
  • 网络Positive cash flow;positive cashflow
  1. 不过这家汽车制造商在最近几年未能创造出正现金流,而且有分析师对未来一到两年的情况也不乐观。

    But the auto maker hasn 't been able to generate positive cash flow in recent years and some analysts doubt it will be able to in the next year or two .

  2. 因此,增加广告,并拓展用户通过该网站购物的途径,应该能让facebook从正现金流发展为盈利。

    So increased advertising , and perhaps ways to allow users to shop through the site , should enable Facebook to move from positive cash flow to making profits .

  3. OneEarthDesigns在今年早些时候已有正现金流,它的下个目标是打进澳大利亚市场。

    Having become cash flow positive earlier this year , One Earth Designs ' next goal is to crack Australia .

  4. 对经营性城市基础设施,由于其本身可以产生正现金流,并且能够产生经营利润,可以通过市场进行资源配置,具体运用时需注意城市基础设施的公共属性并相应做些调整即可。

    The urban infrastructure that has net cash flow and can generate profit can finance enough through capital market just like common company except that it should be focused on its public property .

  5. 大幅上升的毛利率和降低的成本使得公司在每股收益上也达到了平衡(该公司从2008年第4季度起就一直保有正现金流)。由于成本得到了有效控制并且收益一直在增加,其发展十分顺利。

    Thanks to big improvements in gross margin and lower costs , the company also broke even on an earnings per share basis ( SuccessFactors has had a positive cash flow since the fourth quarter of 2008 ) . With costs under control and revenue growing , SuccessFactors has been on a relative roll .

  6. 《洛杉矶时报》称,该行业正处于现金流大幅增长的时期。

    The Los Angeles Times reports that the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow .

  7. 我们在2005年实现正的现金流,收入约5000万美元。

    We got to cash flow positive in 2005 , and revenue was about $ 50 million .

  8. 常规是资产必须产生正的现金流,并不断地增值。

    The general rule is that all assets must generate positive cash and appreciate in value over time .

  9. 现在我们以发展到11.5人,在金融危机的大环境中,今年能维持正的现金流,活下来了。

    Now we have grown to11.5 people , the company is able to maintain positive cash flow in the time of financial crisis , we survived the first year !

  10. 对现金流量表的分析结果表明,亚泰集团的净现金流量非常不理想,能够形成正的净现金流完全依赖于筹资。

    With analysis of cash flow , the net cash flow is not ideal , and true cash flow depends completely on fund raising .

  11. 终极控股股东的控制权和两权分离度与关联交易呈显著正相关,现金流权和关联交易呈显著负相关。

    The control right and the separation between control right and cash flow right present a notable positive correlation with related-party transaction , but the cash flow right presents an opposite correlation .

  12. 坎特指出,美国拥有的资金对于解决这些问题绰绰有余;资产经理正被淹没在现金流之中,他们希望投资。

    America has more than enough money to fix these problems , Kanter points out ; asset managers are drowning in cash that they want to invest .