoughts about the Countermeasures to the Efficiency of the Capital Stock Market in the Western China Development

  5. 有价证券包括商品证券、货币证券和资本证券三种。

    Negotiable securities includes commodity negotiable securities , money negotiable securities and capital negotiable securities 3 kinds .

  6. 能增加民间投资渠道,促进资本证券市场的发展;

    Meanwhile it can help the expansion of private capital investment and promote the development of capital securities market and thus avoid the interference of local protectionism .

  7. 资本证券化的出现和深化发展为企业的资产融资提供了一个新的路径,即企业以专利资产证券化的方式来获得融资。

    The capital securities of the emergence and deepening of the development provides a new path for the asset finance business to get in the way of the patent asset securitization financing .

  8. 在全文观点中,对于高校资本证券化、建立新型的股份制高校、以及深化高校体制改革方面的政策性建议都具有相当的参考价值。

    Overall , the author proposed many valuable views in the whole easy , such as college capital stock , establishing the new universities of stock , as well as deepening the reform of policy-related suggestions .

  9. 房地产投资信托在拓宽居民投资渠道、活跃房地产市场、培育和健全资本证券市场及促进社会发展等方面发挥着重要作用。

    It has a very important significance for the real estate investment trust to open up invests channel , active real estate market , cultivate and perfect capital stock market , and promote the development of society .

  10. 资本证券市场的核心在于对中小股东合法利益的保护,股东代表诉讼制度的建立可以为中小股东合法利益提供一道法律屏障。

    The core of perfect capital securities market lies in protecting interest of holders with a small sum of shares . The establishment of lawsuit system of shareholders ' representatives can supply a law to protect their interest .

  11. 上市公司信息披露的目的在于维护证券市场的公开、有效,而资本证券市场的有效是通过信息对股票价格的影响,通过减少信息不对称的状况来反映。

    The object of listed company information disclosure is to maintain the transparence and effectiveness of the securities business , the effect of the capital market is achieved through the influence to the stock price and reducing the information asymmetry status .

  12. 广义上的证券可分为有价证券与无价证券,包含范围广泛,而本罪中的证券,仅限于有价证券中的资本证券,具体分为股权证券与债权证券两种。

    In a broad sense , securities can be classified into negotiable securities and priceless securities . But the securities in the crime are limited to the capital securities which belong to negotiable securities , and classified into stock securities and debt securities .

  13. 在资本证券市场发展过程中,人们需要经常考虑的是如何选择恰当的会计盈余对外披露指标,目前公认的会计准则以及会计惯例会在某种程度上为企业留下很大的盈余管理的空间。

    In the continuous development of the securities market , people often need to consider how to choose appropriate accounting earnings disclosure index , the currently accepted accounting standards and accounting practice to some extent for the enterprise leave much room for earnings management .

  14. 中间业务在现代商业银行业务结构中的地位日趋重要和显著,商业银行经营表外化已经和经营国际化、资本证券化一起成为国际金融业发展的三大趋势。

    Intermediary Operation plays a more and more important and remarkable role in the business structure of modern commercial bank , commercial bank management form the intermediary operation , the internationalized management and the capital stock certificate have become the three greatest trends of international financial industry development .

  15. 我国在加入WTO之后,会计服务市场进一步开放,经济得到了迅速发展,资本和证券市场发展态势强劲,各方面都取得了令人瞩目和骄傲的成绩。

    After our country joined World Trade Organization , the accounting service market is more open to the other country , capital and securities market keep a driving developmental state , every aspect of economy has obtained a attractive and proud achievement .

  16. 国企资本资产证券化相关问题分析

    An Analysis on the Problems Concerning the Changing of State-owned Capital into Securitie

  17. 金盛资本的证券分析专注于中等市值规模的中型及快速成长公司。

    In securities analysis , GC focus on small to mid-cap companies with great growth potential .

  18. 为保持证券市场的稳定,必须建立一个有效的均衡汇率市场形成机制、增强证券市场的流动性和扩大市场容量,以及构建一套完整的国际资本向证券市场流动的动态监控与预警机制。

    And an integrated set of mobile mechanism for supervising and fore-warning against the international capital trend to the domestic stock market must be constructed .

  19. 进而,得出政策建议,我国当务之急是要继续建立健全资本和证券市场,为国有企业融资提供一个良好的环境。

    Furthermore , in policy recommendations drawn , our priority is to continue to establish and improve the capital and securities markets , corporate finance for the state to provide a good environment .

  20. 今人创造和拥有越来越多的财富,而创造和拥有财富的方式正变得越来越不可思议,货币资本的证券化就是其明证。

    Now people create and possess more and more wealth , however , the way of creating and possessing the wealth become more and more unthinkable . The securitization of money-capital is a good proof .

  21. 风险资本融资、证券工具与控制权配置

    Venture Capital Financing , Securities and Allocation of Control Rights

  22. 证券投资就是将资本投入外国证券市场。

    A portfolio investment is the investment of money in the securities of a foreign company .

  23. 在第二章中,应用线性回归的方法分析了国际资本流影响证券市场的一般途径,包括直接和间接的作用机制。

    In the Chapter Two , it reveals the mechanism between the ICM and security market including direct and indirect ways .

  24. 发展证券市场搞活资本流通对证券民事赔偿案件适用最新法律的理解

    Setting Up Securities Markets and the Acceleration of Capital Circulation A Comprehension of Civil Case Indemnification on Securities Markets Suitable for the Newest Law

  25. 较大规模的养老基金,在一定条件下有利于降低资本市场中证券价格的波动性,并与银行机构呈现出较好的互补性;

    Larger pension funds are conducive to reducing price fluctuation of securities on the capital market , and are highly complementary with the banking system .

  26. 近年来,中国资本市场对于证券投资基金风险管理系统的需求日益迫切,主要有以下几个原因。

    With the development of Chinese economics , the demands for Security Investment Risk Management System ( SIRM System ) is growing in Chinese capital market recent years .

  27. 收益现值法作为对资本市场、证券市场最具说服力、最能体现资本未来获利能力的一种评估途径,是西方企业并购评估的主要方法。

    As a leading method in M & A appraisal , the income approach is the most convictive one in western countries which reflects the future profitability of assets best .

  28. 本文认为,我国新会计准则公允价值的应用以服务于资本市场和证券市场为宗旨,不存在显著被用来操纵盈余的迹象。

    This paper argues that the purpose for the application of the fair value in the new accounting standards is to serve the capital markets and securities , there is no obvious signs of being used to manipulate earnings .

  29. 开行开展信贷资产证券化要面临国内法律、会计、税收等方面的诸多障碍,要面对国内不完善的资本市场及证券化本身所带来的风险。

    To carry out ABS business , CDB has to face many obstacles regarding law , accounting and taxation . In the mean time , CDB must also bear the risks arising from under-developed domestic capital market and ABS itself .

  30. 红杉资本发言人以美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的营销限制为由,拒绝就最新募资活动发表评论。

    A firm spokesman declined to comment on the new efforts , citing sec marketing restrictions .