
  • 网络prequalification;PRE-QUALIFICATION
  1. 提出了地铁建设项目D-B招标的方式、资格预审的指标体系和评审方法、评标指标体系,建立了隧道工程D-B招标评标模型。

    It was proposed that the tendering way of Design-Build subway construction project , pre-qualification system of indicators and assessment methods .

  2. 总承包商的选择分为资格预审阶段和评标阶段,本文系统的分析了绿色理念下,资格预审和评标阶段的指标和模型。

    The selection of general contractor is including the pre-qualification phase and the evaluation phase .

  3. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。

    Additionally , most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries , where profits are higher , rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification .

  4. 应用模糊综合评价法,对CM投标商进行排序,提高了资格预审准确性。

    CM Bidders are sorted with the fuzzy Comprehensive evaluation method , and improving the accuracy of prequalification .

  5. 承包商如何做好资格预审申请

    How to Deal with the Application of Prequalification for Contractor

  6. 药品资格预审规划是由世卫组织管理的一项联合国规划。

    PQP is a United Nations programme managed by WHO .

  7. 关于在《招标投标法》中完善资格预审公告的建议

    Proposals for Perfecting Notice Inviting to Pre-qualify in Tendering Law

  8. 建设工程施工招标资格预审方法探讨

    Discussing the methods of bidding prequalification on Civil Engineering Construction

  9. 为什么世卫组织要实施药品资格预审规划?

    Why does WHO run the Prequalification of Medicines Programme ?

  10. 应征申请人应按资格预审文件要求如实填写申请文件。

    Applicants should compile their applying document according to their true condition .

  11. 建设项目施工招标中资格预审的模糊决策方法

    A Fuzzy Decision Method of Prequalification in Invite to Tender for Project Construction

  12. 十堰至天水联络线资格预审对人力资源的需求

    On needs of call wire prequalification from Shiyan to Tianshui for human resource

  13. 模糊综合评判法在资格预审中的应用

    The use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in contractor Prequalification

  14. 药品资格预审规划还为药品生产商和质量控制实验室提供有针对性的技术援助。

    PQP also provides targeted technical assistance for manufacturers and quality control laboratories .

  15. 浅谈如何做好投标资格预审工作

    How to Do Bidding Qualification Pre-check Work Well

  16. 修订世卫组织疫苗资格预审程序的建议

    Proposal to revise WHO 's vaccine prequalification procedure

  17. 潜在承包商和服务提供商的资格预审。

    Pre-qualification of potential contractor and service providers .

  18. 工程项目投标资格预审中财务指标问题研究

    Financial Indicators Study on the Engineering Project Prequalification

  19. 主办单位和征集代理机构将拒绝接收逾期送达的资格预审申请文件。

    Any delayed Prequalification Documents should not be accepted by Organizer or Solicitation Agent .

  20. 逾期送达或不符合规定的资格预审申请文件将被拒绝。

    Any late submission or not in line with the requirement will be rejected .

  21. 到2005年底,用于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的81种药物已经过世卫组织的资格预审。

    By the end of2005,81 drugs for HIV / AIDS had been prequalified by WHO .

  22. 资格预审是建筑工程招标投标过程中的一个重要环节,它决定了承包商能否获得投标资格,是承包商进行投标的关键第一步。

    Construction qualification pre-check is the first key step that the contractors prepare for bidding .

  23. 浅谈公路工程施工招标资格预审

    Qualifications Evaluation of Highway Engineering Construction Bidding

  24. 废除或接受任何申请,取消资格预审和废除全部申请。

    Reject or accept any application , cancel the pre-qualification process , and reject all applications .

  25. 药品资格预审规划的活动以促进药品质量、安全性和疗效的国际药物标准为基础。

    PQP bases its activities on international pharmaceutical standards for medicines quality , safety and efficacy .

  26. 确定参加投标的原则及资格预审编制方法;

    Principles to take part in a bid and methods of compiling pre - qualification documents ;

  27. 资格预审的模糊评审方法

    Fuzzy evaluation method in contractor Prequalification

  28. 药品资格预审规划在世卫组织总部为来自发展中国家国家监管部门的人员设立了一个可轮换的职位(三个月)。

    PQP offers a three-month rotational post at WHO headquarters to national regulatory staff from developing countries .

  29. 每个买家通过资格预审的。

    Each buyer is pre-qualified .

  30. 以世卫组织在其它治疗产品资格预审方面的经验为基础,建立治疗血清资格预审办法;

    Establish a therapeutic sera pre-qualification scheme based on WHO experience in pre-qualification of other therapeutic products ;