
  • 网络EXC
  1. 我们所面临的挑战正激励我们为更高的个人素质和更强的自立能力而奋斗。

    The challenge we face calls for a higher level of our personal development and self-determination .

  2. 商业群体与制造业群体双向正激励共生作用和政府开明的政策引导支持是集群发展的动力机制;

    The mutual positive stimulation of both the commercial clusters and the manufacture clusters and support by the local government is the motive mechanism for development .

  3. 具体地讲,就是必须把监管者和被监管者纳入一个系统考虑,综合采用监管的正激励和负激励,寻求系统稳定运行。

    Speaking specifically , we must regard regulators and banks as a system and seek a stable system by combination of both positive and negative motivations .

  4. 一名来自芝加哥的4岁男孩儿正激励人们分享阅读的礼物,此前数千人在脸书直播上观看他一天内阅读100本图书。

    A 4-year-old Chicago boy is inspiring others to share the gift of reading after thousands watched him read 100 books in one day on Facebook Live .

  5. 本文通过分析其特点,以及引入激励机制后对相关行政调控进行类型化的研究,发现正激励的制度建设更适于培养社会认同感,构建低碳社会。

    In this paper , by analyzing their characteristics and introducing incentive mechanism , to find institution building of positive incentive can gain more social identity and structure low-carbon society .

  6. 可以解决激励失灵问题;有利于促进正激励效果实现,克服正向激励不断加大企业成本的弊端。

    It can solve the out of order of incentives and help to achieve the incentive effect and overcome the shortcomings of positive-incentive in big enterprises which increase the cost .

  7. 声誉机制也对代理人有隐性激励作用,建议企业在设计业绩型报酬方案时,将代理人的收益和个人声誉联系在一起,对员工行为进行正激励和负激励,以倡导团队合作和公平竞争氛围。

    Reputation of the agent has implicit incentives . A performance-based compensation plan designed for enterprise should link income and personal prestige . The acts of encouraging and punishing employees can create cooperation atmosphere and fair competition .

  8. 在管理实践中,应该正激励负激励相结合,并体现以正激励为主,负激励为辅的特点,严谨细致,有人情味、有针对性、有较强的可操作性。

    In practice , should is incentive negative incentive , and which are incentive is given priority to , negative incentives as the auxiliary characteristic , careful meticulous , human , has pointed , have is feasible .

  9. 他表示,出售多余碳信用额的机会正激励泰国、拉美国家及中国等发展中经济体的企业,促使它们采用更清洁的技术生产能源。

    He says the opportunity to sell excess carbon credits is giving incentives to companies in developing economies - such as Thailand , Latin America and China - to use cleaner production techniques to generate their energy .

  10. 其次要在辅导员激励上把握正确的原则,主要包括坚持以人为本、科学性与系统性相结合、物质激励与精神激励相结合、适时激励与适量激励相结合、正激励与负激励相结合等原则。

    Secondly , school counselors ' incentive should stick to correct principles including the idea of people foremost , combination of scientificity and systematicness , material incentive and spiritual incentive , timely incentive and proper amount incentive and plus incentive and minus incentive .

  11. 这一部分从正激励与负激励相结合、物质激励与精神激励相结合等激励原则出发,从校园文化建设以及激励制度等方面来增强高校女大学生激励机制效果。

    This section discusses positive motivation and negative motivation , material motivation and spiritual motivation . In order to enhance the effects of the motivation mechanism of female undergraduates , we can carry out the work of female undergraduates from the construction of campus culture and motivation system .

  12. 本文着重讨论了在平稳正态激励下Volterra响应系统的离散化问题。

    This paper deals with the discrete representation of Volterra system excited by a stationary Gaussian process .

  13. 求在平稳正态激励下二阶Volterra响应的最大值分布的两种数值方法

    Two numerical methods of finding maximum distribution of second-order Volterra response due to a stationary Gaussion excitation

  14. 二阶Volterra系统对平稳正态激励的统计响应的表示定理的数学证明

    Math . Proof of Representation Theorem of Statistical Response of A Second Order Volterra System Due to A Stationary Gaussian Excitation

  15. 还正设法采取激励措施,纠正城乡卫生人员分布不平衡状况。

    Incentives are being found to adjust the rural-urban imbalance in staff distribution .

  16. 此外,正是这种激励方案让我们陷入当前的金融危机。

    Furthermore , it is that incentive scheme that got us in the current mess .

  17. 在球队经历了一段低潮后,斯科尔斯相信光明球场的胜利能够给予球队正需要的激励。

    After an uncharacteristic shaky spell of late , Scholes believes the Stadium of Light win could be just the boost United need .

  18. 在你的生命里你必须要有一个平衡,你还必须要有一份对自己的热爱,正是它激励着你,让你在早上醒来时倍感振奋。

    You also have to have your own personal love : what inspires you , what excites you when you wake up in the morning .

  19. 收入分配差距正效应:激励与推动效应、先富带后富效应、兼顾公平与稳定社会效应。

    The affirmative effect of income distribution differences has motivation effect , the richer bring along the less richer so as to keep a fair and stable society .

  20. 正如史密瑟斯所展示的,将创新萎靡、成本削减、股票回购、裁员和降低与新泰勒主义联系在一起的,正是管理激励。

    Enter the zombies . As Smithers demonstrates , the invisible link between sluggish innovation , cost-cutting , share buybacks , the jobs and pay squeeze , and neo-Taylorism , is management incentives .

  21. 1993年的一天,我在白宫。当时,克林顿总统正在读我写的一本关于约翰肯尼迪总统的书,他说正是约翰肯尼迪激励他走上政坛的。

    I was in the white house one day in1993 because President Clinton was reading a book I had written about President John f.kennedy , the man he says inspired his life in politics .

  22. 在激励机制不完备的情况下,激励强度与激励偏差正相关:激励强度越大,则产生的激励偏差越大。

    Under the prerequisite of such system incompletion , the intensity and deviation of incentive are positively correlated to each other & the bigger the incentive intensity , the bigger the incentive deviation caused thereof .

  23. 因此,必须从建立正效应的激励约束机制、再造银行内部经营管理模式、构建社会诚信体系、建立科学的人才机制、提高信息管理水平等方面,去防范和化解信用风险。

    Therefore , the article calls for preventing and resolving the credit risk by establishment of effective incentive and control organism , transformation of bank internal management model , social integrity and trust system , scientific talents organism and improvement in information control .

  24. 正是由于这种激励制度的实施,使得CEO的薪酬与公司的业绩紧密的联系在一起,CEO会为了公司的业绩增长而努力工作。

    Because of the implementation of this incentive rule , the remuneration of CEO can be tied up with the achievements of the company . CEO will work hard in order to raise the business volume of company .

  25. 快乐体验是人类情绪中的重要正情绪,是激励人类积极向上、努力进取的巨大力量。

    Happy experience is an important positive spirit of mankind .

  26. 正是这种愿望激励着麦克唐纳。

    Such is the hope that buoys Mr MacDonald .

  27. 正是这些人激励着我。

    Those are the folks who inspire me .

  28. 其次,本文将简要叙述德正会计师事务所人才激励现状。

    The second , I will describe the present condition of Dong Guan City Diligent Certified Public Accountants .

  29. 正是这些人激励着我人们有时问我总统先生是谁激励着�

    Those are the folks who inspire me People ask me sometimes who inspires you , Mr. President ? .

  30. 再次,本文将对德正会计师事务所人才激励的问题进行分析。

    The third , I will analyze the problems of motivating CPA for Dong Guan City Diligent Certified Public Accountants .